
we r one family!

I wanna do this for a long, long time. I wanna add my bear bear collection into my blog. These are part of my collection, n i din get the whole bear family to snap the family photo cox some are up on the cupboard, wrapped in plastic wrappers n the wrappers were full of dust!
Hopefully next time i'll be hardworking enuf to group all my pals in for the BIG FAMILY PHOTO taking session!

Following is a pic of the wedding bear! My fave forever friends bear!


my siblings!

It'd been quite sometime since my house is this packed again. Lately bro & sisters are all back from uni, with all of us grown up now, sometimes it really seems like my good ol' house is getting much & much smaller to accomodate all of us now. Imagine when we were younger, we used to run here & there playing inside the house, and the house is forever noisy.. be it with happy laughters or angry voices when we quarreled!

With bro & the twins away in uni, and wid big sis married now, the house do seems to be quite peaceful at times. Sometimes mum even commented tat it was hard to prepare meal for juz 3 persons (youngest sis, mum & me)! ;))
Tho the house is kinda packed now, it does feel good having them all back for holidays. We were back to our noisy & crazy laughters days. This is wat happened when u haf too many sisters at home.... we would pry on wat new clothing or accesories each other got, share tales about their uni life, and oso sharing ridiculous jokes and bombard the house with our hysterical laughters. =)
Actually all my sisters (not include bro) had infectious laughters, we owest laugh so hard at even the tiniest jokes!

Last Fri nite, i made konnyaku. Had promised mum tat i'll make konnyaku when i'm free, and wid a lot of ppl in the house now, it's juz the perfect timing to be making small treats for them. Sat afternoon, it was 'sushi making session' for my family. Hee... we had lots of fun, trying to teach my sisters how to roll nice sushi... and wat ingredients to prepare for. After sushi making, we had 'durian eating' session! But tat'll haf to exclude bro, cox he doesn't like durians! *_* "'

Tat nite, we went out for a family dinner at RH Plaza. Told mum tat it was my treat, as i'm earning my own dime now, and i rarely had the chance to treat all of them together. As long as everyone is happy and having a good time together, i don mind. Little Esther went for dinner as well, and tis little baby really like to eat rice a lot. Even before the meal was being served, she was saying her usual "mum-mum-mum" slogan repeatedly, and begging pitifully wid teary eyes for sth to eat! Another 'tham chiak' gal!!! ;))

Tho i'm owest being known as the bad-tempered sis and domineering sis at home, i know they love me very much.... and i luv u all very much too! It's a gift given by God for us to be siblings, and all the hardships we had gone thru together from young til now, reminding us tat we need to cherish our time together even more when we are still able to do so!


durian feast #2

23rd Nov 2006 ~ Thurs nite, and we had a small gathering at mek's place for a promised durian feast no.2 . Tonite was fun.... earlier on i had went to piang's house to pick her and we went shopping at Choice Daily for sushi ingredient. We had planned to haf a sushi making session at her house the coming Sat, so we need to shop for the ingredients first.

After tat at around 9pm, nb came to pick me & piang to go over to mek's place. Her daddy had purposely went to HuiSing to buy durians for kiang. Tho it's juz the start of durians season, n the durians r more expensive, mek's daddy still insist on buying the durians for kiang, since he's back in town. ;))
kiang, u must be very very touched by our sincerity lo. As for nb, tho he doesn't eat durians, he purposely go 'tapau' KFC for himself. hee.... he said we got durians to eat, so he eat KFC. But mek mek oso ask her bf to go ta pau 'sio-bee' and 'ang tau peng' for nb lo.... mek mek is forever so sweet!

The durians tat nite were nice. Look at the size of the durians! So big! The size of a palm.... i din get to eat tat. I wonder who did? Was it nice???? If really tat big, n taste nice n wid tiny durian seed, ONE will be enuf for me! WAH!!! yummy....
^^ too bad peishan wasn't around tat nite. peishan, we miss u lo! tat nite piang miss u like crazy, n she sez she feel like wanna hug u tightly if she sees u lo!


dance Fiesta 2006

18th Nov 2006 ~ Last Saturday nite we had another performance. It was for an event called Dance Fiesta 2006, held at Merdeka Palace, Kuching. The song we used was 'NSync - Dirty Pop'. The event was very grand, with a lot of different groups performing their dance which includes belly dancing, hip hop, and etc. All the gals really dressed up themselves, and everyone looked so elegant...

Everything went fine during our performance... well, not really tat fine. Somewhere thru the ending part of the song, the CD suddenly skipped, and a part of the song was totally lost. Luckily for some real fast reflex from the rest, we managed to response to the unexpected and unavoidable mistake, and still performed til the end. Phew! Though we din managed to stage out wat we had initially practiced for, at least the whole performance wasn't being ruined because of either the faulty CD or PA system.

What we wore tat nite!

We had a lot of fun after tat snapping group photos in one of the rooms tat had been rented out for us to change and to wait for our turn on stage. We posed lotsssssss of silly poses, and laughed so much.... i hope the room was sound-proofed, cox we definately were VERY noisy! haha :)~



It's Friday again, and this week is nearly over. Weekend is coming again... yippee! How time flies! Lately i owest look forward to weekend, because then it's time again to hiaw wid piang. hahaha...

Last weekend was quite a packed one. I had fun, and my weekend was fully used. Wat did I do last weekend???

Sat ~ 4th Nov 2006
Went wid frens to Saberkas Ground Flr. to watch performance by de 2 kuchingites who had previously emerged as stars from de program 'Project Superstar (Msia) 2005'. There were quite a number of celebrities there tat nite; there's Gary from 8TV, Ray from the "Ho Chiak" tv show, and of cuz not forgeting Superstar Ah John, as well as runner-up Vincent. Project Superstar 2006 will start the very next day, and they were hoping more will go for the audition at Harbour View the next day...
8pm ~ We planned for BBQ tat nite at Ah Ma's house. It's oledi 8pm, and most of us are fainting wid hunger and yet we cant start eating first, cox we need to wait for VIPsssssss..... =(
since it's a potluck dinner cum BBQ, we did prepared some food tat nite. Some brought satays, curry, 'popia', sushi, pizza, 'agar-agar',... wat a feast! i made konnyaku!!!
Chatting around, "gossiping", with the kepos from PowerMoves... hahahaaa... oops... It was an after meal chat, since we were too free, nothing much we can do. We were playing around, joking, practice our singing & vocal, practice our acting skills or practicing 'exaggerated' facial expressions, as well as practicing our sense of humours!  ;>
These are the "super-hiaw" frens, tat are experts in posing. Once there is a camera shutter pointing at us, "~POOF~" there will be an automatic pose from everyone. "TA-DA!!"
Sun ~ 5th Nov 2006
Came back home late the nite before, and after my bath it was oledi almost 0230am. Tot i could catch a few more hours of sleep on Sun morn, but nb called early morning, asking me to join the rest for breakfast. I was blur when i answered the fon, not quite understand wat he wanted... haha... i guess nb was too happy coming back from KL, and i know he misses us terribly.
I tot of not joining them for breakfast at first, but since he had successfully disturbed my sleep, i couldn't get back to sleep. So i called back and told him to come n pick me for breakfast too. Went wid the rest to 4th Mile Expert, and i guess everyone can see how lack of sleep i was!
Tat afternoon we went to Star Cineplex for movie. We planned to watch de cartoon "Flushed Away". After we bought the tickets, there were still a few minutes left before the movie. So we walked around Star. Tot of singing a few songs first at the K-Box but it was terribly packed. =(
we saw a really cute hat, and tat hiaw nb tried it on, right in front of the salesgirl. Actually i wanted to try it on too, but don't haf as much guts as he does.
Say MIAW!!!

So "KAWAII!"... miaw miaw.. piang, u wan to adopt tis cute kitten or not??? FOC!
Another exciting scene tat i managed to snap. Atok at the gaming arcade... she was good! nb tried to play too.. but it only took him a few seconds before he ended up losing. Atok was so aggresive.... haha.... but must admit she's really good!


i've got new pillow!

kc, nb & piang came back from Kota Kinabalu last nite. They are really great! they managed to reach the peak of Mt.KK.... something tat will definately be so tough for me. But i'm really proud of ah Piang... wid her condition, she still can reach the peak. She must haf very strong determination in herself! Well done, Piang! Hooray!!!

nb came over to my place after midnite last nite to pass me my new pillow. Knowing tat he had brought the wrong pillow back the last time, siewhung purposely went to buy another Akemi Gingko pillow for me. This time is the correct one... wid the gingko leaves smell on the new pillow. nb said he actually planned to give it to me today, so tat he can use the pillow last nite.... arghh... i don wan my pillow to haf 'tuko' smell boh.... hee....

He really wanted me to have tat pillow, hoping tat it can help to cure my frequent migraines & headaches. So sweet of him, but need to trouble the others to bring such a big gift back for me. KC, nb told me u got 'curi-curi' hug my pillow ar.....
anyway, thanks to all my piggies frens for the trouble, and i'm glad that u all had a wonderful time! How i wished i could had been there!


my birthday 2006

Today is my birthday... how old am i??? 18 forever... wahahaha
Well, though my birthday is today, I'd oledi been celebrating it for the past 2 days. Feel very grateful and really thanks to all my frens around me who luv me so much, as well as those frens who are faraway who tot of me. I really feel special, getting so much attention from everyone. Even when i went to bed last nite, past midnite, i was beaming to myself on my bed. Hee.... so silly!

Birthday Celebration Part 1

17th Oct, Tues ~ As usual i went for my dancing class at PowerMoves tonite. Wah... it was extremely tired, since i think we had been lagging behind, and not really put tat much effort in dancing lately. But tonite was different... everyone was so serious, and the class seems to be packed & lively since we haf 2 newcomers to join us tonite. Though i was really tired, I was glad tat i really exercised cox seldom sweat lately. renhao mentioned tat chikeng is really a good dance choreographer, cox she really pinpoint all the mistakes tat we made, and intend to 'catch' either our extra or lack of movements. Yes, I really admit tat she's good. After class, we had a little bday celebration... my bday celebration, to be more precise... hee.... and they sang me the bday songsssss, i cut the cake & we enjoyed our yummy cheese cake!

I think it shud be New York cheese cake... thank you dearest AH MA for ur effort and oso to all my dearest frens from PowerMoves, and thank you Ah Hian for ur bday wish tat sez "kuai gao zhang da"... haha... if really still can grow, well... i can grow a little taller lo, but i don wan to "zhang da" anymore lo.... i'm oledi very big-sized liao wor... heee... still "zhang da" somemore will be 'giant' lo among u guys!!!

18th Oct, Wed ~ Tonite mum & sis to bring me out for dinner. They wanna treat me for my bday. Actually they wanted to bring me out on 19th nite, but i told them i wont be free. So we all agreed on 18th nite. They asked me to pick a place for dinner, and i suggested the 'chao chu' (fry & cook) at RH Plaza, Old Siang Siang. Went there quite a few times wid frens b4, and it the price of the food was very reasonably priced. Didn't want to make a hole out of mum & sis's pockets, so i really juz wanted sth cheap for dinner as well as a get together wid my family. Actually eating out hadn't been a common practice in my family since young, and only lately when there are lesser family members at home, it'd been easier to find a suitable time for everyone to gather together and to eat outside. =)

Dinner was great, very reasonably priced and wid very satisfactory portion. We had 5 persons at the dinner table, and though we ordered meal portion for 4 persons, it was still quite a lot.

KC is back in Kuching tonite.... and we had all made plans of meeting up cum to celebrate my bday. Piang keep on saying tat she'll buy the 'mickey heads' (sounded like mice heads), and we went to the Taiwan Fried Chicken shop at Green Road for supper. Hee... they bought all the tartlets for me.. which are all so cute, and they sang me bday songs. Had a fun time hanging out wid the normal gang. Mek, nb, piang & KC... thanks for all ur effort, and HUGS... luv u all so much!

I got quite a few 'sms'es from those far from kuching, but still carry me in their hearts. Thanks for remembering & for minding to call. HUGZ.... it really made me feel special, and luv. Thanks emmy for ur wishes. Ur sms owest haf tat kind of 'magic' over my spirit!!!

19th Oct, Thurs ~ BIRTHDAY MORN!!! Woke up smelling some really nice aroma from the kitchen... wat can tat be??? Went downstairs to check it out, and found mum purposely cooking Foochow Mee Sua wid Red Wine for me! She even made hard-boiled eggs for me. Wah... i'm really happy! Thanks so much dearest mummy! Mum said she cooked the mee sua & eggs for breakfast, because i wont be having dinner at home tonite. Mummy is the best! =))
She reminded me to better not 'snail' tis morn, n to get dressed up earlier so i can enjoy my mee sua slowly. Haha.... i did! I rushed to take my bath, dressed up and am ready at 7.20am. I din know i can be tat fast if i really wanted to! Hehe...

Then at work, i received yunnyi's call. I was wondering in bed last nite why hadn't the gals called me. They owest do when it's my bday, and wid them having the heart to call me all the way from peninsular, it really mean a lot. Chatted quite a while on the fon wid yunnyi, and she said hiewming said she'll call me last nite to wish me happy birthday if she had managed to stay awake til midnite. Then tat mean hiewming had fallen asleep... haha... n i asked yi, how about urself le? u oso din call me at midnite, n she replied she too had fallen asleep. haha...
u know wat, i think all of us are getting a bit old liao lo... i don mean age. It's like we intend to get tired so easily, then be forgetful. szehau was even funnier, he was de first to greet me happy bday on 18th... n i replied saying thanks but my bday is on 19th. Wahahaha... n he said he tot tat nite was 19th. Cant blame him, he was on mc but still remember my bday is nearing... hee...

n i went out to pick up sth juz now, sth real sweet & thanks so much for ur effort. Though the journey is far, it hadn't felt tat far knowing ur intention. Thanks... HUGZ...

19th Oct, 1230pm - 2nd part of the day to be continued later...

Birthday Celebration Part 2

19th Oct, Thurs ~ Somewhere around 1645, i got a big surprise. Sylvia called me to go downstairs to pick up sth. What can tat be??? So i went downstairs n found out tat someone had sent me a big bouquet of red roses! Hee... so paisei but feeling very happy too. I never had ppl sending me flowers to my office before and, it was kind of embarassing. I remembered some of the gals in the office did received bouquets of flowers on Valentine's day b4... n it had made me wonder how would the feeling of receiving flowers in office be like? It was sweet, and when i carried my bouquet of flowers upstairs, everyone was commenting wat a nice bouquet it was. =) It was really beautiful, but i did feel tat it must cost a lot as well. I wondered too who can the sender be... but definately, of cuz, the person tat came across my mind was Siewhung. Haha... only he would do such a thing for me. He had juz reached Kuching around 1500pm, and had told me tat he'll be bringing me out for dinner at 7pm tonite.

He brought me to Carvery tonite. He had wanted to bring me there a few times oledi to try out the buffet. I had never tried the buffet at Carvery, and Siewhung had told me before tat it was nice when he went there wid his colleagues last time, and after tat he owest say he'll bring me there to try it's buffet, but for a few times tat we had went there, Carvery was owest close. Tonite, everything was beautiful. The environment at Carvery was fine, and it's food was superb. All the steaks & chops were heavenly. I love the salads as well. Perhaps i had too much meat lately, and i seems to be craving for salads n fresh veges, and the choices at the salad bar kind of satisfied my cravings for veges.

When we sat at our table, i find tat Siewhung was moving uncomfortably. I asked if he'd like to keep his wallet n handphone in my handbag, because i think wid all those bulky things in his pockets, he was unable to sit comfortably. He said it was okie so we enjoyed our dinner. Then halfway thru our dinner, he grabbed 3 small boxes out from his pockets, and place them on the table in front of me, and ask me to pick one. Hee.... there were 2 small black box and a bigger baby blue colour box. No wonder it was so hard for him to sit properly. I picked the middle box, and opened it up. It was a pair of diamond earrings... studs actually. I asked him if i can see wat's in the other 2 boxes as well, so he told me that they were all for me. In the other black box was a platinum chain with an extremely elegant longular-shaped pendant. The last blue box contained a bracelet... he said the lady from 'Lazo' gave him the bracelet for free when he purchased the necklace & earrings, and told him tat beads is in trend now. I took a closer look at the bracelet n found out tat the beads were of uneven sizes and shapes. I told him tat these r real pearls. He said it was Japanese pearls to be more precise. They were beautiful... and very sweet. He helped me to wear the chain around my neck, as i wasn't wearing any necklace tat nite. I had tot of putting on my other platinum necklace, but i changed my mind. =)

See lee 'sms'ed me somewhere during my dinner time, and Seng & Chaiyaw & Hiewming called. The last call was from hiewming, and i had known it was her even before i look at my fon. I knew she'd call, and i kind of sensed tat it was her. haha...
We drove around town, and sightseeing... seems like it had been quite long not touring around town wid siewhung. We used to do tat almost everynite last time, cox it was the only possible thing to do after he is done wid his job. We stopped by to buy some langsat, then stopped by at mek's house. After tat, we went straight home as it was oledi 2300pm and i hadn't cut my cake yet.

Siewhung bought me a blueberry cheese cake from Southern. Blueberry cheese is my favourite cake, but Southern's cake seems to be getting worse. There were actually more cream than cake. My youngest sis & mum & siewhung sang me bday song, and i cut the cake. Then we enjoyed our cakes. I was very, very full then so i juz took a small slice. After tat, we cleaned up and siewhung & i had a long talk tat nite. Hadn't really know how things were going on for him now. He also bought me a new Akemi pillow. It's very hard for me to find a right pillow, because i couldn't sleep wid pillow tat's too high. If the pillow is too high for me, i rather sleep without pillow. The other time i tried the goosefeather pillow at his hotel, and it was really so comfy tat i had such a nice sleep. So he promised to buy me a goosefeather pillow. The one he bought for me was a goosefeather pillow, with ginkgo leaves for therapeutic purpose, as i always have migraine & headaches. But when siewhung took out the pillow, he found out tat the pillow is juz ordinary goosefeather pillow and he was very angry. haha.... he carried the pillow all the way from KK to Kuching, and found out tat he had paid for a wrong pillow... but i told him tat it was alright. The goosefeather pillow was still comfy all the same... so although the price differ quite a lot, i understand his effort.

We looked thru a lot of our old photos, back in our schooldays. It was funny to see how much things had changed and also the ppl around us had changed. I knew the most funny part was when siewhung commented about peishan... saying "huh?? so tis is how peishan looks like previously? so different!!!" I was laughing so loud though it was past midnite then. if peishan read this, she'll put her favourite 'angry-faced' icon here.

I had a wonderful birthday. Feel as if a lot of magic had gone from our relationship due to a lot of factors. But tonite, everything had seemed to be back to how it had once been like for us... bringing back sweet memories. I know how much he is wiling to do for me, and i felt contented n oso feeling sorry at the same time, for all tat i had deprived him of. Hopefully my birthday wish this year will be fulfilled! Last year's bday wish hadn't came true... maybe i was asking for sth hard to be accomplished, but tis year, i hadn't been greedy n i juz made a simple wish. =) Hopefully it will be fulfilled this year!

Memories of my b'day 2006!


burp :">

I'd juz took one&half piece of KFC Hot & Spicy Chicken. Hee... paisei.... actually i shudn't be taking heaty food anymore since i hadn't really recover yet. But i really feel like eating it, and sis oso feel so tempted when i asked her if she's thinking of KFC. so i decided to give her a treat, as well as myself. Hee...

Last Thurs was like hell for me. Haze in Kuching was pretty bad lately, and the weather really cause a lot of ppl to be sick. On Thurs nite i had to ask mum to help me 'gua-sha'... my world seems to be spinning around & around. Having to stare at the monitor at work, really makes me feel even more sick! Well, Mooncake Fest tis year is pretty ordinary... juz like another normal day, juz tat we'd more dishes to eat than usual. Seems like most kids staying indoors, avoiding de haze i guess.

Sat was my final English Advanced Presentation Class.... glad tat i'd scored pretty well for my presentation. =) Proud of myself... if andrea hadn't deducted 5 marks for not informing her beforehand about my topic, i'd haf scored 94%. I had never tot i'd do so well.... haha... for few seconds up in front of the class, i kinda lost my words!

Tis morn I had a SURPRISE! haha.... Early morn i went down to Holiday Inn to get a CD which contain my Cambodia trip's photo from yunnyi's fren, who happened to be in Kch. Then i passed the birdnest tat karhooi wanted to yi's fren, so tat ah yi can pass to karhooi later. After tat piang & me had promised mek to haf breakfast at Kenyalang. Mek said got a place in Kenyalang the kolo mee not bad... so we went to have our breakfast there. After breakfast, we went back to mek's place... then the gals handed me a gift, saying it's my bday gift. I was like "Huh... why so early????"
and mek say... because we r afraid u might wanna use it before ur bday. okie... then i was figuring out wat in the world can tat be???

When i opened my gift, i saw tat it was a photo frame... n it was designed very beautifully wid my fave 'forever-friends' bear bear pic all over, n oso the pic of our geng of frens. I was so touched. Mek is so good at doing all these stuff, nice decorated hand made stuffs, n oso surprises... then i looked carefully again, i saw tat there were money rolled neatly into tiny rolls and oso a voucher. It was a hair-do voucher, and valid only until my bday. So i was thinking maybe this is the reason why they had given me the voucher earlier, so tat i can use it while it's still valid. Then i asked them, so where is the saloon??? How come no address of the saloon???

Mek was giggling while she tell me.... did u see the voucher clearly?? If it's a real voucher, then why r we still giving u the RM280??? Hmm... actually i was thinking the voucher is real, but only a registration voucher, then u still need to pay when u go to 'tat' saloon. How funny my thinking was, but i really tot tat way. Somemore i was thinking too RM280, the exactly same price as the saloon i asked for before.... how come they can get a saloon which offers exactly the same price??? ??? ???

I admit I was real slow TODAY... n blur... n finally when i get the joke cum surprise, i really couldn't stop laughing n beaming all over. I felt so touched by their sincerity... so paisei la, they must be thinking this ah ying, as long as watever we can give her to 'beautify' herself, she'll be sure damn happy! Hahaha...
Luv u guys a lot! Thanks so much for all the effort n the sincerity. U all are the best! but honestly, i really feel paisei lo... maybe i keep on complaining about money lately, and seems like i'm initiating u all wat i wanted for bday!
But really, thanks so much.... luv u all a lot lot lot!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH.... HUGZ HUGZ HUGZZZZZZ............


wat IS tis??

Hey folks!
I got an interesting pic here, and i wanna share wid u all!

Now, what in the world is this??? At the first sight of it, it seems like some sort of a filter from a car, or a car's dirty old parts! But... no.... it's the carbon filter from my house's Amway Water Treatment System and it is shockingly, disgustingly dirty! Can you imagine how dirty our drinking water is? I shud haf taken a pic of the new, clean filter so tat we can make a comparison but too bad, i forgot to. Perhaps the sight of this used filter shocked me... and it really terrifies me. Well, water is supposed to be one of the most important thing for our body, but imagine drinking water as dirty as this! Yucks!

Lately, I'd been slacking behind a lot. The other day i tried to 'on' my Palm PDA, which i hadn't done for quite a number of weeks, and found tat it's battery was flat. So i charged it and finally i can turn it on, but all my data inside my Palm is lost! I rem ppl telling me tat if u didn't use ur handheld for quite sometime, it'll automatically be resetted and all ur info gone! Sigh.... wat had i done???

Then yesterday morn, i finally had the initiative to listen to the songs in my iPod Shuffle, and again amazingly, all my previous stored songs were gone! Kind of rotten luck for me, but again i think perhaps de files inside had been corrupted for quite some time, and i hadn't checked it out for so long. Wat is happening to me??? Even when i wanna synchronize my PDA wid this office PC, i'd fail to do so. I think the settings had gone cuckoo... somemore my combo drive [CD Reader & Burner only, no DVD burner... how sad =( ] at home was spoilt. So i couldn't install de Palm Desktop (for Palm handheld) & iTunes (for iPod shuffle) to my pc back at home, and i only got this office pc here to do everything, but i'm kind of packed with works now... so where got time to re-organise everything???

Sigh... rotten, rotten luck! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..............



Today sucks!
Arghhh... so pissed off! Well, the day started not so fine. I knew i had to send the car over to get the air-cond fix today, n i m wondering how much i will need to spend on fixing it. Woke up quite early, and feel really tired. Sigh... needed RM450 to get the air-cond fix. My heart cried out... cried out in pain. *sob* *sob* so much i need to spend on it, although mum offered to sponsor 50%, i still feel it's very expensive.

Then i went to the Advanced Presentation English class at 1030am. Listening to andrea speaks always delights me. I love to listen to her speak english in such a fluent way. She's a New Zealander and today she taught us grammar. I admit my grammar sucks... and i'd forgotten a lot about grammar once i left secondary school. However, i kind of felt pissed off when i had to do the presentation AGAIN today. We were divided into groups, and somehow i was in the same previous group. Last week, i'd taken the initiative to present when i saw that no one had wanted to make the move. I was hoping after my turn, it'd be someoneelse today but again... no one wanted to do it. And i had to present again. I really feel very unsatisfied, i really, really do!

Stayed at home whole afternoon and read Sidney Sheldon - Windmills of the God or sth like tat, but i haven't finish the book yet. Then i fell asleep til almost 1800. When i woke up, mum told me that the car's lubricating oil almost finish. I MUST refill it today la.. if not mum say the whole engine will get spoilt. Actually i really haf no idea tat u need to refill the lubricating oil. so stupid of me rite... but to me, it's money again. Sigh! Somemore this afternoon received my credit card bill for this month, and i need to pay a lot cox i helped my bro & sis to buy their air tickets last month. Well, i can only ask the money from my sis when she's back in Nov. Looks like this month is going to be even worse for me. As for my bro's, i can deduct it from the sum i gave to mum monthly.

I'd wanted to put aside some money for myself and to get something for myself next month. It's my birthday month next month, and there are some things i really wanted to do for myself. I feel like straightening my hair so much... which costs RM280, and i'd told piang tat day tat i'll try my best to do it before bday. But seems like i'd have to cancel my plan. I need to use tat money to help to pay for sis's airticket first. =(

Piang called to ask me out for dinner tonite. I was napping tat time, and i turned her down. In my mind, it's going to be spending money again, and i rather eat at home. But i'm so bored at home now.... sigh.... met seelee & hiewming on msn. Hiewming said they went to karaoke tis afternoon, together wid yunnyi, then dine at Seksyen17, and will go to watch midnite show 'The Banquet' later. How i envy them.... i'm so damn bored here and i wanted very much to join the gals, but they are so far away. I miss them a lot too, n part of me wish i'm over there working in KL now.... wuwuwuwuwuuuuuuuuuu.............

Seelee juz told me tat her housemate went for LASIK. It costs her RM6k... tat's a lot. That means i will haf to save even more if i really wanna do LASIK. Each and every dream of mine seems to be so far, far away.....


$$ M-O-N-E-Y $$

How come everything need to be so expensive? Jess juz came to office juz now, cox she's on half day leave today. Now I'd juz received their invitation card. Yes, i am very happy for them. Their wedding photos are so nice, and their invitation card is nice too... and most important of all, they both are very happy!

When i asked how much did her wedding album costs, it almost reach RM5k. I nearly fainted.... it is so expensive. Well, Jacky Studio is so well known of its quality photo, as well as the photographer's 'temper'. People say that wedding is one of the happiest event that can happen in one's life. But all this costly arrangements juz in order to get married, can as well pull one's mood down.
Everyone around started discussing how good the photos are, how much they had spent to get all this done, why Jess had informed us so late, and how some ppl feel negative about her being secretive concerning her wedding.. and in the end, when am i getting married. I got a warning from my colleagues though, never to hide any wedding arrangements like what Jess did.
Well, actually i kind of know she is getting married this year, but it's just tat i hadn't tot it'd be so near! That day when i kind of tricked her into telling me if she's getting married this year (being the usual 'monkey-minded' me...), I felt a mixture of feeling deep inside.

As a fren of cuz i'm very happy for her & Jong, but in the end it made me think of myself. At time, i feel tat i'm aging & i shud get married soon. Sylvia told me juz now tat for my case it's like 'she heard footsteps walking down the stairs, but the person never came down'! Hard to interpret eh.... why, yes, i'm the unusual one.... i do feel tat i hadn't much time left, but it's the feeling of whether i really feel like tying the knot tat matters.

I do dream of a perfect wedding, and of cuz tat does not exclude all the stuffs tat u'll need to haf like wedding photos, dinner, honeymoon.... the list goes on, and at the end of the day, it juz total up to one thing... MONEY!

How nice if one can be happy and contented without having to worry ever about money. It seems to be hard for everyone to be threading on such a path these days. Sigh!


pig-ing out!

Over the weekend, we had been pigging out. Once Dr. KC Lee is back in town, we always get to eat non-stop. I was amazed too at the state we pigged out.... we had a lot of food, and a lot of different food. Practically, it was only food, food, and more food if you have KC around.

Sat morn we went out for breakfast at 7th mile. KC came pick me, Piang and Yiengyin wid his mum's new Myvi. Off we went to 7th mile, and i finally got to drink the 'teh C peng' Special which i missed so much. I ordered pan mee, and the rest had 'chao chai beehoon'. After tat, i went to attend my Advanced Presentation Skill class, and the class ended at 1330. Was so damn sleepy....
Promised Piang & KC to go shopping wid them tat afternoon. So we went to town and the 2 of them accompanied me for my lunch at KFC. Well, though it was oledi 1500, but it was still considered lunch for me cox i haven't eaten anything since breakfast. After KFC, we went around shopping and tat hiaw hiaw piang bought a new pair of heels. At around 1730, we went to Kenyalang n had ice cream. Actually we wanted to hunt for durians, and ended up sitting outside the shop selling Frosty Boy icecream. So i called mek and asked her where can we buy durians in Kenyalang since our dearest doc was craving for durians for so so so long! Mek mek said she can ask her dad to help us to buy, so we juz need to go to her house later tat nite to haf durians feast. Wow! mek mek... "ni shi zhui hao de, ni zhi dao ma". KC asked us to accompany him out for dinner tat nite, so we choose to dine at one of the stall at RH Plaza Siang Siang where we can order dishes. Tat nite we had peishan, tnb, aiwei, KC and me. Food we ordered -> butter squid, clams, steamed 'tapah' fish, sea cucumber soup, midin wid red wine, & BBQ chicken wings. After our dinner, off we went to mek's house to enjoy our durians. Her dad is really an expert in picking durians... the durians tasted so nice. I wonder too if it was because we had so many ppl around to fight for the durians. Hee... but poor mek was sick, so practically only some of us, few of the piggies, were feasting on the durians. I was so so so full tat nite.... i tot i could haf exploded!

(S***! -17/09/06- it's practically one week after i wrote the 1st part of this blog. Stupid streamyx connection n i couldn't had continued wid tis after the connection had gone back to normal! Juz hope i still rem the pigging out session wid KC!)

On Sun, i only went out wid KC after dinner tat nite as his mum cooked his dinner at home. Well, we tot of going pubbing, but wid piang n peishan along... hmm... seems like there need to be sort of change of plans! Those 2 r angels lo.... so cannot bring them to devil's nest! So we went to Parkson n help KC pick a shirt. Tis guy having the privilege to shop in Spore but still ended up shopping in Parkson Kch, he really does not fit living in Spore!
After tat we went for supper at Jln Song Peach Gdn. I accompanied KC to drink Heineken lo, since we cant get hold of any hard liquor which would had been his 1st choice. We ordered rojak, 'BBQ sotong wid sambal' & satay. Beer tat nite was great for me. I'd an enjoyable time drinking wid him, tho i wish shan & piang would've join in too.

On Mon noon, KC came to pick me out for lunch. We went to look for piang & went for Bak Kut Teh at 'Grandma's Place'. Wow... after the bak kut teh, i kind of felt sick. Too much heaty food wid KC & i think my body was starting to get sick. It rained really heavily tat afternoon. Tat nite we planned to go eat crabs wid KC. He was craving for crabs... n we MUST teman him to eat. If not, later he go back to Spore, but still think of crabs n cannot concentrate on his exam. So i called Hai Pa Wang tat afternoon n told them to reserve 2kg crabs for me. No matter wat, 'wind or rain', me MUST HAVE CRABS tat nite. Tat nite we ordered baked crabs, fried crabs wid eggs, drunken prawns, 'ma li chai', black pepper ostrich & salted vege wid taufu soup. I couldn't eat tat much tat nite. My throat was starting to get uncomfortable. Mek was sick too. Then if only depend on pei shan & piang to eat, i think the food was way too much for them n KC's aim was to go for the crabs, hmm.... but i guessed KC enjoyed the baked crabs a lot. After tat we went to Room 205 for a drink. Well, we were really very full but that's how pigs are lo... they never stop eating or drinking. We had Ice Blended Chocolate, Choc Milkshake, Mango Smoothies & hot Hazelnut Latte. Sigh.... wid KC back in town, no diet plan will work out for me.
Let me share the photos of the crabs here!


post performance

wow! it'd been a very packed week for me. Merdeka Day is finally over, and so had our performance on 30th Aug nite as well as tonite's dance. Hadn't had anytime at all to blog here... well, tonite's dance is finally over... phew.....

On the eve of merdeka, we performed at Kuching Waterfront and were on the stage when the countdown began. After our 'sketsa tari' everyone was drenched in sweat, even the ministers gave us disgusting looks, disbelieving tat we were tat hot! Well, try putting them in thick clothings and asked them to jump here n there on the stage wid those blazing spotlights right in their faces!

I got to dress up as an Arabian lady, and oso as an IPT (Institut Pengajian Tinggi) student. As for the lantern dance, needless to say, i'd to dress up in bright yellow, cute chinese costume.

We had thick make up on tat nite, and luckily we were there early and we got each other to help to 'paint' our faces.... if not, i think my face would haf ended up being painted wid messy colours!

Tonite was fun! We dressed up as ghosts for our performance tonite. I was wondering why do we need to dress up as ghosts for the Maybank dinner, and i finally understood when i saw that the theme for their event tonite was 'Horror Nite'! I was so impressed cox everyone really put a lot of effort dressing up themselves as ghosts n ghouls n monsters n spooky creatures.... even the waiters dressed up as ghosts!
I saw vampires (all different races of vampires - dracula, 'pontianak', 'kiong xi'), witches, mummies, zombies... oh ya, i din managed to see if anyone dressed up as werewolf. I think no one tot of tat! hehe...
I dressed up too, more like a zombie + beggar as my clothes were torn n smeared all over.... well, if i can get hold of any photos, i'll post it here right away. It was fun when we dressed up, we couldn't even recognise each other.

Let's juz hope i can get hold of my photos fast... i wanna share it wid all of u!



Past weekend can be considered as quite loaded for me, basing on my current personal schedule. We had planned to make Sat as our "sushi day" since we are all longing for some different type of activities.

Went out wid nb around 1115 to shop for the ingredients tat we'll need to make our california maki. We went to Choice Daily and got quite a lot of stuff... nori sheets, aust carrots, cucumbers, sausages, eggs, mayo tuna, mayonnaise, crabsticks, some potato chips.... namely 'Oregon Fresh' & 'Cottage Fries', and also a can of cocktail fruits & a bottle of Sprite which we later bought from Upwell, cox Choice seems to run out of Sprite.
While waiting for tan ah piang to finish her training, nb & i went to Kaya&Toast for light lunch. Well, i had kaya toast while nb ordered 'cai kuih'. Finally we decided not to wait til piang finish her training, cox there's so much we can actually start preparing while waiting for her. So we went to her office to get her house key from her.

Whole afternoon we were there, making california rolls. nb mixed the cocktail fruits & Sprite for our drinks. We had a great time... though it was only me, piang & nb. When the maki were ready, we invited piang's neighbour, jonathan, over to enjoy the maki together wid us, while watching Aeon Flux.

Piang asked me to accompany her Sat nite since she was alone at home. So i decided to overnite at her place, and oso bring her out shopping so tat she can get some food to bring the next day when she go hiking. I brought some of my stuffs over to her place, and i oso brought 'Jack' along. We went shopping and i kept on feeling very cold tat nite. Had a sudden craving for hot mushroom soup since the weather tat nite was chilly.

We cooked mushroom soup & added golden needles mushroom in it. Piang made me hot sandwich which was superb, with tuna & oso sausages. Din took dinner actually, after eating all those maki, so was feeling kind of hungry around tat time, so supper was great. After tat we watched 'Click' and the movie was good... full of laughters as well as touching moments.

I had a good rest over at piang's place tat nite. Perhaps the weather was chilly & i felt really comfy snuggling underneath the warm blanket, while hugging 'Jack'. Luckily i brought him along... normally i'll need sth to hug when i go to bed. Enjoy all the photos of our hand-made food here. Tho i really do wish tat more ppl could have joined us, but anyway... since we dont really haf much ppl around nowadays, sigh!... i guess we'll juz haf to bear wid it. However, i'm really grateful tat i still haf nb & piang around. I love u guys so much... thanx for accompanying me. HUGS!


thanks 4 loving me

Lately i feel very lonesome, and i feel very empty. For the whole of this week, actually i was very free. There wasn't any practice scheduled for sketch tis week, and i only went for chinese dance class on Tues nite. Kind of miss modern dance a lot, cox we have not been having modern dance practice since we started practicing for de National Day programs - de chinese dance & oso de sketch. But 'ah ma' juz told me tat we'll haf modern dance practice tis sun noon, cox everyone miss the class a lot besides me! She was asking if my foot is okie now, n if i rest somemore... but i replied her immediately saying i'll be there this sun to dance wid the rest. Guess i've kind of starting to feel comfy dancing in the midst of my dancer frens now... when i juz started, i remembered i'd felt so akward.

I was feeling so down... even feel too demotivated to 'jot' down my ongoings here. The truth is i am very blessed. In fact, i tend to realise i actually have a lot of people around me who loves me a lot. Lately, i started to realise how much my mummy loves me. Last Sun, she knew i was bored & frustrated. I juz don seems to really wan to talk to anyone, and i feel like indulging in junk food. When we went out to get lunch, i told her i wanted to go buy coke & snack... and immediately mummy say to stop by at a department store so she can buy some stuffs, and oso get me coke & keropok. So after lunch, i juz sat in front of the tv to catch my fave series CSIs from 1200 til 1500, while indulging in my junk food.
Actually i do know mum care for me, maybe even more now... n she even buy me cup noodles for me to bring to office, juz in case when she doesn't haf time to prepare lunch for me to bring to office, i can haf some alternatives if i don't feel like eating out. In fact, i feel it's hard for me to be eating out wid others now... i juz dont feel like going out wid people most of the time.
Juz now when i follow her to supermarket, she oso tends to load her shoppings wid more of my fave stuffs... icecream, keropok, vitagen... yummy...

Tat day when i told mum tat my colleague commented about my health, & tat i need to take more veges, mum was so worried. They say i owest eat meat and seldom eat veges... actually i do like veges. Juz tat most of the time the food i bring to office for lunch are leftovers, and normally we don leave cooked veges overnite. So ended up, i seems to be lacking of veges for lunch everyday. When i told mum wat my colleagues say about me having the risk of low oxygen supply to my brain, mum immediately insisted i bring veges to work everyday and no more meat. She'll cooked the veges every morn for my lunch, and the very next day she really cooked greenies for me to 'tapau' to office. Actually i juz don wan to trouble her, but i know i'm not categorised in the healthy group, and mum really juz don wan someone dear to her being sick again.

Juz now i told mum, i wanted to eat durian a lot. Had been craving for it since i'm back from KK, and though he promised to buy me durians, he never did. :( When i tot tat durian season might be over oledi, i felt kind of sad. But tis afternoon, i saw ppl selling durians by the roadside... so i was trying to brainwash mummy to go buy durians tmr. Then amazingly sis & bro-in-law came around 2130 and they bought durians for me! Wow.... seems like they heard my cravings.

i owest feel i did not do enuf for my family, especially my mum. i was owest busy wid my own stuffs & more occupied wid frens. now i feel quite guilty as i know tat the ppl who love me most are still my family. today, my pet rabbit died... mum was sad tat de rabbit is gone. since esther came to our family, none of us actually have any free time for him. everyday we juz fed him all the same. I guess the rabbit died of old age, but mum was sad all the same. I saw her shed a few tears while we were watching de 1900 movie, and she told me no wonder she felt uncomfortable for the whole day like sth wasn't rite. She kept on sighing and shaking her head.
I din not cry for the rabbit. I was never a person made to keep pets. In my mind, it'd died because of old age. Moreover, it's lonely n lack of attention. Maybe, death is still de best for him. I'll miss him tho... but i assume i hadn't done enuf for him when he's around, if it'd left to find a better world for himself, i'll have to let him go. Farewell black rabbit...



12th Aug - it's Saturday again! Tis morn i woke up quite early. I had a date wid mek tis morn, so i need to wake up at 0730 to get ready. Mek promised to accompany me to find treatment for my foot. Actually i had been limping around for more than one week now... and after each and every practice last week, my foot owest hurts. After the rehearsal on 3rd, i think i had accidentally sprained my ankle in someway or another, without me realising it, or maybe cox i'd skipped warming out tat day. And after every practice last week, i came home n urut my foot myself using ubat urut. And finally the swell became worse, and i really wan my foot to heal soon. Hadn't been able to dance properly for more than a week now, and whenever i went for practice, i need to wear my ankle guard so tat the pain can still be bearable.
I do know i shud let my foot rest, in order for it to heal completely. But i do not want to be absent for any practice, because it's going to affect the reputation of our dance centre, and since chinese in the practice are already the minority, i do not want to put the rest in a difficult situation. Somemore, no one can accompany me to go to 'tukang urut' and i felt so pathetic! :(

Yesterday i finally asked mek to go wid me. Since it's Sat, and i think i can rest over the weekend, so i made up my mind to go. Luckily mek had promised to go wid me, cox if not, i would not have been able to find the place cox i'm really not familiar wid Chawan Road. A colleague recommended me to go there, so i went. But we were too early tis morn and we reach around 0900... and the apek wasn't at his fruit stall yet. So off we went to King Centre to share a bowl of laksa and drank teh tarik peng and teh c peng! Both me n mek had oledi had breakfast actually, but being the 'tham chiak' me, i asked her to share laksa wid me again! Hee....
After laksa, we went back to Chawan Rd. and finally the stall had opened for business. The apek say per treatment he charges RM20, and i say okie. i'd oledi tot of giving him RM20 n had prepared RM20 in an ang pow packet earlier on...

so the torturing moment began... i guess mek must feel funny looking at all my weird expression of pain then. I was gripping the chair i was sitting on, when the apek tried to pull my 'urat' back to the actual place. wah lau... wah piang does it hurt! Luckily the chair din break under my grip... but i din pull my hair la! Imagine trying to pull my own hair out! hahaha.... tat would haf been lots funnier! After apek finish, which is only a few minutes... and he say urat back to normal place liao.. i was like "huh??? so fast 'kau tim liao' "... then i tell him the other leg oso hurt a bit but not as bad, so apek 'torture' my other foot again! But really better after the urut lo.... and i can even walked faster when i tried to cross the road to get my car. Mek was so worried cox i was the one driving, but i drove mum's auto-gear car... and if i couldn't drive back after the treatment, she'll haf to learn how to use auto-gear car under my supervision today! but luckily, i still can drive!
Then i went over to mek's place, and look at her photos which she took wid her parents n bf in Macau, and HongKong. Wah.... vacation.... i oso wan!!!

Later in the afternoon around 1430, piang 'sms'ed me to go pc fair n McD. Told her i wanna go McD, but not pc fair. So she came over, pick me up and we went to McD. before tat we went to pharmacy to get flu medicine for tnb. Then we went to McD and bought 2 set of McValue meal "L"arge takeaway and one choc sundae! One set of Grilled Chicken Foldover, and another set of Big Mac. Had been longing for fries n coke for quite some time n finally wah... i can satisfy my cravings! Then we went over to tnb's place, and watch tv while enjoying our McD. nb said he was very full, and he don wan to eat, but me n piang say the McD were for us, not him. We only buy him the medicine, so don worry... he doesn't need to eat. As usual in the end, it was him tat ate the most. I only managed to finish half of my Big Mac, and Piang half of her Chic Foldover, and the rest tnb sapu! so who ate the most???

Tonite actually i'd planned to bring mum to Kuching Fest. She wanted to go very much, and i know she was very happy when i offered to bring her there tonite. Sigh! However, in the end we had to cancel the plan cox the haze was quite bad in the evening. When we left from tnb's place, the haze was everywhere. Piang mentioned tat it wasn't safe to bring baby out, and she was right. I hadn't tot of tat had she not mentioned it to me. since if i am to go kuching fest wid mum, sis will sure wan to go along and then of cuz baby esther. So because of esther, we all decided not to go. Maybe some other day when the weather is better. Really scared of the haze, and oso HFM disease lately. since babies and young children have weaker antibodies compared to us, we really need to be aware of their safety and health.

So in the end, i ended up typing out all these in my blog tonite. i'm bored!


more WoOF or MeW??

Dear friends,
So are you More Cat or Dog???

Piang gave me this link, http://www.blogthings.com/areyoumorecatordogquiz and i tried it out... and the results TA-DA... she was correct! Would you like to find out if you are a cat-person or a dog-person?? Do try this out and post your results in my comment link if you don't mind to share!

This is the result i got:-

I am: 20% Dog, 80% Cat

You are are almost exactly like a cat.
You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.
And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!

Well, yes... i definately won't fetch the paper for anyone unless for my mum or for any other ppl who are not capable of doing it! So remember not to try pointing ur fingers around me, asking me to do any chores! I will only do it if i feel like doing it! Hee...


...at kch fest!

last sat morn, i asked the rest to go out for breakfast. Feel bad cox i hadn't had any time to meet up wid emmy yet since she's back frm KL n she'll be leaving on sun. even when i'd already promised them to go to Kuching Fest together wid them on fri nite, i had to aeroplane them last minute because of practice. Mi, i haven't even met up wid the rest since i was back from KK.. so really sorry tat we hadn't had much time to catch up.

We went to bormill, and the rest had managed to turn up too for breakfast tat morn. Other than Mi, we had piang, sockhui, leeching, nb n mek!
Wow... seems to be quite some time tat we gathered together... oops... i mean seems to be quite some time tat i gathered together wid u all! We had kueh chap, laksa n oso popiah! After breakfast, we went home... except for piang, sockhui n leeching who went out to hiaw, and nb went off to work. Well, after sending emmy home, i went back home to sleep til 1330. Din feel like going anywhere cox i was lazy to drive, and somemore i miss esther a lot. Hadn't really have any time to play wid her lately, so i was hoping tat she'd be at my home on sat morn. Yes, esther was home when i got back. She was sitting in her baby pram beside sis, while sis was playing the piano for her. She seems to like music n melody a lot, cox she was being a good baby and enjoying the music without making any fuss! Normally she'd be climbing all over the place oledi!!!

I woke up at 1330 to have my lunch. Mum n sis 'ta-pau' noodles for lunch. After lunch, i juz sat in front of the pc and continue wid my 'Diner Dash2' game. Met peishan n tnb online, and we chatted. Nb asked if i'd like to follow him to Kch fest tat nite, and help at his stall. Piang had earlier mentioned to ask seng & daphne to drive us there if those 2 wan to go paktor at kch fest. since i have nothing to do at home, i don mind going earlier wid nb so piang n I decided to follow tnb there at 1730 instead. It's kind of early, but since he needs to bring those frozen prawns over for his customer, so we need to be early.
Talking about the frozen prawns, they were so damn heavy! He brought 2 boxes there, and he carried one, and left the other box for me n piang. Both me n piang carried the box but we never managed to reach his stall! All along the way, we placed tat heavy box down n rest, wiping sweat, then re-continue wid our journey, then stopped n rest again and finally we GAVE UP! Piang called nb to come back to carry that heavy box for us! Wat a torture! haha...

I found out tat nite i really wasn't made to be a salesperson. I find it really hard to approach other people, and even when any other salesmen trying to approach me while i was looking at the cars exhibited or those other salesmen who was trying to sell their product, be it credit cards, insurance, some cool gadgets n bla... i'd have purposely avoid any contact wid them and drift away as far as i could! Piang explained tat i was a 'cat person' more than a 'dog person'. Hmm... wondering wat she meant n she explained tat 'cat person' are more reserved. 'Reserved'... hmm... tat word seems to suits me a lot. She added tat normally 'sad' and uncontented people are more reserved. oopss... :(

Sigh! Guess you all can never imagine how embarass i felt when i really couldn't help nb much at his stall. While he n piang were busily shouting for 'tauke' and 'tau-ke-nio' to buy the food they sell, i was hiding inside the stall. Somemore being so in the way because the stall wasn't very big, and the workers had to carry stuffs around. WHAM! Felt so 'pai-seh'... and nb even joked and said tat he brought a 'flower vase' there tat nite! (flower vase because they are only meant to be displayed as ornaments, but not of any other use!)
How i hope Seng & Daphne will arrive sooner. hee....

Well, piang did offer to accompany me to go around, but i said no, cox she was doing a really good job, helping nb and i want business to be good for them too. When seng & daphne arrived, the search for seats & table began. Seng complained why hadn't me & piang reserved any seats for them since we were there tat early. Ahem... actually i had never tot of it! But it was really so packed tat nite, and almost impossible to get any seats had it not been for piang's thick-face! We tot tat since we need to wait so long for table, why dont we juz get a table near nb's stall n while we r enjoying our dinner, we can feed him once in awhile while he works. Okie... so we scanned for available seats outside his stalls, and finally we targeted at a table where a group of apeks where dining. piang purposely go and smile at the apeks' and i think it made them feel uncomfortable sitting there too long with us waiting around, and wid piang keep on smiling at them!!!

haha... finally we got a table. We had a lot of food tat nite.... we had 1/2 of a roasted duck, taiwan sausage, fried ice-cream, chic drumsticks, pastries, ice-cream & fruits. Did i miss out anything?? We fed tnb once in a while, and he was happy cox there were so much food for him. His mouth never rested tat nite, if he wasn't shouting to attract customers, he was busy chewing or drinking! About 2200+, nb finally sat down to rest n chatted wid us. Well, we drank 'liang-teh' and it does help because weather was so hot and a can of carlsberg was great!
After tat we went to Petanak to look for emmy. It was oledi 2300+. Actually we all were very tired then, so we only stayed a while and chatted wid emmy before we need to send 'cinderella' back home before 12 midnight!


fortunate luvbirds!

i'm halfway eating my lunch while blogging at this very moment.

lately the microwave in the office pantry is in high demand. Lots of colleagues seem to start bringing their own food for lunch. Even when u need to reheat food, will also need to wait a few minutes before it's ur turn. well, wat has tat to do with lovebirds???

actually there are a lot of couples in my office. recently maybe there's a popular trend which is to eat together cum dating in the office during lunch hour. haha... why fortunate??? well, all the galfrens will prepare dishes for 2 at home in the morning, packed into containers, and then reheat during lunch hour, and lunch together with their boyfrens in the office. Sigh!!! how fortunate their boyfrens are!

actually i'm fortunate too... cox mum purposely cooked baby sweet corn, wid french beans, plus carrots and meat; and prepared rice for me to bring to office for lunch today. Juz tat i have to eat alone...
cant even finish my rice though i oledi reduce the quantity i brought today. maybe lack of appetite. sigh!

if i haf a bf who is oso my colleague, i doubt if i too would wake up early in the morn to prepare lunch for him. maybe i'll be eager to do tat for 1-2 weeks... and after tat, i guess my bed seems to be more comfortable than the kitchen. Even when i went to KK tat time, he purposely haf to rush back to hotel and 'ta-pau' KFC for my lunch while i was still lazing around in bed! Other ppl's boyfren are way more fortunate than mine. I seldom put in any effort like them in trying to make him feel fortunate. I remembered i once used to do that back in schooldays, where i'll bring him food during recess time if i could, and hid it in his drawer juz in case other classmates spotted it. Those were the days when everything was still so sweet... or maybe when i know myself very well back then.

Where had those days gone to???

I juz dont have the heart to do anything now. Even when someone called me last nite to ask me for lunch today, or tmr, or on any day tat i'll be free; i'd rejected the offer as i know i have no heart to meet anyone for the time being. I'm afraid the words i phrased out will hurt others unintentionally. so i rather be alone, and lunch wid my monitor!


sunday = restday???

it's 1155pm now... and sunday is nearly over. Wow! today's sunday sure ain't any rest day for me... i'm so damn tired now, and i cant seem to be able to feel my lower limbs... starting from my knees downwards!

wat had i been up to??? tis afternoon i had chinese dance practice from 2pm til 6pm... but it dragged on til 7pm! It's okie if it wasn't the tiring type, but unlucky me din get to join the fan group, but i am in the lantern group. I wonder if any of u had ever seen any chinese lantern dance or not. Well, the moves are all pretty easy but the worst thing is it is VERY ENERGY CONSUMING! Wuwuwuwu... all thru the dance we get to jump jump jump non stop... sigh... actually we were rushing thru the dance today cox the choreograher wanted us to complete the whole dance by today. We'll have a rehearsal on this coming Thurs, 3rd Aug, and we need to perform in front of Deputy CM. sigh... since we wont be having anymore chinese dance practice, so we haf to finish today! If not, we'll haf nothing to show to him on the 3rd. Oh... this chinese dance is part of the Merdeka Day performance, and we'll be performing on 30th Aug. Wonder if we'll go on tv!

After the dance, we rushed to nearby kopitiam and had our dinner. All 10 of us, including tau-ke-nio who 'chia' us all. Actually by 7pm we need to reach Civic Centre for our sketch practice. But if we all go without eating sth first, i think we wouldn't be able to stand til 10pm. So we had a quick dinner, and off we went to Civic Centre. Actually i oledi feel my legs were very, very tired... and i even wondered if i can drive there. But i did managed to drive to Civic centre... and the weather tonite was cold cox it there was a heavy downpour, somewhere in the evening.

Once i stepped into the hall, one of my leg cramped! I knew i wasn't feeling tat fine, when i find it hard to move my legs even while driving. Sigh.... and when i walked up the stairs wid my frens, i told them i feel my legs were very stiff. And when i had my cramps, it hurts so badly. I can only hold on to my calf, and not being able to move while the stinging pain creeps all thru my lower limb! I was lucky today cox one of my fren helped me using the method which i did learn before in first aid. Last time it used to be me helping others. I'd wondered all the while if it does help, and now i can say it does! When he helped to pushed my foot, the pain does seems to go, but when i put down my foot once again, the cramps came back straightaway! In the end, my fren need to pull off my shoes and held on to my smelly socks to help me push my foot! Thanks ahLoy! It hurts... hurts and hurts! After tat, they brought another chair for me to rest my foot on it, and all my frens around saying i must put my leg straight! The stiff feeling was still there, and i wondered if i can go on wid the sketch.

In the end i did make it thru the sketch. All the while, making sure i won't be straining my calves too much. Phew! luckily no more cramps... and the sketch practice ended at 1030pm. So damn tired, and i really couldn't even walked down the steps properly. so i drove home real slow.... scared i might get another cramp.

tomorrow, my limbs will sure to ache terribly. i wan to cry! hopefully 3rd will be over soon. But i'm sure after 3rd, we'll need to change some steps and learn or add in new steps! 1st and 2nd we'll be having rehearsal as well! so long for my weekend... it's gone, and i've had a busy one. But at least i dont feel bored!


i'm back!

Good morning everyone!

i'm finally back. Came back on Sunday nite, from Kota Kinabalu, and had been quite busy n tired so can only manage to update my blog now. Last weekend was spent in Kota Kinabalu, and i did encountered some new experiences over there.

Thurs afternoon i went around KK town, actually visiting to DBKK. Well, first impression i got was there seems to be lesser chinese there, compared to Kuching. And another is they have quite a number of mosques. We went to some of the shopping malls over there, City Parade, Centre Point, and some i dunno the name. It was raining tat time, and well... we bought an umbrella and went here and there by foot and under the shelter of the 'very big' umbrella. Oh... yes... we had Burger King! Ordered a set of Whopper meal and wow! the burger was fantastic. So big, and juicy n full of fresh veges! For dinner, we walked to Tanjung Aru beach and went to the malay stalls for food. I wanted to order nasi paprik, which i miss sooooo much... but the lady say they don have paprik anymore. Sigh... so i decided on nasi pattaya then, and we had bbq chicken wings. The wings were so cheap, RM1 for one whole bbq wing, and they tasted juz as tasty. Then we bought steamed 'jagung'... RM2 for 3! Wat else did i ate... oh.. and the fruit juice... the 'big big mug' (tai tai pui) only cost RM3! Wow.... really cheap.

Fri morn I'd slept til 10am and stayed in the hotel. Only went out around 3pm to get sth done. Rushed here n there and i did realised tat actually KK has very bad traffic problems, almost like KL. I don't like it... need to waste a lot of time in the car in order to get to one place. Dinner on Fri nite was superb! We had seafood. Sabah is so famous of it's seafood and i saw and tasted quite a number of seafood which can hardly be found elsewhere. For me, de fresh oysters were the best... they were so fresh and icy cold... a fren bought us there to have dinner, and i had tot tat the oysters must be quite expensive, but i found out tat they actually only costed RM18 per kg! The prawns were very fresh too and the flesh tasted sweet and juicy. The clams, they actually have so many kinds.. elephant trunk clams, white clams, 'tung fung' clams, japanese clams n bla bla n bla!

At Sabah, all the fish and other seafood at the restaurant, are being rear in aquariums, and when the customers had chosen wat they would like to have, these seafood are then being fished out from the aquarium. This explains the freshness of all the seafood tat we had enjoyed.

On Sat, i went to Manukan island for snorkelling. It was really a heaven view, and the corals and all the fishes were so beautiful. This is my first time snorkelling and i am very scared actually. I don't even know how to use all the apparatus. The sun was very hot tat day, and I'm tan now. I had fun snorkelling, though i couldn't stand the sea water tat long, and maybe i had been bobbing here n there in the sea, and before long, i started to feel dizzy. Hopefully if i get a second chance to do this again, I can do it better next time. At nite we went to Ocean Seafood for dinner, and this is one of the restaurant tat is normally visited by the tourists. So the food there was so expensive. We had quite a simple meal and it had costed us RM120. The oysters sold there were priced at RM40 per kg! such a big difference!

On Sun, we went around to some of the places tat was kind of far off. I had fish head beehoon for breakfast, and tried fish meat popia , and prawn meat 'kiaw'. Very nice but the food there are quite expensive. Juz for a bowl of noodles, it had costed us about RM6. And the drinks were not cheap as well... I guess it depends on where you actually go for food. The living costs there are way more expensive compared to kuching... and other then fresh seafood and different activities like water sports n mount climbing, i still prefer kuching so much more.

Maybe because I feel so much more at home in Kuching than elsewhere. I like the kopitiam style tat we have here, and whenever we wan to have food, we juz need to go to one place and you can get all the different types of food tat u wish to have!


great luv & great success...

...involves GREAT RISKS!
This is wat piang posted in the yahoo! groups today. She told everyone tat "GREAT LOVE & GREAT SUCCESS involves GREAT RISKS."

Make me wondered a lot when i came across this statement. Sigh... who doesn't hope for a great love and most certainly, great success??? but how many would eventually be wiling to face great risks???
Many times along the path of our life, we'll face risks and major decisions that will affect the rest of our life. That is why we fear... fear of making a mistake, and lose wat we currently haf. Basically everyone has this kind of fear.

Will be leaving for Kota Kinabalu tmr. Well, this isn't sort of a vacation trip but wid sth tat i'll need to help out wid over there... but i'm feeling relief from the break that i can get. Last weekend had been quite exhausting for me. On last Sun's dance classes, I'd tried chinese dance. Actually we were sort of auditioning in order to be chosen as dancers to perform for an event during National Day. Well, chinese dance are so difficult... certainly not my type.

Hmm... am not sure yet whether i'll be chosen as one of the dances since there still are 3 more dancers who'll be auditioning this coming week. If they are better, than i'll sure to be eliminated. Tmr nite i actually got a rehearsal for a sketch which oso will be performed during 30th Aug. But since i can't make it, i'll haf to skip rehearsal tis time. The sketch is a short one - 10mins - to portray the history of Msia b4 we fight our way to be 'Merdeka'! Wonder how can they squeeze so much n so many ppl into a 10mins sketch... juz wait n see!



it's 4pm now and i had juz returned to office. I went out juz now to go to the clinic. Hmm... actually i'm not sick but i'm juz not feeling well. Since last Thurs i keep on having this funny heartbeats problem inside of me. At times i'll feel as if my heartbeats are racing and at times i feel as if i had a very strong throbbing feeling inside of my throat, between my collarbone. Then when my heart beats pounded too strong, i feel as if lack of breath and a little chest pain. Well, i really dunno how to explain to the doc wat was wrong wid me, so tat was why i hadn't gone to see any docs over the weekend. I was thinking the doc might be assuming tat i made all this up... so how am i going to explain to him???

finally i went to see a chinese physician juz now and came back and gulped down some nasty medicine. Yucks... so yucky yucks! And i still have 11packets of this nasty powdery stuffs to go. Well, i drank a cup of tea tis afternoon during my lunch hour... and after that i really regretted it, for my heart start to race and pounded so fast as if it's gonna jump right out from my throat. Sigh... i guess i really need to get sth done about this funny beatings from my heart.

The medicine and consultation fees was so expensive ~ RM54!!! and i couldn't claim from my company because we are only allowed to consult a GP and no specialist or chinese physician... and since tis kind of weird illness mostly only be able to be explained by a 'tabib'... wat can i do?? Need to spend on sth unnecessary again... humpphhhh....... and need to swallow some bitter, nasty, yucky powder.... uekkkkkkkk!!!!

So wat was wrong wid me? The doc say 2 reasons for all this funny and racey pulse of mine... gastric problem or stress. So his advice to me was temporary no sour food, no spicy food, no cold drinks, no tea, no coffee, no fried, no too oily, no hard to digest food which includes noodles, 'nasi pulut', bread, cakes, buns... sigh... i wanted to ask him, then wat m i supposed to eat?? he said to monitor my food intake for a few days and oso not to be hungry or too full; and see if i feel any better. hmm... yes, lately the weather is very hot, and the doc say cannot be tat because the weather is hot so keep on gulping down ice coke! ooopppsssss......... hee... but too hot will oso die! Then i need to try relax and free myself from stress, as being too stress up oso will cause the symptoms i told him. Well, i do know... but at times things are uncontrollable... wat can i do? I just hope my money wont go down the drain!


baby is sick!

It'd been a quite a hot day today, so hot in the morn n noon but in the evening, it finally rain. I woke up feeling moodless... feel worn out and sad. I was thinking too much, and a lot of things made me unhappy. Why am i unhappy??? I'm feeling as if i'm very old now, but yet i have no achievement in my life. What do i mean by achievement?? Satisfaction from the major aspect of life.... a well-paid job, a cosy home, and a family... but it seems like i'm so far away from all these. It made my heart sob everytime i think about it. I also want to fight for my own dream... and my own life. I wan to strive too... I don wan to waste anymore time. I won't be young always... who knows how many years i still haf for myself.

Baby Esther is sick today. So pitiful to see her sick... sigh! Her beautiful eyes were swollen and keep on shedding the 'yellowish stuff'. And when i held her juz now, she felt so warm as she's having fever too. Pity pity... she kept on whining pitifully and cry once in a while. She must be feeling very uncomfortable cox she make all kind of whines n moans.
Mum made her swallow her medicine... and she keep on crying. Poor baby! Then sis wanted to rub a hard-boiled egg over her body cox can help to reduce body heat but she dislike it so much. Keep on crying so pitifully. When sis rubbed the egg over her face, i tried to make her laugh n distract her attention. When i shook one of her toys, it made a jingling sound n tat finally attracted her. Then i tried squeaking one of her toys, n she laughed. At least my attempts to be a temporary clown are not wasted.. she finally laughed and stopped crying. Seems like she's better after tat... maybe the medi had start to take effect on her. Hopefully she'll be fine real soon. Poor baby.... get well soon, okie.. then i can start to bully u again!



Last week i celebrated a lot of pplzzzz bdayzzzz! On last wed 28/06, we celebrated ngeebang's bday. We decided to go for dinner 8+pm since piang n tnb got ballroom dance class. So i went to pick peishan, and we all agreed to meet at Chef@Home. Mek bought de cakes (all de small cakes...) from Wilson's bakery and seng brought daphne along. We ordered quite a number of foods but not big quantity and all of us juz share the food (more like fighting for the food... hehe)we had 'soup in bun', grilled chicken, caesar salad, fruit salad, fish n chips, and oso breaded fish fingers! the food was yummy... nice nice... and finally the cakes!
Guess all my description of the food ain't going to be tempting enuf, so i'd decided to post the pics i took for the food! As for de bday boy, hmm... i think de food's more photogenic! but he sure did amused us all wid his act as a jap-porn-star... yikes!....

on Fri nite, we celebrated piang's bday. It was de best! We planned a surprise for her. We know u r unhappy piang! But please don't be anymore.... we all love u a lot, lot, lot! I hope u LOVE our surprise! Mek planned so much... n she's really so good in all this surprises thing! What we did was I asked Piang out on Fri nite, telling her we'll juz go for a drink to celebrate her bday... but we can only get aiwei, peishan n seng to join along cox tnb got japanese class n mek got dinner. Told piang tat we wont be buying her a cake but we'll go to Tom's for cakes on Sat 01/07 noon for lunch. Tom's cakes are the best!

Before tat, mek n tnb went to piang's house on Thurs morn when piang was at work, and they told piang's mum of our plan and to 'borrow' her house. So on Fri nite, I went out at 0930pm to fetch piang and it was raining cats n dogs at tat time. But we went out all the same, and later i drove to pick peishan n aiwei. Then we met up wid seng at 'Tao' and we had our drinks. I had Mochacino... hot hot mochacino on a cold cold nite.... such a pleasure! hmmmm........... while we are enjoying our drinks, mek n tnb had went over to piang's place to create her 'surprise'! They made a big number '26' wid twinkling light bulbs on piang's floor and decorated the '26' wid balloons, and place her bday cake, n gift and oso mek's red eggs in the no. 26 they created. It was really lovely!
Then i pretended tat i have some thing on and piang suggested me to go home if i'm not free so we left Tao around 1115 and i secretly miss-called mek n tnb to tell them we r on our way home. While in the car, i made an excuse tat i needed to use piang's washroom... and when we reached her house, we all gave an excuse since tat i'll need to use her washroom, why not everyone juz go inside her house for a moment. When we reached the front door, and when the bday gal opened the door, we shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we sang her bday song to her, surrounded by the twinkling no. '26'.

After tat, we had a small party... of choc cake, chicken wings, noodles, red eggs and grapes plus sparkling juice while watching the football match between Germany and Argentina on astro. Piang was so surprised... actually i really tot you'd cry... but why didn't u cry??!!! I told them all tat u'll definately cry... but u din even shed a tear! seems like u r not touched enuf lo.... but am really very glad tat everything turned out fine. Thanks to ur mum, ur bro, ur sis and ur bro-in-law! peishan was very happy tat ur dad was not around... (actually me too)... hee

on sat afternoon, we went to Tom's for cakes all the same, on piang's treat. on sun, it was the twins bday. Since both of them are back from uni, and i hadn't gotten any gift for them, so i bought a cheese cake for them. At first i tot of getting sth smaller, but then since they are twins, i guess i can increase my budget and get them a bigger cake so there will be enuf to go around for everyone. The cake was beautiful.. and they love it.
happy birthday my dearest sisters!

Though Fang only stayed at home on her bday, mum cooked her and Feng mee-sua for lunch, plus egg and when she saw the cake i got for them, she was very happy. she straightaway sms-ed her twin to ask if she had any bday cake, and if not, she'll wait for her to cut their cake together. Actually it had been quite some time tat we cut a bday cake together in our family. But this time, bro is not here... since he went for his orientation at UTM on sat. When we were younger, it seems tat we do it more often compared to now. A little get together, though we only have the bday cake to share together but no other food. Happy Bday Gals... hope u both love the cake. Juz a little gift from me, since ur sis am quite broke... so juz bear wid it. MUAH...


can u hear me cry?

Tonight i am supposed to be in bed at tis time. I wasn't feeling very well, and keep on having migraines and headaches. Maybe the weather is too hot and am feeling very heaty... however, i still online at this hour and still look at de monitor though i had been looking at it for the whole day.

I'm feeling very down. When i online earlier this evening, i met a fren thru yahoo! msgr and i asked why was she sad. I knew she was sad cox norm she'll tell me lots of things. She blamed her moodiness on her hormones.

Later i went out though i wasn't feeling well, cox i feel like eating ice cream very much. So i went down town to get a cone and later went for supper at jln song. After my supper, I feel sad. Perhaps things are really better this way. Since you really wanted to go so much, then just go ahead. Things had always been changing and changing, til i'm so numb wid wat more to expect. Never was there any plannings which will make me feel completely safe. If anyone is to question me right now wat i expect in my life, I'll 'rain' rightaway! Yes, everything is so unpredictable, and i'll say it's only fair if i have a choice for myself too.

grandma will be sleeping here tonight. She had undergone a cataract surgery today at GH but the operation will haf to recontinue tmr since they hadn't got the suitable lenses for her. Since it's quite a journey back to Bau, grandma had came over to sleep for the nite. Private docs and general hospital really differs so much in terms of services they provide. GH couldn't even provide my grandma a place to sleep for the night. Her wound would haf been terribly painful since the operation is not completed yet... she still haf to bear wid the pain til the next morn!

Ppl who are rich and who can afford would have opted to go to private hosp for sure... but for poorer ppl, they'll queue and wait for the treatment they can get from GH. Deep inside of me, I'll always tell myself i wanted the best of everything. Is wealth not important? I really have to admit it is important due to a lot of things tat i encountered! Some ppl can afford to go to private hosp for deliveries, whereas the richer ones will fear so much as to step inside the labour ward of the GH... wat more to say about giving birth there. If you have a choice, which category will you choose to be in???

when i online to hope tat i'll be able to find someone to talk to right now, i met another sad person. he sez he'll never be happy again... wat does that mean? I think tat terms suited me more than it does for him. he sez he oso dunno why, but he juz feel sad. Sigh... seems like the wind of bitterness is sweeping across the land, bringing despairs and griefs and hurts to us.

After bla bla-ing here, I'm so much better now. I feel that i cant really shed a tear now. Whenever i have the urge to cry, seems like tears juz fill my eyes, and when i take a deep breath, my tears will juz be transformed into a deep sigh and that's all! Maybe i'm oledi too getting used to the current situation.... all this numbness... i won't expect anything much anymore.... juz take things as it comes. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. If not, then juz let it pass...


it's mon again!

so sien n tired! Having slight migraine now n i think i better stop looking at all the codes in my dev tool for a while. If not, all the words will start dancing in front of me!

last week had been quite a busy week.

Last Thurs we went shopping for tnb's bday gift. We made him so sad cox he was thinking how come everyone's busy when he tried asking us out! haha... after we got his gift, we kept it a secret and asked him to come out for supper then. We went to Kenyalang for 'cha kueh' and 'pisang goreng'. Tnb... see how much we love you... knowing u'll be sad both tan ah mek and tan ah piang purposely say to look for you for supper lo. :) Me too lo... since i'm owest so tired, i still purposely drive down to town to shop wid them le! Hee... n mek oso sacrificed her pak-tor time to go pick leeing n shop wid us le.... how??!! Feel touched or not??!!

Last Fri i went swimming wid frens at Rajah Court. Wanted to go wid Piang at first since LeeIng invited us to go over to swim at the pool. Had never been inside Rajah Court before, what more to say about the pool. Tot it might be a good experience for me so we went. (somemore piang was very excited when she know we can finally swim)... but this darling piang din even get into the water for more than 5 minutes, and she started shivering saying it was too cold. Honestly yes the water was very cold since it was about 7pm and i guess the pool is not equip wid heater. Luckily piang had persuaded tnb to go and somemore he can be the 'eyes' for both of us. If he hadn't went, i think me n piang would have drowned when we jumped into the side of the pool tat sez 1.7m cox we cant see without our specs! hahaha.... n luckily there's tnb or else i dunno wat i would do too all alone in the pool, wid all the hotel guests staring at me later!

After our swim, we went for dinner at Open Air. Yummy.... we had pork porridge wid all the ingredients such as century egg, and egg including some of the pig's 'spare parts' like 'usus', liver and kidney... yummy... and we ordered midin wid red wine, fried sotong and oso tom yam soup! Slurp!
It was a nice an enjoyable dinner!

On sat nite, seng asked me out for dinner cox tnb told him i said it seems to be quite awhile tat i din see him. So he brought daphne along and i brought piang along and we went to Happy Valley. We had butter fish (how is it cooked???... wid butter lo ~so DUH! ); cheesy chicken chop; grilled lamb chop; and grilled pork. Dinner was okie though it was actually the company tat was fine but not the place and definately not the service! The waitress was so lame and duh, giving us such unsatisfactory answers for our enquiries! I shud have pasted seng's lamb chop on her face for giving such 'lame' answers! :p

Seng asked "is the spicy chicken chop very spicy?" ~ her answer was "SPICY LO!" (such an amazing answer... retarded maybe... for normal waitress de expected answer for us would be
A.Not Really
B.Spicy but it's delicious
C.You can give it a try but i wouldn't say it's too spicy for me
D.I don't like spicy food so it's too spicy for me )

Then i asked, "how's the butter fish cooked???" ~ her answer was "WITH BUTTER LO!" Duh... would u go n name ur dish butter fish and cooked it with ketchup??!! N i directly answered her, "Of course it's cooked with butter! What i meant was is it GRILLED, STEAMED, BBQ, or FRIED!?!" Such a "fei" person wid all the "fei" answers! (translated as 'lung' in mandarin... haha) Really amazing she was!
No wonder the place seems deserted... i guess de customers juz cant take it for them being so "fei"!

U ppl shud try go n asked more questions n we can laugh our head off at the answers given. I think we shud bring tnb along next time n the waitress will really juz throw all of us out!