On the eve of merdeka, we performed at Kuching Waterfront and were on the stage when the countdown began. After our 'sketsa tari' everyone was drenched in sweat, even the ministers gave us disgusting looks, disbelieving tat we were tat hot! Well, try putting them in thick clothings and asked them to jump here n there on the stage wid those blazing spotlights right in their faces!

I got to dress up as an Arabian lady, and oso as an IPT (Institut Pengajian Tinggi) student. As for the lantern dance, needless to say, i'd to dress up in bright yellow, cute chinese costume.

We had thick make up on tat nite, and luckily we were there early and we got each other to help to 'paint' our faces.... if not, i think my face would haf ended up being painted wid messy colours!
Tonite was fun! We dressed up as ghosts for our performance tonite. I was wondering why do we need to dress up as ghosts for the Maybank dinner, and i finally understood when i saw that the theme for their event tonite was 'Horror Nite'! I was so impressed cox everyone really put a lot of effort dressing up themselves as ghosts n ghouls n monsters n spooky creatures.... even the waiters dressed up as ghosts!
I saw vampires (all different races of vampires - dracula, 'pontianak', 'kiong xi'), witches, mummies, zombies... oh ya, i din managed to see if anyone dressed up as werewolf. I think no one tot of tat! hehe...
I dressed up too, more like a zombie + beggar as my clothes were torn n smeared all over.... well, if i can get hold of any photos, i'll post it here right away. It was fun when we dressed up, we couldn't even recognise each other.

Let's juz hope i can get hold of my photos fast... i wanna share it wid all of u!
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