
it's mon again!

so sien n tired! Having slight migraine now n i think i better stop looking at all the codes in my dev tool for a while. If not, all the words will start dancing in front of me!

last week had been quite a busy week.

Last Thurs we went shopping for tnb's bday gift. We made him so sad cox he was thinking how come everyone's busy when he tried asking us out! haha... after we got his gift, we kept it a secret and asked him to come out for supper then. We went to Kenyalang for 'cha kueh' and 'pisang goreng'. Tnb... see how much we love you... knowing u'll be sad both tan ah mek and tan ah piang purposely say to look for you for supper lo. :) Me too lo... since i'm owest so tired, i still purposely drive down to town to shop wid them le! Hee... n mek oso sacrificed her pak-tor time to go pick leeing n shop wid us le.... how??!! Feel touched or not??!!

Last Fri i went swimming wid frens at Rajah Court. Wanted to go wid Piang at first since LeeIng invited us to go over to swim at the pool. Had never been inside Rajah Court before, what more to say about the pool. Tot it might be a good experience for me so we went. (somemore piang was very excited when she know we can finally swim)... but this darling piang din even get into the water for more than 5 minutes, and she started shivering saying it was too cold. Honestly yes the water was very cold since it was about 7pm and i guess the pool is not equip wid heater. Luckily piang had persuaded tnb to go and somemore he can be the 'eyes' for both of us. If he hadn't went, i think me n piang would have drowned when we jumped into the side of the pool tat sez 1.7m cox we cant see without our specs! hahaha.... n luckily there's tnb or else i dunno wat i would do too all alone in the pool, wid all the hotel guests staring at me later!

After our swim, we went for dinner at Open Air. Yummy.... we had pork porridge wid all the ingredients such as century egg, and egg including some of the pig's 'spare parts' like 'usus', liver and kidney... yummy... and we ordered midin wid red wine, fried sotong and oso tom yam soup! Slurp!
It was a nice an enjoyable dinner!

On sat nite, seng asked me out for dinner cox tnb told him i said it seems to be quite awhile tat i din see him. So he brought daphne along and i brought piang along and we went to Happy Valley. We had butter fish (how is it cooked???... wid butter lo ~so DUH! ); cheesy chicken chop; grilled lamb chop; and grilled pork. Dinner was okie though it was actually the company tat was fine but not the place and definately not the service! The waitress was so lame and duh, giving us such unsatisfactory answers for our enquiries! I shud have pasted seng's lamb chop on her face for giving such 'lame' answers! :p

Seng asked "is the spicy chicken chop very spicy?" ~ her answer was "SPICY LO!" (such an amazing answer... retarded maybe... for normal waitress de expected answer for us would be
A.Not Really
B.Spicy but it's delicious
C.You can give it a try but i wouldn't say it's too spicy for me
D.I don't like spicy food so it's too spicy for me )

Then i asked, "how's the butter fish cooked???" ~ her answer was "WITH BUTTER LO!" Duh... would u go n name ur dish butter fish and cooked it with ketchup??!! N i directly answered her, "Of course it's cooked with butter! What i meant was is it GRILLED, STEAMED, BBQ, or FRIED!?!" Such a "fei" person wid all the "fei" answers! (translated as 'lung' in mandarin... haha) Really amazing she was!
No wonder the place seems deserted... i guess de customers juz cant take it for them being so "fei"!

U ppl shud try go n asked more questions n we can laugh our head off at the answers given. I think we shud bring tnb along next time n the waitress will really juz throw all of us out!

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