
burp :">

I'd juz took one&half piece of KFC Hot & Spicy Chicken. Hee... paisei.... actually i shudn't be taking heaty food anymore since i hadn't really recover yet. But i really feel like eating it, and sis oso feel so tempted when i asked her if she's thinking of KFC. so i decided to give her a treat, as well as myself. Hee...

Last Thurs was like hell for me. Haze in Kuching was pretty bad lately, and the weather really cause a lot of ppl to be sick. On Thurs nite i had to ask mum to help me 'gua-sha'... my world seems to be spinning around & around. Having to stare at the monitor at work, really makes me feel even more sick! Well, Mooncake Fest tis year is pretty ordinary... juz like another normal day, juz tat we'd more dishes to eat than usual. Seems like most kids staying indoors, avoiding de haze i guess.

Sat was my final English Advanced Presentation Class.... glad tat i'd scored pretty well for my presentation. =) Proud of myself... if andrea hadn't deducted 5 marks for not informing her beforehand about my topic, i'd haf scored 94%. I had never tot i'd do so well.... haha... for few seconds up in front of the class, i kinda lost my words!

Tis morn I had a SURPRISE! haha.... Early morn i went down to Holiday Inn to get a CD which contain my Cambodia trip's photo from yunnyi's fren, who happened to be in Kch. Then i passed the birdnest tat karhooi wanted to yi's fren, so tat ah yi can pass to karhooi later. After tat piang & me had promised mek to haf breakfast at Kenyalang. Mek said got a place in Kenyalang the kolo mee not bad... so we went to have our breakfast there. After breakfast, we went back to mek's place... then the gals handed me a gift, saying it's my bday gift. I was like "Huh... why so early????"
and mek say... because we r afraid u might wanna use it before ur bday. okie... then i was figuring out wat in the world can tat be???

When i opened my gift, i saw tat it was a photo frame... n it was designed very beautifully wid my fave 'forever-friends' bear bear pic all over, n oso the pic of our geng of frens. I was so touched. Mek is so good at doing all these stuff, nice decorated hand made stuffs, n oso surprises... then i looked carefully again, i saw tat there were money rolled neatly into tiny rolls and oso a voucher. It was a hair-do voucher, and valid only until my bday. So i was thinking maybe this is the reason why they had given me the voucher earlier, so tat i can use it while it's still valid. Then i asked them, so where is the saloon??? How come no address of the saloon???

Mek was giggling while she tell me.... did u see the voucher clearly?? If it's a real voucher, then why r we still giving u the RM280??? Hmm... actually i was thinking the voucher is real, but only a registration voucher, then u still need to pay when u go to 'tat' saloon. How funny my thinking was, but i really tot tat way. Somemore i was thinking too RM280, the exactly same price as the saloon i asked for before.... how come they can get a saloon which offers exactly the same price??? ??? ???

I admit I was real slow TODAY... n blur... n finally when i get the joke cum surprise, i really couldn't stop laughing n beaming all over. I felt so touched by their sincerity... so paisei la, they must be thinking this ah ying, as long as watever we can give her to 'beautify' herself, she'll be sure damn happy! Hahaha...
Luv u guys a lot! Thanks so much for all the effort n the sincerity. U all are the best! but honestly, i really feel paisei lo... maybe i keep on complaining about money lately, and seems like i'm initiating u all wat i wanted for bday!
But really, thanks so much.... luv u all a lot lot lot!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH.... HUGZ HUGZ HUGZZZZZZ............


Anonymous said...

Ying dear, hope you like this simple present for you... We all look forward to seeing you with your new look, new hairstyle & new image soon!!!

Anonymous said...

mek, thank you so much.... it's not simple lo, the gift, i mean. If wan me to come wid sth like tat, it'd be ages b4 i can come up wid sth. =)

Anonymous said...

No lo, it's simple. I just "chin-chai" do with very limited time, limited software, limited source, limited mind to think, limited talent, limited inspiration,... =) At first we thought of just give you the $$. Then you will have nothing left to keep as memory after the hairdo so I quickly create a simple frame & voucher with our photos there. The work is quite rough actually. Hope it's not a childish act lah.