
dance Fiesta 2006

18th Nov 2006 ~ Last Saturday nite we had another performance. It was for an event called Dance Fiesta 2006, held at Merdeka Palace, Kuching. The song we used was 'NSync - Dirty Pop'. The event was very grand, with a lot of different groups performing their dance which includes belly dancing, hip hop, and etc. All the gals really dressed up themselves, and everyone looked so elegant...

Everything went fine during our performance... well, not really tat fine. Somewhere thru the ending part of the song, the CD suddenly skipped, and a part of the song was totally lost. Luckily for some real fast reflex from the rest, we managed to response to the unexpected and unavoidable mistake, and still performed til the end. Phew! Though we din managed to stage out wat we had initially practiced for, at least the whole performance wasn't being ruined because of either the faulty CD or PA system.

What we wore tat nite!

We had a lot of fun after tat snapping group photos in one of the rooms tat had been rented out for us to change and to wait for our turn on stage. We posed lotsssssss of silly poses, and laughed so much.... i hope the room was sound-proofed, cox we definately were VERY noisy! haha :)~

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