
more WoOF or MeW??

Dear friends,
So are you More Cat or Dog???

Piang gave me this link, http://www.blogthings.com/areyoumorecatordogquiz and i tried it out... and the results TA-DA... she was correct! Would you like to find out if you are a cat-person or a dog-person?? Do try this out and post your results in my comment link if you don't mind to share!

This is the result i got:-

I am: 20% Dog, 80% Cat

You are are almost exactly like a cat.
You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.
And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!

Well, yes... i definately won't fetch the paper for anyone unless for my mum or for any other ppl who are not capable of doing it! So remember not to try pointing ur fingers around me, asking me to do any chores! I will only do it if i feel like doing it! Hee...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more cat or dog results from frens:-

(szehau) 20%Dog, 80%Cat
(peishan) 20%Dog, 80%Cat
(emmy) 50%Dog, 50%Cat

seems like so far my result is the more popular one! same wid szehau & peishan!