I got an interesting pic here, and i wanna share wid u all!

Now, what in the world is this??? At the first sight of it, it seems like some sort of a filter from a car, or a car's dirty old parts! But... no.... it's the carbon filter from my house's Amway Water Treatment System and it is shockingly, disgustingly dirty! Can you imagine how dirty our drinking water is? I shud haf taken a pic of the new, clean filter so tat we can make a comparison but too bad, i forgot to. Perhaps the sight of this used filter shocked me... and it really terrifies me. Well, water is supposed to be one of the most important thing for our body, but imagine drinking water as dirty as this! Yucks!
Lately, I'd been slacking behind a lot. The other day i tried to 'on' my Palm PDA, which i hadn't done for quite a number of weeks, and found tat it's battery was flat. So i charged it and finally i can turn it on, but all my data inside my Palm is lost! I rem ppl telling me tat if u didn't use ur handheld for quite sometime, it'll automatically be resetted and all ur info gone! Sigh.... wat had i done???
Then yesterday morn, i finally had the initiative to listen to the songs in my iPod Shuffle, and again amazingly, all my previous stored songs were gone! Kind of rotten luck for me, but again i think perhaps de files inside had been corrupted for quite some time, and i hadn't checked it out for so long. Wat is happening to me??? Even when i wanna synchronize my PDA wid this office PC, i'd fail to do so. I think the settings had gone cuckoo... somemore my combo drive [CD Reader & Burner only, no DVD burner... how sad =( ] at home was spoilt. So i couldn't install de Palm Desktop (for Palm handheld) & iTunes (for iPod shuffle) to my pc back at home, and i only got this office pc here to do everything, but i'm kind of packed with works now... so where got time to re-organise everything???
Sigh... rotten, rotten luck! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..............
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