
...at kch fest!

last sat morn, i asked the rest to go out for breakfast. Feel bad cox i hadn't had any time to meet up wid emmy yet since she's back frm KL n she'll be leaving on sun. even when i'd already promised them to go to Kuching Fest together wid them on fri nite, i had to aeroplane them last minute because of practice. Mi, i haven't even met up wid the rest since i was back from KK.. so really sorry tat we hadn't had much time to catch up.

We went to bormill, and the rest had managed to turn up too for breakfast tat morn. Other than Mi, we had piang, sockhui, leeching, nb n mek!
Wow... seems to be quite some time tat we gathered together... oops... i mean seems to be quite some time tat i gathered together wid u all! We had kueh chap, laksa n oso popiah! After breakfast, we went home... except for piang, sockhui n leeching who went out to hiaw, and nb went off to work. Well, after sending emmy home, i went back home to sleep til 1330. Din feel like going anywhere cox i was lazy to drive, and somemore i miss esther a lot. Hadn't really have any time to play wid her lately, so i was hoping tat she'd be at my home on sat morn. Yes, esther was home when i got back. She was sitting in her baby pram beside sis, while sis was playing the piano for her. She seems to like music n melody a lot, cox she was being a good baby and enjoying the music without making any fuss! Normally she'd be climbing all over the place oledi!!!

I woke up at 1330 to have my lunch. Mum n sis 'ta-pau' noodles for lunch. After lunch, i juz sat in front of the pc and continue wid my 'Diner Dash2' game. Met peishan n tnb online, and we chatted. Nb asked if i'd like to follow him to Kch fest tat nite, and help at his stall. Piang had earlier mentioned to ask seng & daphne to drive us there if those 2 wan to go paktor at kch fest. since i have nothing to do at home, i don mind going earlier wid nb so piang n I decided to follow tnb there at 1730 instead. It's kind of early, but since he needs to bring those frozen prawns over for his customer, so we need to be early.
Talking about the frozen prawns, they were so damn heavy! He brought 2 boxes there, and he carried one, and left the other box for me n piang. Both me n piang carried the box but we never managed to reach his stall! All along the way, we placed tat heavy box down n rest, wiping sweat, then re-continue wid our journey, then stopped n rest again and finally we GAVE UP! Piang called nb to come back to carry that heavy box for us! Wat a torture! haha...

I found out tat nite i really wasn't made to be a salesperson. I find it really hard to approach other people, and even when any other salesmen trying to approach me while i was looking at the cars exhibited or those other salesmen who was trying to sell their product, be it credit cards, insurance, some cool gadgets n bla... i'd have purposely avoid any contact wid them and drift away as far as i could! Piang explained tat i was a 'cat person' more than a 'dog person'. Hmm... wondering wat she meant n she explained tat 'cat person' are more reserved. 'Reserved'... hmm... tat word seems to suits me a lot. She added tat normally 'sad' and uncontented people are more reserved. oopss... :(

Sigh! Guess you all can never imagine how embarass i felt when i really couldn't help nb much at his stall. While he n piang were busily shouting for 'tauke' and 'tau-ke-nio' to buy the food they sell, i was hiding inside the stall. Somemore being so in the way because the stall wasn't very big, and the workers had to carry stuffs around. WHAM! Felt so 'pai-seh'... and nb even joked and said tat he brought a 'flower vase' there tat nite! (flower vase because they are only meant to be displayed as ornaments, but not of any other use!)
How i hope Seng & Daphne will arrive sooner. hee....

Well, piang did offer to accompany me to go around, but i said no, cox she was doing a really good job, helping nb and i want business to be good for them too. When seng & daphne arrived, the search for seats & table began. Seng complained why hadn't me & piang reserved any seats for them since we were there tat early. Ahem... actually i had never tot of it! But it was really so packed tat nite, and almost impossible to get any seats had it not been for piang's thick-face! We tot tat since we need to wait so long for table, why dont we juz get a table near nb's stall n while we r enjoying our dinner, we can feed him once in awhile while he works. Okie... so we scanned for available seats outside his stalls, and finally we targeted at a table where a group of apeks where dining. piang purposely go and smile at the apeks' and i think it made them feel uncomfortable sitting there too long with us waiting around, and wid piang keep on smiling at them!!!

haha... finally we got a table. We had a lot of food tat nite.... we had 1/2 of a roasted duck, taiwan sausage, fried ice-cream, chic drumsticks, pastries, ice-cream & fruits. Did i miss out anything?? We fed tnb once in a while, and he was happy cox there were so much food for him. His mouth never rested tat nite, if he wasn't shouting to attract customers, he was busy chewing or drinking! About 2200+, nb finally sat down to rest n chatted wid us. Well, we drank 'liang-teh' and it does help because weather was so hot and a can of carlsberg was great!
After tat we went to Petanak to look for emmy. It was oledi 2300+. Actually we all were very tired then, so we only stayed a while and chatted wid emmy before we need to send 'cinderella' back home before 12 midnight!


emmyjemmy said...

hey ying dear :)

no worries - i'm glad i got to meet up with u on sat - twice some more! hehe...

dun be too hard on urself k, sometimes because of our state of mind other things seem like a blur...we won't blame u ;)

Anonymous said...

hi Mi!
thanks for checking out tis blog! Sorry for being so busy wid practice lately. On the other hand, perhaps being busy is good for me... otherwise i'll start complaining tat i'm TOO bored!

emmyjemmy said...

i check out this site almost everyday :) haha