
baby is sick!

It'd been a quite a hot day today, so hot in the morn n noon but in the evening, it finally rain. I woke up feeling moodless... feel worn out and sad. I was thinking too much, and a lot of things made me unhappy. Why am i unhappy??? I'm feeling as if i'm very old now, but yet i have no achievement in my life. What do i mean by achievement?? Satisfaction from the major aspect of life.... a well-paid job, a cosy home, and a family... but it seems like i'm so far away from all these. It made my heart sob everytime i think about it. I also want to fight for my own dream... and my own life. I wan to strive too... I don wan to waste anymore time. I won't be young always... who knows how many years i still haf for myself.

Baby Esther is sick today. So pitiful to see her sick... sigh! Her beautiful eyes were swollen and keep on shedding the 'yellowish stuff'. And when i held her juz now, she felt so warm as she's having fever too. Pity pity... she kept on whining pitifully and cry once in a while. She must be feeling very uncomfortable cox she make all kind of whines n moans.
Mum made her swallow her medicine... and she keep on crying. Poor baby! Then sis wanted to rub a hard-boiled egg over her body cox can help to reduce body heat but she dislike it so much. Keep on crying so pitifully. When sis rubbed the egg over her face, i tried to make her laugh n distract her attention. When i shook one of her toys, it made a jingling sound n tat finally attracted her. Then i tried squeaking one of her toys, n she laughed. At least my attempts to be a temporary clown are not wasted.. she finally laughed and stopped crying. Seems like she's better after tat... maybe the medi had start to take effect on her. Hopefully she'll be fine real soon. Poor baby.... get well soon, okie.. then i can start to bully u again!

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