

Last week i celebrated a lot of pplzzzz bdayzzzz! On last wed 28/06, we celebrated ngeebang's bday. We decided to go for dinner 8+pm since piang n tnb got ballroom dance class. So i went to pick peishan, and we all agreed to meet at Chef@Home. Mek bought de cakes (all de small cakes...) from Wilson's bakery and seng brought daphne along. We ordered quite a number of foods but not big quantity and all of us juz share the food (more like fighting for the food... hehe)we had 'soup in bun', grilled chicken, caesar salad, fruit salad, fish n chips, and oso breaded fish fingers! the food was yummy... nice nice... and finally the cakes!
Guess all my description of the food ain't going to be tempting enuf, so i'd decided to post the pics i took for the food! As for de bday boy, hmm... i think de food's more photogenic! but he sure did amused us all wid his act as a jap-porn-star... yikes!....

on Fri nite, we celebrated piang's bday. It was de best! We planned a surprise for her. We know u r unhappy piang! But please don't be anymore.... we all love u a lot, lot, lot! I hope u LOVE our surprise! Mek planned so much... n she's really so good in all this surprises thing! What we did was I asked Piang out on Fri nite, telling her we'll juz go for a drink to celebrate her bday... but we can only get aiwei, peishan n seng to join along cox tnb got japanese class n mek got dinner. Told piang tat we wont be buying her a cake but we'll go to Tom's for cakes on Sat 01/07 noon for lunch. Tom's cakes are the best!

Before tat, mek n tnb went to piang's house on Thurs morn when piang was at work, and they told piang's mum of our plan and to 'borrow' her house. So on Fri nite, I went out at 0930pm to fetch piang and it was raining cats n dogs at tat time. But we went out all the same, and later i drove to pick peishan n aiwei. Then we met up wid seng at 'Tao' and we had our drinks. I had Mochacino... hot hot mochacino on a cold cold nite.... such a pleasure! hmmmm........... while we are enjoying our drinks, mek n tnb had went over to piang's place to create her 'surprise'! They made a big number '26' wid twinkling light bulbs on piang's floor and decorated the '26' wid balloons, and place her bday cake, n gift and oso mek's red eggs in the no. 26 they created. It was really lovely!
Then i pretended tat i have some thing on and piang suggested me to go home if i'm not free so we left Tao around 1115 and i secretly miss-called mek n tnb to tell them we r on our way home. While in the car, i made an excuse tat i needed to use piang's washroom... and when we reached her house, we all gave an excuse since tat i'll need to use her washroom, why not everyone juz go inside her house for a moment. When we reached the front door, and when the bday gal opened the door, we shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we sang her bday song to her, surrounded by the twinkling no. '26'.

After tat, we had a small party... of choc cake, chicken wings, noodles, red eggs and grapes plus sparkling juice while watching the football match between Germany and Argentina on astro. Piang was so surprised... actually i really tot you'd cry... but why didn't u cry??!!! I told them all tat u'll definately cry... but u din even shed a tear! seems like u r not touched enuf lo.... but am really very glad tat everything turned out fine. Thanks to ur mum, ur bro, ur sis and ur bro-in-law! peishan was very happy tat ur dad was not around... (actually me too)... hee

on sat afternoon, we went to Tom's for cakes all the same, on piang's treat. on sun, it was the twins bday. Since both of them are back from uni, and i hadn't gotten any gift for them, so i bought a cheese cake for them. At first i tot of getting sth smaller, but then since they are twins, i guess i can increase my budget and get them a bigger cake so there will be enuf to go around for everyone. The cake was beautiful.. and they love it.
happy birthday my dearest sisters!

Though Fang only stayed at home on her bday, mum cooked her and Feng mee-sua for lunch, plus egg and when she saw the cake i got for them, she was very happy. she straightaway sms-ed her twin to ask if she had any bday cake, and if not, she'll wait for her to cut their cake together. Actually it had been quite some time tat we cut a bday cake together in our family. But this time, bro is not here... since he went for his orientation at UTM on sat. When we were younger, it seems tat we do it more often compared to now. A little get together, though we only have the bday cake to share together but no other food. Happy Bday Gals... hope u both love the cake. Juz a little gift from me, since ur sis am quite broke... so juz bear wid it. MUAH...

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