
xmas 2009 sharing

Tmr is Christmas day.... it'll be Jayden's baptism day and in the afternoon we'll be going to Kasih Sayang Kokol Hill. Xiao Yu purposely pops in to Facebook and asked if we'll be going... we did plan to go, juz tat we forgot to inform them & to pay!

Xiao Yu asked us to prepare the answer for 2 questions... which i find very meaningful. When she first asked me, I was scratching my head figuring wat i haf to say... but after an evening's time, i finally jotted down all my answers to the 2 questions and seems like my list is quite long!

The 2 meaningful questions which everyone will haf to share tmr are :-
(i) In 2009, I'm thankful that ...
(ii) In 2010, I hope that ...

These 2 questions seem to be very simple, but when Xiao Yu first ask me, it really got my mind rolling, thinking for answers. Finally these are what I wanna share, not only tmr but also here in my blog.

In 2009, I'm thankful that ...
- we have enough to eat, enough to use & enough to wear.
- we stay healthy and well. Although there are times of sickness, we are still able to pay for our medical bills and to heal with caring family members by our side.
- although 2009 is one of the toughest year where we'd suffered a great lost by losing an unborn child; we are thankful that we have God's grace & ppl around caring for us all the while & that we have Jayden by our side to cheer & lighten us up all the while.
- Most of all, I am thankful that I have a loving & patient husband who never fails to support me when i'm down and helping me to grow & be a better person.

In 2010, I hope that ...
- we will all continue to stay happy and healthy.
- we will all grow to love God even more.
- I, myself, will be a better person...
~ be a better wife to my husband
~ be a better mum to my son
~ be a better daughter to my mum and parent-in-laws
~ be a better sister to my siblings & brother n sister-in-laws.
- we continue to have God's grace in everything that we do.
- Last but not least, is that God's grace and blessings will continue to shine down on my sister's family, keeping her strong and continue to have faith in God always.

'dong jie' 09

22nd Dec 09 - Today is the Chinese last festive of the year, the 'dong jie' - translated as winter celebration. Until now i still don't understand why does it falls on the 22nd Dec every year.... cause if according to the Chinese calendar then it's a different date every year!

Today hubby, as usual, will be very busy. There were so many things tat need to be done before year 2009 come to an end. I had no idea how the celebration will be tonite, but i'd been boiling red bean soup for the 'tang yuen' since 12pm. Last week, i bought a packet of this rice dumpling wid black sesame filling for RM5. There were 10big balls of dumplings in there. After the red bean soup is ready, i'll boil the rice dumplings and dump it into the red bean soup and make my special bowl of 'tang yuen' for my family!

When hubby came home at 5.30pm, he said we'll be having dinner outside together wid ahPau & family. This time the celebration only left us 2family for the rest are having family members at their place. ahPau suggested Wagamama Japanese restaurant, and since we'd never tried Wagamama before, we agreed. Although there were only a few of us, we had an enjoyable meal... and although it's japanese food for a chinese celebration, =)) nvm... we'll haf 'tang yuen' after japanese food. We brought some of my 'tang yuen' in homemade red bean soup over for ahPau and wife, figuring his working wife will be too busy to cook 'tang yuen'.

It was ahPau & wife's treat at Wagamama tonite.... really so 'paisei'. The dinner was worth the price for we got 50% discount since ChenIng (Pau's wife) is a member. In return, we treated them for Yen Ai's desserts. We had a simple and lovely celebration, thanks to ahPau & wife!

Our bento set tat nite - with fried chicken pieces, fried scallops, calamari, fish & prawn tempuras, oysters, baby octopus, beef bacon & turkey ham... although the final 2 seems to be a bit more western than japanese! Oh, the set goes wid 2 bowls of rice & 2 bowls of miso soup as well!

My bowl of 'ai xin tang yuen' (rice dumplings wid love) in red bean soup



Tonight once again i am feeling sentimental. I dunno why there seems to be a period of time when i'll feel down all of a sudden, and just wish tat time can turn back. Again, i'll blame this all on my hormones.

Christmas is coming real soon, and this year will be coming to an end. From other's point of view, many would think i'm very fortunate cox i need not work and all i need to do is to spend time wid my son at home. At times, I do feel bored. Thinking back of how life was before venturing into marriage, my life was packed wid works, dancing, gatherings, outings & performances. Sometimes I really do miss being able to do all the things tat i love without considering about anyone else. Things are different now. Whatever decision tat i make, it'll haf to include my hubby & son. Perhaps tis is wat it mean by growing up and becoming more matured. More responsibilities to handle and becoming more caring and 'mother'ly. Sigh!

I was trying to read back some old mails which owest bring me back previous memories.... deep and emotional. Until today I do not understand why.... do not understand myself and do not understand my heart.

Telling myself once more, I gotta be strong. All that had passed, I must let go. It will be best for everyone if we can all just forget and venture on. Another new year is coming.... what should I expect of this new year??? Will I still be treading on the same spot like wat I had done for the past 2 years??? So much more challenge to face in motherhood.... sometimes i just feel frail and need a place to rest. Crazy hormones.... i better go to bed now!


a wrong turn!

A week ago i was here feeling excited about my son going to school, now i'm here again feeling worried and sighing. Playschool was a bad idea, or i should say sending him to Taska Glory was a nightmare!

When we first thought of sending Jayden there, our intentions are just as simple as hoping tat he'll be able to mingle with his peers there as well as learn some basic motor skills like using spoon, toilet-training, etc. It is a PLAYschool after all. What do you expect the kids to do there anyway? It turned out tat we are enrolling him for a school that are expecting too much from him in return.

We should be grateful tat the school was actually holding a trial session before recruiting all the kids. Not juz the school will be able to evaluate the kids; the parents in return have the opportunity to judge the school and the teachers' patience and determination in teaching!

Taska Glory was a wrong choice. When i told all my friends about it, they all commented about what the teacher said. First day, the principal told me my son has very bad discipline and very bad-tempered. He was throwing toys, and throwing himself on the floor as well as banging his head when he couldn't find us. She said this is very serious as it is very bad example for the kids there. Sigh! Doesn't they need to consider tat the kid is feeling anxious when he noticed tat his parents wasn't there? Somemore it is Jayden's first time being away from my side for so long, and there were so many other kids around.

At the end of the trial week, i was told tat my son has very serious problems. He was said to be autistic, having the tendency to injure himself as well as hyperactivity. As a mum, I was worried of cuz when the principal told me so. I cried and cried out of anxiety. The principal said if they were to take Jayden in, we'll have to bring him for an assessment to show tat he is normal.

We came to realise tat perhaps the school condition wasn't suitable for ahDen. It was way too big-scaled... having too many kids and too few teachers. Jayden must have being running around these few days when he saw tat the place was new, and he must be busy exploring. It must be pretty difficult for him to concentrate when the teachers called his name, for there were far too many things that attract his attention.

We did bring him to the Sensory Integration Centre, thinking of bringing him for an assessment. But from the bottom of our hearts, after i calmed down and thinking straight, we really don't feel tat there is anything wrong wid ahDen. Last Sat we brought him to see his paediatrics because of his cold tat was getting worse.

Dr.Huang was telling us not to worry about Jayden. She said she had seen ahDen for so many times, and it had never cross her mind tat he is autistic. She explained to us in details about wat she observed from ahDen, and as for hyperactive disorder, she ruled tat out as well. She told me tat ahDen is just more active compared to other child, but not til the hyperactive disorder phase. We felt so much relieved. She just told me tat the school wasn't right for him, and we should think of finding him a smaller scale school. I felt like hugging the doc tat time. I was so so so comforted when she told me tat. She even placed her hand on my arm to comfort me. Thanks so much Dr. Huang!

Hubby was telling me all these while tat the principal was wrong. All tat she ever told us was tat ahDen was spoiling all the other kid's fun, especially those whose parents paid for them to have holiday fun there! Jayden is juz a preschooler, I really don't know how much they expect from a 2year old. All those comments juz made me think tat i'm not disciplining my son enough and I made him into this monster. Even if we were to send him to a playschool in future, it would definately NOT be Taska Glory!

Thanks to all the concerns i got from friends. Uncle NgeeBang and Auntie Piang were among the first to tell me there's nothing wrong wid my son. If anything tat's wrong, it is the principal. Later, Aiwei wrote me a lengthy email even when she was so busy, telling me tat playschools nowadays are for money and shortcuts! Yes, they should juz tell me tat they couldn't cope wid my son but not to the extend tat he needs a special school. It was really terrible! I thought tat playschool and kindy teachers are supposed to be more loving and have more patience. All tat i ever wanted for my son is juz an environment where he can learn to socialise more with other kids. I am not able to provide him with all these at home, so I tot of playschool for him. It was definately a wrong gesture.

I cried and cried, thinking if there really is anything wrong wid my son. Now i juz hope he really is fine. All I can do is pray and hope tat i can be a better mother in disciplining him. Sigh! I really sound like a failure in being a mom...


nervous nervous!

Nervous, panic, worried & excited! It's the kind of feeling one get when it's your first day at school tomorrow. I thought i would never ever experienced this kind of feeling anymore after i graduated from university. =))

But this time, i'm feeling it all over again on behalf of my son. It'll be his first day at preschool tomorrow for the holiday trial class. Honestly, both hubby & I wonder and making lots of assumptions on how little Jayden will react tmr. I really do hope he'll get use to it.

I was busy getting ready all his stuffs juz now, packed and repacked, juz to make sure i haf everything ready for him. It really made me think back of my school years. I remembered how my mum will nagged us, telling us to make sure we bring all the new text books and stationaries we need for school on the last nite before a new school semester starts. It was all too familiar... then i'll pack and repack and repack, juz to make sure everything fits into my schoolbag nice and tidy. It was really funny but i always make a big fuss of what i need to bring to school, especially when i'm in primary & secondary school!

My kindy years i juz remembered crying non-stop at the school for weeks, or was it months. First day at primary school, i cried too but this time better. I think i cried for juz one day maybe, cox i have a sis who will always pop into my class to check on me when she's free. Hahaha... =)) First day at secondary school of cuz i didn't cry, eventhough it was a totally new environment for me with new classmates. Anyway i still have Emmy & Imelda together with me in the new school.

The next new school was at Kolej Abdillah, when we were thrown there for our F6. Sigh! This really sucks, for it was my first experience to stay in a boarding school. Staying in a hostel and not being able to go home everyday after school was totally sth new to me. The homesick feeling was terrible, and I juz tot I'd never had survived F6. Thankfully we got a transfer to SMK St. Joseph, and the first day at St. Joe was less frantic for me because i know i will be able to go home to see my mum and eat homecook food after school everyday. So who cares if the F6 syllabus was a struggle! =))

Finally, my last admittance was to university. Okie, here goes again the feeling of being away from home. So, the familiar anxiety and nervousness came once more again. Somemore, I still haf to take a flight by myself and later settle for transport to UM, and checking into the hostel. All those were new experiences back then and I truly haf the courage to face everything, although it really wasn't easy.

Here I am again, having this frantic feeling of going to a new school with a new environment again. I guess I'll be going through all these experiences again in my life until my Jayden graduates from high school or perhaps university, hopefully. And now, the anxious mum must go to bed early too... for school starts tomorrow! Nite nite!


Sigh! ;(

Today i cried in bed. Felt really heartache and heartbroken. Sigh! I was being overly sensitive maybe. After a few minutes of tears-shedding, i sat up in my bed and tell myself... "I cannot be a loser. Rather than juz sit here and sob, I must do my best to correct what i dislike!"

While Jayden was napping, i filled a quarter of a bucket with water and added detergent to it. Then i starting wiping and cleaning my room carpet, although i really don't know if whatever tat i'm doing will actually clean the carpet. After wiping it for minutes, then i finally sprayed Dettol freshener on the carpet.

After calming down and tell myself tat it's really not such a big fuss after all, and although tat i really dislike his behaviour of not respecting others, i tell myself tat i MUST bear with it because he is my elder and i respect him. After all the 5th Commandment in the bible tell us tat 'We Must Always Honour Our Parents', and I will abide wilingly.

Not everything will forever goes the way you wanted them to. What we can do is to make the best out of current situation and not be a loser, juz sitting down blaming and moping! Cheers Ying and stay tough!


happy bday 2 me 2009!

Tis is my final year wid my age starting wid a number 2! Wow... din realise i'm so in my late twenties now! How fast time seems to zoom passed... I had a wonderful birthday tis year and 3 celebrations! I know how much i'm loved by loved ones around me, as well as frens!

1st Celebration :- Piang came to KK for the Borneo Marathon, and nb too came from labuan for the marathon. We stayed at Hyatt for a nite, and on Sunday the 11th (although it was days before my birthday), my two best friends insisted on celebrating my bday for me. When i was still single and those days back in Kuching, we always will celebrate our fren's bday together if we haf the chance to. Those were the days when we still plan for surprises and purposely go shopped for bday gifts or cake for the bday boy or gal! Although it is quite impossible for us to do this now, for everyone in the group is so far apart from each other, being in different places on planet earth... i know tat all of us truly cherish the time we used to spend together. Even though they are all juz memories now, at least it was part of our life before.

Sunday afternoon, we went to 1Borneo. We had a wonderful japanese meal at Michi. It was Piang & Nb's treat. The menu was reasonably priced, and the sushi there was great. I love the soft shell crab & sashimi. We ordered a set of Bento, some 'maki's and also 'Macha' - green tea ice cream!

2nd Celebration :- On the following Sunday again, 18th Oct, another bunch of frens decided to celebrate my bday for me. A few days before MeiChing called and asked if i'll be free on Sun. I was pretty suspicious of her suddenly asking if we'll be free for dinner. And finally she told me tat she wanted us to go over to her house to eat 'mee sua'. ;)) So sweet of her, purposely cooking 'Foochow Mee Sua' for me juz to celebrate my bday.

It had been quite sometime since the last time our group of church frens gathered together for dinner. Now tat we haf new babies into our group, at times it can be quite troublesome bringing all the kids out together for dinner. I really love to eat 'Foochow Mee Sua'. Although tat Sunday, MeiChing still need to work, she purposely rushed back home to cook meesua and dinner for all of us - 4 family tat is - wid the purpose of celebrating my bday. Really feel so touched! Thank you MeiChing & Daniel!

And also hugs & kisses to hubby! He purposely woke up early in the morning before we went to church, n went to the market to buy fish, prawn, etc.... He said since it's to celebrate my bday, we mustn't go empty handed. So he asked the chef to cook stew beef, butter prawns, steam fish & brinjals wid sambal. Ended up dinner was quite a feast. After dinner & cake, we had fruit feast as well. There were rambutans, lychees, langsat, guava & durians!

On the actual day, 19th Oct, i woke up and there were heaps of sms on my fon! All from family members & frens... although i'm one year older, i feel very happy bcox i feel tat i haf lots of frens & love ones around me who cares for me... and it's pretty obvious tat the number is growing! =)) Then they were fon calls and wishes in FaceBook too! Thanks all!

3rd Celebration :- Hubby purposely cooked me 'mee sua' again, wid the 'kampung' chicken he bought from market. It was really so sweet of him. Everytime when it's my bday, he'll cook 'sow mien' for me.... but when it's his bday, i don prepare 'sow mien' for him. Then there was this ice cream cake from Vedablu again tis year... but of different flavour - yogurt & ferrero rocher chocolate taste!

Hubby is forever tat sweet and caring. It's funny when u think tat a guy like him can cook. Actually he doesn't really cooks, but juz some specified dishes it's still okie for him. I love u darling!

Tat nite we went to Little Italy for our italian dinner. We had one large carnivora pizza, one beef lasagna and also promodoro garlic bread for appetizer. Yummy yum yum.... eat n eat n eat.... so pig!

Jayden's mummy will forever be young at heart.... ;)) Welcome 29!

Ohh... last but not least, birthday presents from hubby. Apart from my Nike MaryJane, hehe.... i've got a new Nike Yoga Mat & a Nike bottle! ;))


my Nike Mary Jane!

Birthday present from hubby year 2009 - :)) ... i wanted to get a red pair of Nike ladies slip-on shoes since tat time we went shopping wid nb at the Nike store. When we went to Langkawi, the price for the Nike shoes there were really tempting. So much cheaper compared to the price in KK.

A pair of red colour Mary Jane was the initial pair i planned to get, but when i got to the shop at town tat day, the lady told us tat there'll be new stocks arriving tat very afternoon. So she suggested tat i came back later to take a look, and we went back to tat shop the very next day since we'll oso be going back to the nearby shops there to get chocolates. Finally i chose another pair of Mary Jane which the lady said was their new stock, and it felt really good on my feet. So pretty... even ahDen keeps on saying "mummy shoe shoe 'mei mei' " - 'mei mei' means pretty in mandarin! ;))

Yesterday he even tried to wear my shoes without any of us noticing, and keep on saying 'mei mei' when pointing to my gigantic shoes on his tiny feet!


'lao huang kua' ~ Old Cucumber Soup

Last nite as we were shopping at Likas Servay, i went to get a pack of Sayur Manis or better known as 'su zai chai'. Tat'll be one of the dish for our dinner tonite. Then i saw this old cucumber and it reminded me of my mum. When i called back a few days ago, she said she couldn't find any old cucumber or 'lao huang kua' in Kuching. So the next time i go back Kuching, she reminded me to get her 2cucumbers. Mummy is so cute... tis really made me giggled on the phone. Tat time when we went to KL, she tasted the 'lao huang kua' soup when we ordered for Jayden's dinner and instantly my mum love the soup. She said tat it's very refreshing and can help to reduce body heat. ;)) So til today, she wanted very much to try to boil the soup on her own. Don worry mummy, i'll get u those old cucumbers when i go back Kuching early Sept!

I never tried boiling this soup before, although i think i might know the simple process of it. Tat's to dump all the ingredients inside the slow cooker and let it boil. I tot of searching for the recipe on the net first, but when we get home after following hubby to do his chores tis morning it was already running late. So i wash n cut the cucumber and dumped all the ingredients inside.... the chicken and red dates. I always think tat it's nicer to use bony pork or 'bak kut' to boil soup cox pork juz gif u tat stronger taste in soup. But i'll haf to do with chicken here cox we hardly buy any pork here in KK. So my soup....

And to share the recipe which i got from the net... Old Cucumber Soup from Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food Next time i'll try to add some dried scallops. My boy boy juz love to drink soup as much as i do... for although i'm a 'banana', i'm still a very pure Chinese. ;))

Oh... another additional items.... pineapples! Can u believe tat tis is one whole pineapple??? I think it shud be lar. I kept on pestering my hubby to buy me pineapples and finally he bought me one. I do love pineapples, sweet ones of cuz. So finally, pineapples as my afternoon snack. I think pineapple is one of the greatest fruit there ever was, cox it goes extremely well with a lot of drink especially cocktail. I know for sure Mek hated this fruit... and even if she sees tis pic, she'll start to shiver with fear! =))


wat is wrong?!?!

Is there something wrong wid young couples nowadays??? Last Sat, i received a shocking news which really troubled me very much. I juz knew tat darling Mek was finally conceived and i was so happy for her tat i blurted out a happy congrats to her in msn, only to find out minutes later tat she had had a miscarriage a few days ago! It was shocking for none of us expected it to happen. Sigh! Miscarriages again.....

After my own experience; whenever friends asked me about a 2nd child, i'd came out clear with them about what happened. From there i have had lots of frens sharing wid me their own experience, and honestly u won't haf friends sharing these types of news with you unless if they are wiling to let u know. Surprisingly, the number of friends tat experienced miscarriages before are abundant. This really got me asking about why and why more. Sigh!

What is wrong wid humans nowadays? Is it really so hard to conceive healthily?? It is really very sad for anyone to haf to go through such an experience. It is cruel and hurting, and sometimes you wonder what have u done wrong to deserve all this. Like what Emmy told me before in her comment, we can plan but still God is the one who order our steps.

"I recognize my lost child is in His caring hands for all eternity..." This is a verse i got from a special prayer for special needs, and i'd like to share wid my fellow sisters who experienced similar experience, no matter wat religion you might be. Darling Mek, you must be strong again. Like i said, it's alright to cry and it's alright to mourn. Give yourself some time but after the mourning period, we must once again get up and be strong. The most wonderful thing about this world is there is still HOPE. Often it takes a misfortune to remind us of how fortunate we are. It wouldn't always be rainy days... and i have FAITH!



Tis morning very easily we spent RM165 on these 3 items. I got sick a few days ago, after mum & sis went home. I think i played too much, and after tat hubby got sick as well. Even common cold nowadays seem scary enough with the number of H1N1 cases increasing day by day. Sigh... and now it's reported the 4th death case in Malaysia and in Sabah alone there is already more than 200 cases, with 10 schools being closed down.

I went to clinic on Wednesday nite. Honestly i don't really feel tat sick, except for all my aching limbs and the cold shivers. The doc said i got mild fever and luckily i went to get some medicine soon enough. What concerns me most is tat i do not want my child to catch a cold too.... especially at this critical moment and children's immune system are always the weakest. Then last nite, hubby started to show the symptom of catching a cold too... so tis morning, after breakfast we straightaway went to Amway to buy tis 3 items.... Manuka Honey, Active 8, & Bio-C Plus.

I mixed one tablespoon of the Manuka Honey, which is popular for its antibacterial purpose, with the Active 8 Tangerine Drink Mix and gave some to ahDen. I'm drinking it now as well after swallowing 2 tablets of Bio-C, hopefully my cold goes away very, very soon. Later when hubby come home, i'll make another big mug of the nice honey drink for him.... hopefully we both get well soon! Really hope Jayden wont catch a cold too.


from Pregnant to Un-pregnant

After moments of weeping n crying, i know i haf to stand up strong once again. I juz dunno why i felt so emotional tonite. Partly cox i felt terribly bored and a bit drunk. I pictured how my life had gone by these past 2years, how much i had missed and how much seem to slip away. A pang of hurt kept on thundering inside of me... tis time back to Kuching, my beloved hometown, so much had changed. Sigh... all the places i used to go to seemed so dead. Perhaps tis is a sign telling me i shud really, really juz buried away my pains and sorrows.

Before this a perfect family plan was in my mind, but now i can only say we'll let life goes on its natural course. So much tat happened, made me questioned about the true meaning of life. Tonite as i was typing tis post out, i juz couldn't stop crying. I know a lot of friends care deeply for me but yet, i felt so helpless. Maybe i shud juz blame it on my hormones... for causing me tis jumbled emotions.

Things to worry about, the blood clot in my uterus. After the D&C (dilation and curretage) surgery, i tot i'll be fine. But now, another worry continues. When i went for my followed-up checkup last Fri, the gynae told me there was still some blood clot in my uterus. Sigh.... i really dont want to undergo anymore surgery or be admitted to the ward again. The best thing to hope for now is for the blood clot to be extracted naturally wid my coming menses. And the thing the gynae told me to really watch out for is whether there will be any abnormal bleeding. If yes, i'll haf to be warded immediately. Sigh... i juz feel so tired...

The story of me from being pregnant to 'un-pregnant'...
8th March 2009 -
Early morning around 0545am, i woke up and prepared myself. I need to be at Timberland Medical Center at 0630am and be warded for D&C. When i reached the hospital, i was put on the weighing scale. I felt like a hippo standing there and my weight was scary. All these while i tot i will haf a successful pregnancy, i didn't mind putting on extra weights. But when all this doesn't happened, it really dampened my spirit. So much more pounds for me to lose in the coming days!

They took my blood pressure reading and my pulse reading, and i was asked to changed into an akward blue robe with only two string attached at the back.... totally bare inside and only the robe covering me. I experienced this before when i gave birth to Jayden, but still i felt anxious. The only comfort tat i told myself over and over again was "mummy will be making me delicious 'kacang-ma' and when all this over, i can enjoy!" I don't mind if it was a lie i was repeating to myself but as long as it soothes my fear, i'll be chanting this over and over to myself!

As promised, at 0800am i was wheeled into the OT (operating theathre). I was really scared, but i know i'll be fine. At least no needles poking and drip yet. I had been fasting the whole nite before as i'll be put on general anesthesia, i wasn't allowed to eat or even drink after midnite. For the whole nite, i dreamt of me forgetting about my surgery appointment and went for a drink of water. I had this habit since i was a teenager to drink lots of water before sleep and even thru midnite. I juz haf this thinking tat i couldn't survive without water so can u imagined how suffering it was the whole nite thru!?!?!

When i was wheeled into the ward, i passed thru a lot of doors. At the first 2 doors, the nurses asked me the same question over and over again.
"Any dentures??" ---- No
"Ada(Got) contact lens???" ---- No
"Bila kali terakhir makan??" --- 10pm last nite
"Makan apa?? (Wat did u ate?)" ---- Noodles
"Kali terakhir minum? (Last time u drank?)" --- Before midnite

A nurse asked me finally, "are u scared??".... and i answered, "YES!" That was really the most comforting question to me. I knew all the questions before this was procedure, but all the while i was deeply terrified about wat was going to happen. Finally, the nurse asked me this caring question of whether i was afraid. She told me tat i don't haf to be scared as it will be a simple procedure. I felt so much comforted...

Before i was wheeled into the OT, i was placed outside it. Thank God i am short-sighted for everything seemed to be a big patch of blurry vision. I juz lied there thinking tat this will all be over very soon... the process of 'un-pregnant'ing me! After waiting for several minutes, i was wheeled inside the OT. I can sensed tat one of the nurses was a male... for he was covered with strong tobacco smell. I felt akward when he removed the top part of my robe for i was totally bare inside.

The first process was putting my right arm on a stand and a blood pressure measuring device was immediately wrapped around my right arm. Next, my left arm was extended the same way it was as my right arm, and i was wondering wat are they doing. Then i almost cursed "S**T! Drips... oh no... i hated those terribly!"

I tried my best to look away and not focused. The specialist in charge of the anesthesia was asking me which type of anesthesia i'd prefered, and i opted the masked one or the totally unconscious procedure. After tat, a small figure approached me and held my arms as she talked to me... then i finally realised it was Dr. Ng tat was talking to me and i felt deeply relaxed. She told me tat choosing the totally unconsious anesthetic i'll be awake faster and i juz need to relax. After tat, some tubes were inserted into my nostrils and i was told tat it was oxygen tubes. One of my fingers, i think it shud be one of my left fingers were clipped and a steady beep was immediately present. I was wondering if tat's my very own heartbeat for they seemed to be pretty stable and i was trying my very best to stay calm then.... after a few beep, not mistakenly tat must be my very own heartbeat!

Then i felt a cold shot of liquid flowing thru my left veins... i guessed the doc must haf injected sth into the drip. Arghh..... i juz hate tat feeling. It felt so terribly cold and the numbness made me unable to feel my arm. Seconds later, i was totally unaware.

Someone was calling me and i opened my eyes.... it was a nurse calling my surname "Tee... Tee...", she said sth like it's time to wake up now. I blinked my eyes a few times and wondered if it was all over. I was wheeled out of the operation theatre toward the ward and as i looked to my left, hubby was franctically catching up wid all the nurses. I told him, "How come so fast?? It's all done??" SiewHung looked at me puzzled.... then only i asked him wat time is it, and he said 9am. Ohh... so i had been in there for an hour??!??! I didn't felt like tat. I felt as if i had dozed off to sleep juz for a few minutes and waking up feeling so much refreshed!

As i was moved to my bed in the common ward, the only thing tat was troubling me was the bag of drip. How much i wanted to tell the nurses to remove it for me for it was again causing my left arm and hand starting to swell. Siewhung said he had to leave then since i was awake, to go home to take a look at Jayden and gif him his bath. Okie.... i was deeply worried about Jayden as well. I felt really fine and i told him i'll take a nap there.

When he left, i picked up my handphone and saw Mek's sms. I wanted to called nb to tell him tat all this was over. I called him, half blurry and told him tat i had such a good rest and when i woke up, i felt amazingly fine without any pain at all. The only difference was tat i wasn't pregnant anymore then. Then i sent an sms to Piang & Mek telling them both i was fine. Nb sent me an sms telling me tat i'd been a really brave gal.... before tis, i was whining to him telling him tat the thing i feared most is PAIN. When all tis was over, he was the first person i wanted to tell tat it didn't hurt like i imagined! He said tat i'd been a brave gal n really growned up now for my bravery.

I dozed off to sleep for awhile after tat and when i woke up, i was still all alone. Siewhung hadn't arrived yet, and i was starting to feel hungry. As i lay there on the bed with the curtains around me drawn, i heard a lot of other things going on in the ward. Someone in the ward had juz passed away... i heard the nursed talking about it, and the lady on the bed next to me had fever after her surgery. I knew i had lost a baby, although not a fully-grown one yet but the surgery i had been thru was really minor. I wasn't grieving, for i know tat there are more unfortunate ppl than me in this world.

Some ppl live their whole life blaming others for not being able to do more for them. At times, i am like tat too but at tat very moment, i knew wat i had been thru juz made me more matured and added another entry to my book of life experience. Still i was lying there telling myself tat my mum will be cooking delicious 'kacang-ma' for me and for the few days to come i'll haf confinement food to eat like chicken soup, pork belly soup, chicken or pork slices wid ginger & wine, pork leg with ginger & black vinegar, & etc... and tat was the only comfort i could give myself then. Of cuz i felt sad about the loss and i had never imagined tat i'll be 'un-pregnant' this way. But wat can I do? This is not my own will and not sth tat i can control. The only thing i can do is to face it and to move on.

The medical bill costed RM1k+... and i kept on telling mum tat wid juz an additional few hundreds ringgit, i might as well go thru natural birth at the private hospital and bring back a baby. A lot of things tat happened in life are beyond our control. I am definately not the type of person tat will opt for an abortion, not at all course. In this case, it juz really wasn't meant to be and not meant to be kept... so wat can i do otherwise? This is fate, and as i assumed it must be tat i do not haf any fate wid this child then. If i must let go, wat more can i do to hold on to it??? It isn't going to happen anyway, i might as well juz give in earlier. As I say, life goes on anyway.... so let's juz make the best out of it!


early pregnancy failure

27th April 2009 - The long awaited Monday had finally came. I should be into my 8weeks of 2nd pregnancy by now. Two weeks ago while i was in Kuching, i went to Dr. Ng's clinic for a checkup. Tat time, i was 6weeks pregnant and a sac was visibly seen during the ultrasound. However, there wasn't any heartbeat from the embryo. So, the gynae said to go for another checkup 2weeks later and only if there's heartbeat can it be considered as a successful pregnancy.

I started to worry since then. No heartbeat... if i wasn't mistaken, it was not like tat in my first pregnancy. So finally Monday 27th came. I made an appointment wid Dr. Sarva here in KK for a checkup. The ultrasound showed nothing, so an internal scan was required. Again, a gestational sac was very visible, but it was empty! I was praying and hoping so hard tis time for the bb's heartbeat to be heard but there was only silence. The doc started telling me tat it wasn't a good sign.

8weeks into pregnancy, and a normal embryo will start to develop by now. I was dazzled and only part of wat the doc told me got inside my head. He started saying sth about miscarriage and how common tis problem is nowadays. I looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing wat to say. He said if it's really not successful, then the sac will need to be removed.

So, no baby?!?!... but all the pregnancy symptoms were so visible, and the urine test as well! They are real! There was sickness and fatigue; and me always feeling nauseous whenever i'm hungry. It felt like a cruel joke, and i started to cry in front of the doc. I hadn't realised how much i wanted tis pregnancy to happen, but i did! I had started informing family members and close frens, and i even put on weight. But no, i juz don't understand why a healthy me will haf a miscarriage.

Then the doctor started telling me tat i'm still young, and still haf lots of chance. I am perfectly clear of all tis logic and worst come to worst, i still haf Jayden. It's juz tat i was awfully disappointed and i didn't expect a miscarriage to happen. All i can do now is to wait for another 2weeks, and by tat time still totally nothing, the tissue will haf to be removed.

Yes, i'm scare but i know i will be alright. I had all this rational reasons keep on playing in my head, it's juz the emotional part of me starting to crumble down. How much we hope for it to happen; it seems so real and close but yet so far!
This is a link sis gave me. Thanks for giving me tis info, to help me understand more about wat happened. Whole day the question "Why? Why? Why?" kept on playing on my mind. The article is about :- Blighted Ovum

Perhaps tis is God's way of telling me tat we all weren't ready for another new member yet. I'm grateful tat i still haf Jayden around me, and today (Tues, 28th) he started kissing me alot. He learned how to kiss wid the "muakkkk" sound lately, and he's putting it into practice very often now. He'll pout his lips and lean closely over, (whether my cheeks, lips or even my arms) and plant his wet kiss on me! Although his saliva wil be all over me, but i'm deeply touched at how much i'm loved by him! :')
I'll be okay! I'll be fine!


tantrums update!

Lately Jayden had been practicing some new tantrums, and it changes from day to day. Besides from being super-clingy to mummy, his taste in tv shows started to change as well. Before this it was the nursery rhymes wid colourful cartoons tat owest does the trick, but now it's Madagascar2. Two weeks ago when hubby had to go back to Sibu, leaving only me & Jayden here in Casuarina, i was so grateful i finally found a DVD tat he wanted to watch. He was sick tat time, and being super-fussy, super-clingy, asking for the impossibles to be done..... sigh! without tis solution, i'd had gone mad a long time ago.

Starting from Thursday, we watched Madagascar2 for SIX times! For the following days, still Madagascar2 playing on the tv and my little boy juz sat there, staring afix at the tv. Talk about attention span in toddlers.... they can watch the same thing over & over again, as long as they like it. This remind me about the goldfish theory, who mentioned tis b4... Piang, KC or Aiwei???.... couldn't remember. It is about goldfish wid really short attention span, 8seconds maybe, and tat is why they can swim around in their aquarium for the whole day, never getting bored! Poor thing! How about toddlers then??? I swear i could write the best subtitles for Madagascar2 now....

Even til today, Jayden still loves Madagascar2, escpecially the part where the "Move It Move It" song came, he'll be tapping his little foot and swaying his body immitating the characters in there!

Oh.... the temper tantrums. Okie a few weeks ago, it was the habit of not wanting to put on shirt & pants & even diapers! Whenever it was time to put on his clothings after his bath, Jayden will start to run away and hide at the corner of the bed, not wanting to put on his clothes! He'll even run to the big glass window and stood there looking outside at the passing cars or aeroplanes! Wat a big "show"! Tat lasted for about a week i think, and now this habit finally passed.

Thank God.... but then here comes the habit of "not wanting to bath"! Everyday when it's bath time, i'll be like a broken record playing "Jayden, it's bathtime. Let's go to the bathroom!" ... over & over again. He'll then start to ignore me, still playing wid his toys and finally when i really, really had to bath him, i'll be dragging him to the bathroom wid him wailing like crazy. Sigh!

Really tiring! He wasn't like tis previously, bathtime was one of his favourites. Suddenly all these new changes makes me ponder. I read tis article before saying tat alot of time toddler tend to be rebellious. Imagine you have to live your life having someone else telling you when to eat ur meals, when to take ur bath, when to go to bed.... perhaps you would be as rebellious (or maybe even more) as well. It makes alot of sense and thinking from this point of view, at least it helps me to control my temper and anger whenever Jayden starts to rebel. I juz have to come up wid more new tricks everyday of tricking him into doing wat i wanted. Sometimes i'm pretty amuse at myself being able to come up wid so many silly tricks.... but wat to do, u definately haf to think the way ur toddler is thinking, 10times faster and quicker so tat u can steer them into the correct-mummy way!

I must pack myself wid a lot more of patience and hopefully Jayden too wil be more cooperative. I guess these are the challenges for every mum.


luv for Swak Laksa

Last Saturday i had this cravings for Sarawak Laksa. It actually started last week, then as the days passed my intense cravings grew together. When i told hubby about my cravings for swak laksa, he had this idea of cooking swak laksa on sunday noon. So we went out to buy the laksa paste on Saturday nite, and make sure we had all the ingredients we needed in the restaurant downstairs... ;)) .... beansprouts, eggs, chicken, prawns, parsley leaves, coconut milk and of cuz beehoon!

Sunday afternoon after we came back from church, hubby was busy going off to fix some leaking pipes in one of the room. So i tot maybe we wont be able to haf laksa then, and i went off to nap... dreaming about laksa in my mind and i feel even more hungry whenever i think of laksa. Around 2pm, hubby came back and said he'll go downstairs then to prepare laksa for me. ;))

At 3pm, TA-DA.... yummy fragrant Swak laksa filled with lots of warmth and love for me... delivered to my room together wid a glass of ice lemon tea and another glass of ice tea for hubby. Wow..... it looks so tempting, immediately satisfied my cravings!


2nd Anniversary

On this nite, 10th March 2009, we celebrated our wedding 2nd anniversary at Yoshimi Japanese Restaurant. As usual, i'll say bringing Jayden out was a really tiring thing, and recently i rather eat in than out. I understand hubby's good intention of wanting to bring us out for a nice dinner as a celebration... =)) he came back around 515pm and asked if i'll be going for yoga classes. I didn't think i wanna go class tonite, so he suggested we had japanese food at Yoshimi.

It was our first time there, and we heard about how fresh the sushi there is. So off we went to Warisan Square around 730pm. The japanese food there was tasty. We ordered a set of the bento box meal... beef with teriyaki sauce and enoki mushroom, which was served with the usual miso soup and fruits. The other orders was avocado + mayo sushi, and another fresh tuna & salmon maki. The best of our order tat nite was the special soft shell crab sushi... with the crispy deepfried soft shell crab wrapped up in nori sheets and rice paper and totally no rice balls at all! The waitress suggested this dish to us, and we decided to give it a try... although it was quite costly, RM22 per dish. Thank God it tastes superb... else it'll be a waste of our money.

The bento box was purposely ordered for ahDen... cox there'll be some rice and soup for him. His appetite was really good tat nite, after his diarrhea for about a week. His first taste of the japanese rice made him wanted even more. =)) I thought he would spit out the mouthful of rice i fed him, but halfway while spitting the rice out, he tasted how different the rice was and immediately shoved it back into his mouth again using the back of his hand! He ate alot tat nite, about half a bowl of rice. Tis boy can be quite picky on his food at certain time however it was a relieve for both hubby & I for ahDen really hadn't been eating well lately bcox of his diarrhea.

Although the food there was quite expensive, but the freshness of the sushi pays off. The raw tuna and salmon tasted really well, i still tot hubby might feel sick from the raw fish but he said it was tasty tat nite.... so tat proves it's freshness. ;)) The tuna salmon maki was wrapped up uniquely, and i took my time figuring out how they actually make those maki and i hoped when i haf an opportunity in future, i can try it out and see if i got it correctly!
We had a nice but really quick meal. Not much time to enjoy our food now like previously. Little Jayden was oledi busy roaming the place, starting wid the inside of the restaurant, then eventually venturing to the walkway outside. Sigh... both hubby & I took turn to look after the naughty little 'monkey'. After dinner we had a stroll at Warisan Square and later 'ta pau' hubby's favourite 1901 hotdog for supper tat nite. He owest loves 1901 so much, so as a treat for him tat nite, i didn't stopped him from buying it! Hehehe.... so i can oso eat later when the 'monkey' is in bed! Wahahaaa....


gifts from japan

2 weeks ago tis Piang had a funny personal message in her msn. She wrote "monkey no see, monkey no hear, monkey no talk".... ???? Wat is piang yee up to tis time??? Why suddenly so many monkeys, and yet no see, no hear & no talk?!?!

When i asked her about this, she said i will understand when i see it. Peishan was back from japan for a holiday during tat time.... hmm... she's still in Msia now though, having a long break. I'm pretty sure she must be enjoying herself very, very much; missing her family and oso the food here.

Mum came to KK last Wed nite, and she brought along wid her peishan's souvenirs for me. The souvenirs really went a long way.... from Japan to KK (during peishan's transit in KK but i didn't meet up wid her for she only had an hour before her flight back to Kuching). Then the souvenirs went to peishan's aunt's house in Kuching and piang went to collect it, which she delivered to my mum after tat. Then finally from Kuching the souvenirs flew again to KK, and came to Casuarina Hotel! ;))

Okie... now i understand wat is "monkey no see, monkey no hear & monkey no talk". So cute... each of the monkey can be unhooked and u can haf a selection of 1monkey on the chain, or 2monkeys on the chain, or 3monkeys on the chain or no monkey at all! ;))

eh... shud be monkey no see, monkey no talk, monkey no hear!

The funny part was the lollipop bath ball. Okie... when my sis first told me about the souvenirs piang sent over to mum's house, she oledi told me got lollipop which peishan bought for jayden. Then i was thinking why peishan buy ahDen lollipop cox ahDen cant eat sweet yet, he might swallowed the whole thing & choke. Somemore the 'lollipop' is sooooo big, how to finish??!! (I never like lollipop cox i can never finish licking one!) Then again i tell myself, maybe the lollipop is for me... some special sweet from japan maybe =))

When i saw the 'lollipop', i immediately burst out loud. It was printed there Chupa Chups, then beneath it a clear print of BATH BALL. =)) Oh... so tis is the bath ball tat peishan mentioned she'll give me cox she won't be using it. Now suddenly everything make sense... cannot be ahDen so young oledi eat such a big lollipop! Tis one really funny.... luckily i din open and eat lar... but clearly printed there tat it wasn't edible, juz some ppl can be quite blind at time.... (my sister ahMing!)

Chupa Chups for Jayden!

eh... strawberry flavoured chupa chups but not edible icon??!??

B-A-T-H B-A-L-L !!! *_*"'

Strawberry bathball for me n my bathtub!

Then there was the miso soup paste purposely sent over from japan. I told peishan tat it was kinda costly here in msia, and she bought the paste for me from japan. I know i must have troubled her for she was asking if can handcarry the paste or even better if she just throw it inside her check-in luggage. I haven't try cooking the miso paste yet, cox mum was here for the last few days. Maybe tmr i can start cooking and we'll haf miso soup for dinner. Thanks and *HUGS* to peishan darling for buying me all these souvenirs. Very much treasured, and the good laugh i had from them!

miso soup paste


Valentine's Day '09

14th February 2009 fell on a Saturday this year. Tis shud be our 13th Valentine together now, including those years which we couldn't spend together but this year's Valentine celebration is really one of the most different, among the most special we both ever had. Tonnes of thanks to our members of our cell group. All the us are married and blessed with a child or two, and on this saturday nite we all decided to celebrate together. The venue for our Valentine's celebration was no other than Casuarina, and both hubby & I were in charge of the food tat nite. MeiChing & Daniel were in charged of the event tat nite, whereas LingLing was in charge of our Valentine gifts. ;p

Before tat day, both hubby & I drafted out the menu for Valentine's dinner. We planned and budgeted the cost for our dinner, minding not to charge too much for the western cuisine tat nite. Part of the reason was we are intending to let our frens try out the dishes at Casuarina, and seeking for improvement comments. I mixed a special drink for all our guests tat nite, and two nites b4, i made a few glasses of my mixed drink and had hubby picked the one he likes best. It was really fun, having some creativity for a change and all the guests really love it. I called it my "Refreshing Lime Soda", and everyone said it was really refreshing n nice, and i shared with them my recipe. ;)) A fren even asked if i took hotel management course before, =)) but i told him tat it was merely juz my interest of making new dishes n drinks.

Preparation of the restaurant for the event tat nite.

Hubby & I decorated the restaurant for the event tat nite. We hung up teddies & bunnies in a heart-shaped ring a few nites before, and Jayden was the most excited of us all. He kept on pointing to all the red dangling soft toys, and said "oooww owww" (his baby language of expressing any dogs, cats, or animals...) =)) When his daddy hold him high up as if trying to touch the teddies, he'll chuckled loudly. Sigh..... how cute my Jayden is ...

All the guests except for the single photographer tat nite.

Tat nite we all dressed up nicely. By 7.30pm, all our guests had arrived. The dimly litted restaurant with flickers of tealight candles gave everyone a romantic feel. We were supposed to haf 5 couples tat nite, but there were only 9adults for ahPau's wife and baby Nathan are still in Sibu for confinement. I told him i'll lend him ahDen to be his date tat nite. =))

We started our dinner with the soup of the day, cream of mushroom soup. As we were having our dinner, the event for tat nite started. Daniel leaded the event session tat nite, and he started with each couple telling everyone how they met their other half and why they'd chosen to tie their knots. It was kinda funny and really touching hearing everyone sharing their experiences, and really a more 'get-to-know-one-another' opportunity.

Cream of mushroom soup & prawn cocktail salad

Halfway while sharing, the prawn cocktail salad and pasta were served. For the pasta, there were 5 plates of spaghetti bolognese and and penne carbonara each, meant for couple sharing. Having the opportunity where your spouse announces publicly why he/she picks you as the companion to walk down the road of marriage, as well as the type of support he/she provides you, was really priceless. With the romantic surrounding, once again u feel like u r still in your courtship moments, aahhh.... juz tat there are kids and babies around, making noises and both the parents needing to attend to them once in awhile.

While waiting for our main course tat nite, we had the peak of our event. Each pair of couple were told to bring our wedding rings tat nite, and everyone wondered wat we haf to do with tat. Once again we exchanged vows and then exchanged our wedding rings. It was juz like 2 years ago back in the church where we exchanged our vows. After tat, the gentleman will gif their wife a bouquet of flowers, followed by the wife presenting their beloved husband with a box of chocolate. Finally, the husband gave their wife a kiss in front of all the others, =)) and had their photos taken.

4 pairs of blessed wedding rings in the midst of litted candles, chocs & flowers.

It was a total rerun of our wedding when hubby & I exchanged our vows in our blurry mandarin. Part of it was funny but most of all it was touching and deeply felt. Daniel played the role as our minister tat nite, and we recite our vows following his guidance. The romantic environment really enhanced all tat was going on.

Exchanging vows

Putting the ring on hubby's finger

A kiss as a token of love

Our main course tat nite was a small portion of sirloin steaks and chicken chops. Daniel brought a bottle of Lambrusco red wine, and it was superb to go with the steaks. Thanks Daniel for owest wiling to share his red wine wid all of us. After the main course, we had fresh fruits as desserts. Everyone was full and satisfied with the meal tat nite, and the drinks were a blast where everyone had more than one serving. =)) The event tat nite lasted past 10pm, and the kids were really sleepy except for Jayden. We finished off all tat we could, and watever we couldn't we let our guests 'tapau' back home.

Photos of our main course of sirloin steak and chicken chops

Tat nite in our room, hubby & I recalled back wat everyone had shared at the dinner table. It seems to be tat for each & every couple, we tend to complement each other's weaknesses as well as sharing some similar prospects in life. For most of us, it is through God's blessings tat we haf each other and eventually became man & wife. We thank God for all his blessings all this while, and oso providing us with such a bunch of good frens in Christ, owest making us having this homely feeling whenever we gather although each of us is far away from our hometown.

Both hubby & I spent lots of Valentines together before, but we never spent one like this ever. We both agreed tat it was one of the most special we ever had, and as for my bouquet of flower, it was definately one of the best i ever had. Looking at the beautifully folded flowers using RM1 note, i was deeply impressed with sister LingLing's patience & love. She made a total of 5bouquets for every couple, and without love and patience, i'm sure she could never had done tat. Thanks to to ChangHe, LingLing's hubby, for buying us all the nice 'rochers' from Labuan and last but not least, we are all thankful to Daniel & MeiChing for chairing this wonderful event.

Hopefully in time to come, even with children on the way, both hubby & I will get to celebrate each and every Valentine together and of cuz being accompanied by our kids. It's true tat we could not celebrate it like those days back during our courtship, for at least another 20+years to come, but having the opportunity to celebrate Valentine wid ur kids around you is another form of God's grace. I truly cherish my family and Happy Valentine's Day to all!

My special bouquet of flowers and chocolates!