When i asked her about this, she said i will understand when i see it. Peishan was back from japan for a holiday during tat time.... hmm... she's still in Msia now though, having a long break. I'm pretty sure she must be enjoying herself very, very much; missing her family and oso the food here.
Mum came to KK last Wed nite, and she brought along wid her peishan's souvenirs for me. The souvenirs really went a long way.... from Japan to KK (during peishan's transit in KK but i didn't meet up wid her for she only had an hour before her flight back to Kuching). Then the souvenirs went to peishan's aunt's house in Kuching and piang went to collect it, which she delivered to my mum after tat. Then finally from Kuching the souvenirs flew again to KK, and came to Casuarina Hotel! ;))
Okie... now i understand wat is "monkey no see, monkey no hear & monkey no talk". So cute... each of the monkey can be unhooked and u can haf a selection of 1monkey on the chain, or 2monkeys on the chain, or 3monkeys on the chain or no monkey at all! ;))
The funny part was the lollipop bath ball. Okie... when my sis first told me about the souvenirs piang sent over to mum's house, she oledi told me got lollipop which peishan bought for jayden. Then i was thinking why peishan buy ahDen lollipop cox ahDen cant eat sweet yet, he might swallowed the whole thing & choke. Somemore the 'lollipop' is sooooo big, how to finish??!! (I never like lollipop cox i can never finish licking one!) Then again i tell myself, maybe the lollipop is for me... some special sweet from japan maybe =))
When i saw the 'lollipop', i immediately burst out loud. It was printed there Chupa Chups, then beneath it a clear print of BATH BALL. =)) Oh... so tis is the bath ball tat peishan mentioned she'll give me cox she won't be using it. Now suddenly everything make sense... cannot be ahDen so young oledi eat such a big lollipop! Tis one really funny.... luckily i din open and eat lar... but clearly printed there tat it wasn't edible, juz some ppl can be quite blind at time.... (my sister ahMing!)
Then there was the miso soup paste purposely sent over from japan. I told peishan tat it was kinda costly here in msia, and she bought the paste for me from japan. I know i must have troubled her for she was asking if can handcarry the paste or even better if she just throw it inside her check-in luggage. I haven't try cooking the miso paste yet, cox mum was here for the last few days. Maybe tmr i can start cooking and we'll haf miso soup for dinner. Thanks and *HUGS* to peishan darling for buying me all these souvenirs. Very much treasured, and the good laugh i had from them!
piang yee no up 2 anything la, she is good girl, hehe, ah den is good boy!
:o i din know the monkeys can separate one ler
so have u finish licking the lollipop? =))
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