
xmas 2009 sharing

Tmr is Christmas day.... it'll be Jayden's baptism day and in the afternoon we'll be going to Kasih Sayang Kokol Hill. Xiao Yu purposely pops in to Facebook and asked if we'll be going... we did plan to go, juz tat we forgot to inform them & to pay!

Xiao Yu asked us to prepare the answer for 2 questions... which i find very meaningful. When she first asked me, I was scratching my head figuring wat i haf to say... but after an evening's time, i finally jotted down all my answers to the 2 questions and seems like my list is quite long!

The 2 meaningful questions which everyone will haf to share tmr are :-
(i) In 2009, I'm thankful that ...
(ii) In 2010, I hope that ...

These 2 questions seem to be very simple, but when Xiao Yu first ask me, it really got my mind rolling, thinking for answers. Finally these are what I wanna share, not only tmr but also here in my blog.

In 2009, I'm thankful that ...
- we have enough to eat, enough to use & enough to wear.
- we stay healthy and well. Although there are times of sickness, we are still able to pay for our medical bills and to heal with caring family members by our side.
- although 2009 is one of the toughest year where we'd suffered a great lost by losing an unborn child; we are thankful that we have God's grace & ppl around caring for us all the while & that we have Jayden by our side to cheer & lighten us up all the while.
- Most of all, I am thankful that I have a loving & patient husband who never fails to support me when i'm down and helping me to grow & be a better person.

In 2010, I hope that ...
- we will all continue to stay happy and healthy.
- we will all grow to love God even more.
- I, myself, will be a better person...
~ be a better wife to my husband
~ be a better mum to my son
~ be a better daughter to my mum and parent-in-laws
~ be a better sister to my siblings & brother n sister-in-laws.
- we continue to have God's grace in everything that we do.
- Last but not least, is that God's grace and blessings will continue to shine down on my sister's family, keeping her strong and continue to have faith in God always.

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