
luv for Swak Laksa

Last Saturday i had this cravings for Sarawak Laksa. It actually started last week, then as the days passed my intense cravings grew together. When i told hubby about my cravings for swak laksa, he had this idea of cooking swak laksa on sunday noon. So we went out to buy the laksa paste on Saturday nite, and make sure we had all the ingredients we needed in the restaurant downstairs... ;)) .... beansprouts, eggs, chicken, prawns, parsley leaves, coconut milk and of cuz beehoon!

Sunday afternoon after we came back from church, hubby was busy going off to fix some leaking pipes in one of the room. So i tot maybe we wont be able to haf laksa then, and i went off to nap... dreaming about laksa in my mind and i feel even more hungry whenever i think of laksa. Around 2pm, hubby came back and said he'll go downstairs then to prepare laksa for me. ;))

At 3pm, TA-DA.... yummy fragrant Swak laksa filled with lots of warmth and love for me... delivered to my room together wid a glass of ice lemon tea and another glass of ice tea for hubby. Wow..... it looks so tempting, immediately satisfied my cravings!

1 comment:

shan said...

i oso wan laksa T.T