
Valentine's Day '09

14th February 2009 fell on a Saturday this year. Tis shud be our 13th Valentine together now, including those years which we couldn't spend together but this year's Valentine celebration is really one of the most different, among the most special we both ever had. Tonnes of thanks to our members of our cell group. All the us are married and blessed with a child or two, and on this saturday nite we all decided to celebrate together. The venue for our Valentine's celebration was no other than Casuarina, and both hubby & I were in charge of the food tat nite. MeiChing & Daniel were in charged of the event tat nite, whereas LingLing was in charge of our Valentine gifts. ;p

Before tat day, both hubby & I drafted out the menu for Valentine's dinner. We planned and budgeted the cost for our dinner, minding not to charge too much for the western cuisine tat nite. Part of the reason was we are intending to let our frens try out the dishes at Casuarina, and seeking for improvement comments. I mixed a special drink for all our guests tat nite, and two nites b4, i made a few glasses of my mixed drink and had hubby picked the one he likes best. It was really fun, having some creativity for a change and all the guests really love it. I called it my "Refreshing Lime Soda", and everyone said it was really refreshing n nice, and i shared with them my recipe. ;)) A fren even asked if i took hotel management course before, =)) but i told him tat it was merely juz my interest of making new dishes n drinks.

Preparation of the restaurant for the event tat nite.

Hubby & I decorated the restaurant for the event tat nite. We hung up teddies & bunnies in a heart-shaped ring a few nites before, and Jayden was the most excited of us all. He kept on pointing to all the red dangling soft toys, and said "oooww owww" (his baby language of expressing any dogs, cats, or animals...) =)) When his daddy hold him high up as if trying to touch the teddies, he'll chuckled loudly. Sigh..... how cute my Jayden is ...

All the guests except for the single photographer tat nite.

Tat nite we all dressed up nicely. By 7.30pm, all our guests had arrived. The dimly litted restaurant with flickers of tealight candles gave everyone a romantic feel. We were supposed to haf 5 couples tat nite, but there were only 9adults for ahPau's wife and baby Nathan are still in Sibu for confinement. I told him i'll lend him ahDen to be his date tat nite. =))

We started our dinner with the soup of the day, cream of mushroom soup. As we were having our dinner, the event for tat nite started. Daniel leaded the event session tat nite, and he started with each couple telling everyone how they met their other half and why they'd chosen to tie their knots. It was kinda funny and really touching hearing everyone sharing their experiences, and really a more 'get-to-know-one-another' opportunity.

Cream of mushroom soup & prawn cocktail salad

Halfway while sharing, the prawn cocktail salad and pasta were served. For the pasta, there were 5 plates of spaghetti bolognese and and penne carbonara each, meant for couple sharing. Having the opportunity where your spouse announces publicly why he/she picks you as the companion to walk down the road of marriage, as well as the type of support he/she provides you, was really priceless. With the romantic surrounding, once again u feel like u r still in your courtship moments, aahhh.... juz tat there are kids and babies around, making noises and both the parents needing to attend to them once in awhile.

While waiting for our main course tat nite, we had the peak of our event. Each pair of couple were told to bring our wedding rings tat nite, and everyone wondered wat we haf to do with tat. Once again we exchanged vows and then exchanged our wedding rings. It was juz like 2 years ago back in the church where we exchanged our vows. After tat, the gentleman will gif their wife a bouquet of flowers, followed by the wife presenting their beloved husband with a box of chocolate. Finally, the husband gave their wife a kiss in front of all the others, =)) and had their photos taken.

4 pairs of blessed wedding rings in the midst of litted candles, chocs & flowers.

It was a total rerun of our wedding when hubby & I exchanged our vows in our blurry mandarin. Part of it was funny but most of all it was touching and deeply felt. Daniel played the role as our minister tat nite, and we recite our vows following his guidance. The romantic environment really enhanced all tat was going on.

Exchanging vows

Putting the ring on hubby's finger

A kiss as a token of love

Our main course tat nite was a small portion of sirloin steaks and chicken chops. Daniel brought a bottle of Lambrusco red wine, and it was superb to go with the steaks. Thanks Daniel for owest wiling to share his red wine wid all of us. After the main course, we had fresh fruits as desserts. Everyone was full and satisfied with the meal tat nite, and the drinks were a blast where everyone had more than one serving. =)) The event tat nite lasted past 10pm, and the kids were really sleepy except for Jayden. We finished off all tat we could, and watever we couldn't we let our guests 'tapau' back home.

Photos of our main course of sirloin steak and chicken chops

Tat nite in our room, hubby & I recalled back wat everyone had shared at the dinner table. It seems to be tat for each & every couple, we tend to complement each other's weaknesses as well as sharing some similar prospects in life. For most of us, it is through God's blessings tat we haf each other and eventually became man & wife. We thank God for all his blessings all this while, and oso providing us with such a bunch of good frens in Christ, owest making us having this homely feeling whenever we gather although each of us is far away from our hometown.

Both hubby & I spent lots of Valentines together before, but we never spent one like this ever. We both agreed tat it was one of the most special we ever had, and as for my bouquet of flower, it was definately one of the best i ever had. Looking at the beautifully folded flowers using RM1 note, i was deeply impressed with sister LingLing's patience & love. She made a total of 5bouquets for every couple, and without love and patience, i'm sure she could never had done tat. Thanks to to ChangHe, LingLing's hubby, for buying us all the nice 'rochers' from Labuan and last but not least, we are all thankful to Daniel & MeiChing for chairing this wonderful event.

Hopefully in time to come, even with children on the way, both hubby & I will get to celebrate each and every Valentine together and of cuz being accompanied by our kids. It's true tat we could not celebrate it like those days back during our courtship, for at least another 20+years to come, but having the opportunity to celebrate Valentine wid ur kids around you is another form of God's grace. I truly cherish my family and Happy Valentine's Day to all!

My special bouquet of flowers and chocolates!

1 comment:

ping said...

is really nice lo!