
final week of 2008

U start off a good day wid a good breakfast! Tat's how i feel today. Before tis, i was kinda lazy to blog about life recently, and although i had lots of encounters, i juz feel lazy to start typing it away here in my blog. Tis morning, i really enjoyed my breakfast. We bought turkey ham last nite and hubby made yummy ham sandwiches for me tis morn. The turkey ham was heavenly, together wid crusty buttered toasts, lettuce, tomatoes as well as rich mayonnaise overflowing the ham. Wow... feel so full n energetic now.

On Xmas day, we went to church and we got big packets of tidbits. Ah den was so happy, when he saw all the gift packets at the church, til he exclaimed... "WAH!" Tis was ahDen's 2nd xmas and remembering on tis day last year, we juz came over from Kuching to KotaKinabalu wid ahDen. At night, we went to KK Specialist to visit ahPau n his wife and their newborn. A baby born on xmas day itself, how special... and i saw lots of other infants there. All so cute and adorable. They were so tiny and fragile, and i really feel so glad while looking at them. They are all so innocent and so sweet, all wrapped up in their blankets feeling warm and safe. Sigh... made me think back of how tiny ahDen used to be too!

On Saturday afternoon, i went to Brix Saloon at Lintas. At first i wanted to get a perm. Okie, yes... i juz had my perm back in Sept, but now the curls all seem to be out of place. So hubby dragged me to the saloon (cox i kept on complaining), and then he left wid ahDen. I told them i wanted to perm my hair. Then they look at my really dry hair and say i shouldn't perm it anymore, cox it's really dry. Somemore they say, i still haf my perm. It's juz tat i didn't styled it wid any mousse so it showed no curls at all. Hahaha.... I told them the last perm i had was digital perm.

Then they asked me, is it the type where they put cable into each and every rollers??? I replied "yes". I guessed digital perm wont leave ur hair as dried as mine, but tat's the problem wid my hair. I have really thick, black hair and dry as well. And the last perm i had, i asked for a 'lady's perm'. I think ladies perm are the type tat ur hair wont be tat curly, but juz wave and u'll haf to style it for the curls to show. My sis told me tat ladies perm wont make u look so 'auntie' lor, cox some curls really make u look so 'auntie'. =)) So in the end, they gave me a haircut, to make my hair lesser volume. After the haircut, (which i am definately most satisfied) the curls really came back. My hair are lesser and way much stylish now, so being the 'hiaw hiaw' me, i asked for my hair to be coloured. Yippee!!! Finally can dye my hair, for i had waited a long time to get my hair coloured. ;)) I spent RM200 for the haircut and hair colouring. It was pretty expensive, but now i really believe KK's haircut much better than Kuching cox the ppl here more stylish lor. Really dare to cut...

After i'm done, I called hubby to come to pick me up. I tot he was at home, but no, he brought ahDen out. Really keng! When they came, ahDen was in the front passenger seat, wid the safety belt strapped across him. Wah... my bb being such a good boy lor. No fuss at all! ;)) Then once SH saw me, he asked "u coloured ur hair?" ;)) Now i really feel pleased ("shuang") cox tat mean my colour obvious lor, cox SH oso can tell the difference. Hubby bought me 'bak pau' (meat buns) from Inanam cox i din haf any lunch, and yes it was delicious. When i reached home, while waiting to pick up ngeebang from the bus station, i had a short nap. After we all took our bath, we went out to pick up Uncle ngeebang.

Knowing nb will be here over the weekend, really cheered me up. As usual, we talked non-stop. After we picked him up from Plaza Wawasan, we went to 1Borneo and had dinner at NewYork NewYork. Tis time really can try the Giant Yankee Burger. Really so big til nb the 'tham chiak' eater oso cannot finish lor! But before the burger we ordered Pepperoni Pizza as well, then we had dessert called "Lake Chocolate". Both the dessert and the Giant Yankee Burger were labeled as "SUPER SINFUL", so nb & I said must try the super sinful one! =)) As for the dessert, it had strawberries and fried banana fritters in a plate of chocolate wid a scoop of ice cream in the middle. Hmm... okie.... a bit too sweet for me, but the banana fritters really nice. If for piang, the dessert sure heavenly liao!

As for Sunday, we didn't do much.... we had breakfast at "Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap" at Hilltop. The beef noodles nice, and the beef soup superb. I love the beef tripe, beef tendons, stew meat..... all wah.... i told nb must try the beef noodles there, cox appeared in tv before. ;)) Tat nite we ate at Beverly Hills, then after tat went to Warisan Square to shop. Nb saw Big Apple Donuts, then he immediately bought 3 doughnuts and chomp! chomp! chomp! Finish liao! We told him to enjoy all the doughnuts by himself, cox we can get it here anytime we want but then labuan no Big Apple lor. I managed to buy myself a dress while nb help me to babysit ahDen. ;)) When we headed for home, we went to Tanjung Aru Beach to 'ta pau' steamed sweetcorn, chicken wings and satays. Really pig out lor over the weekend.

Monday morn, a public holiday, so we went breakfast at Hilltop again but tis time we ate fish head meehoon. Nb had tomyam beehoon. After breakfast, we went to Wisma Merdeka then nb saw this new shop selling Japan Takoyaki. So he say he want to eat "tako tako". Okie... he ate again but only 1takoyaki per person, then passed a shop selling 'kuih-muih', he said he wanted to eat 'kuih'. Then i asked him buy some so can eat in the bus later. So he bought some, then while we window-shopped, he ate n ate the kuih until not much liao. Hahaha.... then i saw Dott's eggtarts. I told nb tat Dott's eggtarts are the best, so i 'ta pau' 2 eggtarts and 2 chicken puffs so he can eat in the bus later.

After shopping at Wisma Merdeka, we went to Sadong Jaya and sat in a coffeeshop while waiting for time to pass. Nb's bus timed at 1.30pm so when almost 1pm liao, we said juz go to the bus station lar... then wait there if the bus not depart yet. Luckily the bus station really near, when we went there, nb's bus start to depart liao. Tat time only 1.05pm... and he really chased after the bus. Luckily the bus waited for him, and somemore he got scolded lor. Aiyo.... b4 tis we were still making fun saying if he miss his bus, then he haf to stay in KK liao or SH haf to send him to Menumbok. Phew! Thinking of nb chasing after the bus, really quite funny lor but luckily he caught the bus! There r some passengers even later than nb, really missed the bus liao.

Tat afternoon came bek home, we watched dvd and slept. Really dunno wat else to do liao. If public holiday, sometimes can oso be very 'sien' and super bored! But i had an enjoyable weekend wid nb around, i guess it juz tat feeling 2008 will slip away soon tat makes me feel 'sien'! So fast time passed lor... but hor, i know i'm still young lar. =))


xmas around the corner!

The wonderful feeling of xmas is in the air, really nearing now, bringing 2008 to an end. Today i changed all my background music to a wonderful christmas song to share wid all of u. Besides tat, i posted a xmas banner sending xmas greetings to all my friends out there, wherever u are... far or near. The xmas song playing in the background is "WE ARE THE REASON", a very touching and really nice church xmas song. Whenever xmas is around the corner, i owest haf this wonderful song playing in my mind, bringing me back to the moment where we sung this song on stage in a choir!

Back in the year 2000, i think, we performed at Perdanasiswa back in UM (University of Malaya). Tat was a christmas celebration concert held by the Christian Society of UM, and we practiced weeks to perform perfectly on stage. If i hadn't remembered wrongly, there was a mime going on while we sung out this song on stage. It was so long ago, and all the memories about xmas back then was so vague. Tat time i had juz entered UM, and it was among one of the most memorable event for me back then.

The song is about how everyone in the world always hoping to receive xmas gift, but we never realised we all had been given the greatest gift of all - tat's the birth of Lord Jesus, and Him coming to this world to sacrifice for all of us. Many ppl around never understand why we celebrate xmas every year. Xmas itself is to celebrate Lord Jesus's bday, and it's kinda sad how xmas eventually bcame a different kind of celebration among youths today... things like binge-ing out in the pub n getting urself drunk! For me, i juz love the wonderful feeling of christmas. It juz gives u this peaceful feeling deep inside u, and also all the lovely decos around, it makes u feel like u r in wonderland.

Another funny memory to share, as i sit here typing out all these, i suddenly rememberd how all my sisters n bro used to hung up old socks in our bedroom on xmas eve. I couldn't remember how this trend eventually existed in our family. And as the years passed, sis Ming & I eventually became 'Santa Claus' instead of mum & dad. As elder sisters, every year we'll try to place goodies into our younger bro & sis's old socks, which they hung up in their bedroom. Then they'll wake up on xmas morn, feeling so excited n happy and rushed to find wat's in store for them in their socks! It was really happy seeing the smiles on their faces, juz how innocent n happy children can be!

Another sweet memory will be remembering how every year b4 dad was bedridden, he'll dragged in the big flower pot where mum planted a fir tree. Then we'll decorate the tree with beautiful ornaments and blinking lights, then every nite we'll juz switched off the living room light, and sit by the tree and gazed at it. =)) Underneath the tree, we'll place dozens of nicely wrapped up empty boxes. It was really beautiful and even now i'd grown up, all those are juz the wonderful childhood memories u'll forever haf in ur mind. How i missed all those sweet moments so so so much!

Dear frens, please take some time to indulge in the lyrics of this song We Are The Reason. A little xmas gift from me to all of u, and may the new year ahead brings nothing but happiness & blessings to all of u.

"As little children we would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys we knew we’d find
But we never realized a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives

*We were the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

As the years went by we learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves and what that means
On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying in the rain
All because of love
All because of love


I finally found the reason for living
It’s in giving every part of my heart to Him
And all that I do every word that I say
I’ll be giving my all just for Him, for Him

We are the reason that He gave His life
We are the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

He is my reason to live "



Last Saturday afternoon, i went for yoga class. I missed a number of classes tat week, so i better start replacing the classes i missed before the end of the month, else my timetable will be pretty pack. During the class tat afternoon, surprisingly all the songs Angela played are my favourites. Sometimes n somewhere in ur memories, u juz haf tis whole bunch of ur favourite songs. They can be like the songs u listen to when u r a teenager, when u r in university, when u started working.... there are juz these certain category of songs u used to listen to, according to the time they existed in ur life.

During the yoga workout, this wonderful n touching song was playing in the air... and i was cracking my head thinking wat the title of the song was. I know it's a song by Britney Spears cox i used to haf tis song back a few years ago, and the lyrics as well. Then i remembered Piang mentioned how she loves Britney in her blog, well... honestly i don love or hate her, but i juz love some of her songs and i love some of her dance moves. ;)) I'm not really particular, juz tat any nice songs i hear, suits my taste and my sense of music, then i will juz fall in love wid tat song.

Still thinking about the song, and actually i was singing the song out in my mind while working out. Well yes, sometimes when u r indulge in the music, u can perform better. But in yoga, u kinda lose ur balance, and my balancing really poor. Then i suddenly remembered the song title... Everytime. It was a really nice song, very sad and yes... if u see the music tv, even makes u feel like crying. Something to share, the lyrics for Everytime - Britney Spears:-

Notice me, take my hand
Why are we strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me

Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby

I make believe that you are here
It's the only way I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy

And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby

I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry

At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away

And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby

If any of u r interested, can check out the music video at YouTube too.... juz click on the following link :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAXgGWY6X5E


Labuan & Kundasang Trip

Last few days were quite tiring, but we certainly had lots of fun. It's like a family trip since we haf little Jayden, and bringing him outing although tiring it was fascinating as well, cox he gets to see and learn new things. Uncle KingChing and family were here in KotaKinabalu for the past few days and we planned to travel by car to a few places. They reached here on Friday 28/11/08 around 3.30pm and after they checked in to our hotel, we drove them around town for a short trip. Tat nite, we drove to Gayang Seafood to haf our dinner. We had nice seafood for dinner, but i guess not for SiaoTing, my cousin sister. Poor darling... she juz doesn't dare to taste most of the weird shellfish which she'd never seen before. Luckily she still love the prawns and luckily too, Jason and Iris (ahTing's elder bro & sis) were enjoying their seafood meal. After our meal, we went to Giant Kolombong to get some tidbits. We'll haf a long trip the next day, heading for Labuan and sigh... i haven't even pack our bags yet!

Early the next morning, as early as 6.30am, we all squeezed into hubby's Ninja King. We need to reach the Menumbok Jetty before 9.30am. Although the ferry will depart at 10.30am, we need to check in an hour earlier and none of us had ever been to Menumbok before, so hubby said it's better we r off earlier so we can hunt for the place in case we got lost. He kinda haf an idea in mind where tis Menumbok is supposed to be, so off we all go on our way to Labuan. 2hrs drive and we reached the Menumbok Jetty. I tot we were early but the queue was already so long, so we queued our car and then went off to a stall on the opposite road to haf our breakfast. Hubby walked to the counter in front to check in first, and then we haf our breakfast wil waiting for time to pass. Our first time using the ferry, and it was really a not-so-nice experience.

We were stupid enuf, cox when the time came for us to board the ferry, then we all sit nicely in our car and while we were about to board the ferry, the man asked to see our passenger tickets. Okie.... none of us actually tot we need to get passenger tickets, somemore the check-in person at the counter didn't say anything at all. So my uncle & I rushed down to buy the passenger tickets, RM5 per person. The return ticket from Menumbok to Labuan for the car itself oledi costs RM116, so it's really not cheap.

Nvm... we bought our passengers ticket and after we parked our car, more like squeezed our car into the parking space (for we can only get down from one side)... then we went up the stairs to the passengers seating area. Oh My God... it was awfully packed! All the people there were so inconsiderate. Most of them didn't need tat much seats, but they were like putting their bags n plastic bags whole row across the seats from where they were seating. There were so many ppl wandering around, not having any seats at all. Imagine the management.... they juz hold out their palms, ask for money and not even providing the service they should be giving. First impression, Labuan Ferry Management sucks!

In the end, uncle paid for 3VIP seats in the lounge... which costs RM13 per person, so tat ahDen & me, ahTing and Iris can sit comfortably inside. The ferry only departed at 11.15am, imagined how much time they actually wasted from the actual departure 10.30am. So again, Labuan Ferry sucks! I remembered ngeebang telling me how 'lansi' ppl in Labuan can be. (Lansi - our term for describing snobbish & showoff ppl, 'berlagak' in BM, and 'ke leng ke si' in Hokkien) Yes, nb... i know for sure u'll be looking out for wat i'll be blogging about 'tu tu shua' . Previously, when nb was telling me about the 'lansi-ness' u can get there, i really disbelieved him, telling him it was him being sensitive. Now, i really believe him. The reason we could give was tat there weren't any competitions from other company, more like it's a monopoly kind of service. So their attitude eventually became snobbish, knowing tat u couldn't be getting similar service elsewhere, and in the end u'll still haf to go back to them!

Around 1.15pm i think, we reached Labuan. I really start to feel tired. Then everyone was rushing to get off the ferry. It was really hot in Labuan, and carrying ahDen, i really don't want him to be standing outside in the hot sun so we waited for hubby to move his car forward so we can get into the car. For his car was stuck in the middle, not having any space for us to board our car at all. Uncle KingChing, Aunt Catherine & Jason had oledi got off the ferry, and were waiting for us outside. We waited for the officer in charge of the traffic to ask hubby to move his car forward.

Finally when hubby drove his car forward, we got into the car. And then, the intolerable officer started shouting at us. He was like "u cannot board the car here. Why didn't get in juz now?" Hellooo.... mr. stupid officer, didn't u see how packed it was for us to even open our car doors.... how r we supposed to get into the car. Somemore i was carrying a baby and talking about being inconsiderate. If we weren't rushing, i'll be quarreling wid mr. stupid officer again, so after we all got into the car, meaning ahTing & Iris & ahDen & me, hubby sped off down the ferry for the officer behind was loudly shouting at us. Then another officer in front said, "Slow down, why the hurry??!!" Tis time i really couldn't hold back any longer... i rolled down my window and shouted back at him... i told him "the person behind was shouting at us, didn't u hear... so we hurried, and now, u said cannot hurry... need to slow down". For the 3rd time, LABUAN FERRY SUCKS!!!

I don't care whoever will be reading tis, but really i'm telling u all, the ferry service sucks. These are the ppl forever being stuck in small places, thinking their little island is the greatest place on earth. Try take a stroll out of ur little shell.... try looking at the world outside.... I tot Labuan is supposed to be a tourist destination too, but i am really surprised with the attitude u actually get from the ppl there. Talk about being friendly Malaysians.... talked about our culture of being 'berbudi-bahasa' , it was such a shameful thing! Where did tis virtue disappear to? We paid for ur service, and we didn't come all the way from Menumbok for free. And yet we didn't get the seats we were supposed to get onboard, but we tolerated, understanding it was profit and not customer's comfortability they are aiming for. At least, try giving first-timers there better impression of ur place.

We met up wid nb, and besides from bringing us around, he treated all of us to a great dinner at Restaurant Labuan. He actually booked the table 5days ago, knowing tat i'll be bringing my uncle n his family there to Labuan, and he said we all juz go out for a nice meal. He told me again, u need to book early, else there won't be any more tables left when u wan to dine there. Okie... u really haf to get use to the practice, "siapa cepat, dia dapat!" We had a magnificent meal, really paisei cox nb spent so much on us, but most of all was the companion we were getting. All my cousins and even my uncle & auntie enjoyed nb's jokes and laughters. My cousin sister, SiaoTing was busily asking us riddles and telling us jokes all thru our dinner, and nb was really entertaining her! =))

Oh ya, catching up on the things i missed out, tat afternoon, nb brought us to a duty free shop at Financial Park, and wow... the chocs there super cheap... and the beers, super-duper cheap! RM1 for one can, i was like okie.... even cheaper than Coke! Hahaha.... even cheaper than mineral water! Besides tat he oso brought us to the beach behind the Marine Museum. The beach was nice, and very funny cox hubby met a fren while we were strolling there.... and his fren suddenly called out "Hii Siew Hung" while we were walking face to face! Talk about Labuan being small... yes... small, then nb said hubby's fren Desmond, oso mek's fren.... then nb oso met him b4, i was like.... "WAH, Labuan super small!!" =))

So summary about Labuan, it's not such a bad place really... juz tat some ppl really 'lansi'! I rembered wat Piang wrote in her blog about the lady at the hosp giving her attitude, and how she felt no anger at all, til now i still salute her. Piang dearest forever so sweet, and honestly i m so different from her in terms of tempers. Summarize into one sentence, the nice things about Labuan... chocs, beers, beaches & TAN NGEE BANG! Tat's it... full-stop!

Photos of dearest hubby, ahDen & me at Labuan beach!

On Sunday, 1.30pm we board the ferry back to Menumbok. Tis time, smarter liao... went to queue earlier n even bought passenger tickets. ;)) While hubby, aunt & uncle went to get all the tickets, the rest of us went to tapau KFC. Then nb brought us to haf quick lunch at the most well-known chicken rice shop of Labuan, and we were really rushing. Really need to queue so long, but at least the service still okie. Sigh... why everything haf to queue n queue.... if u put KC in Labuan, i think he'll juz rot! =))

When we were back to KK, we rested one nite then the next day around 2.30pm we headed off for Kundasang. Wow... we r going to overnite at Kundasang. Uncle KingChing paid for our chalets at Mount Kinabalu Heritage or formerly Ko-Perkasa Hotel, and the view there was magnificent. Really surrounded by nature, and we had to cross a 'jambatan gantung' (suspension bridge) in order to reach our chalets. It was really cool and so refreshing, breathing in fresh air and you can even see butterflies fluttering around while we sit on the wooden bench on the verandah. Jayden was so amazed when he saw the butterflies... think it's his first time seeing butterfly. Tat nite, it was drizzling and the surrounding plus the chilling nature part, so heavenly. Although cold, but u actually enjoy the coldness. =))

@ the drawbridge leading to our chalets

Halfway to our chalets while carrying all our things up, we sat down n rest n eat buns!

When Jayden was in bed n floated to dreamland, hubby & I sneaked out to enjoy the view outside and the sound of the pitter-patter rain drops. Too bad no hot chocolate then... else really perfect! ;)) Early next morn, 6am+, we could see the clear view of Mount Kinabalu. Hubby said we were really lucky tat day, cox at times the mountain will be covered with clouds and fog and really cannot see at all. But tat morn, the whole mountain was so clear.... juz right in front of us! Wow.... really beautiful. My uncle juz keep on snapping, and snapping and snapping the photos. Hehehe.... til 800pcs+... *salute*

Magnificent view of Mt. KK!

After we checked out, we went to Ranau to haf breakfast and then off to Poring Hot Spring. My 1st time there and ah Den too, and oso uncle & his family. Little Jayden, wanted to get into the big bath tub there.... so my aunt said let him haf fun inside. I took off his long pants, let him dipped inside the water, then he started splashing. So we took off his shirt. Then, he wanted to sit down into the water... sigh.... so my aunt say better juz take off everything, and there goes his diaper and ahDen was naked in the big bath tub! =)) The funny part was when my aunt took off his diaper, he peed into the water. Hahahaha.... so the water, not only mixed with a little sulphur from the hot spring but oso ammonia from ahDen's urine! :p

@ Poring Hot Spring in the big bath tub!

Seeing Jayden enjoying himself so much, really makes me feel so happy during these few days' trip. We stayed awhile there, and then made our way down to KK, stopping at Tuaran around 2.30pm for lunch. Tuaran is famous for its noodle, and yes.... really nice. I wonder if partly bcox i'm hungry... but overall, the noodles really nice! ;)) Tat nite, we went shopping at 1Borneo. Then we tapau Big Apple Donuts, Sushi King & oso Pizza Hut and had a small feast in the family room upstairs. The next morning, only my uncle, auntie & Jason followed hubby out for breakfast and then to buy dried seafood at the market. The rest of us too tired and were still sleeping. Hahaha.... at 1.30pm, there were off to airport to board their plane back to Miri. Poor Jayden, he cried when they all drove off to airport. Sigh... he enjoyed himself too much these few days, now back to normal life liao... and lesser ppl to play wid him. Poor thing... ;))

Overall, we had such a wonderful time these past few days. Hopefully, we can make a trip back to Marudi soon, and i hope ngeebang will follow us back to Marudi too, cox my aunt say she'll introduce girlfren for him! =))


'new york new york'

Last nite, Saturday nite, we ate out at "New York New York". I was kinda thinking taking our dinner at home, but hubby suggested tat we haf a try at tis new restaurant at 1Borneo. Knowing tat it was weekend nite, and hubby as usual will bring us dine out. I remembered seeing tis shop quite a few times before always on our way out from the carpark, but we never tried dining there. We reached 1Borneo Hypermall around 7+pm, and the place was so big tat we had to look for a directory in order to locate where "New York New York" actually is.

Okie.... looking at the directory on the Gr Floor, past the Centre Atrium and 2 shops down from Starbucks Coffee. There were quite a number of ppl dining there, and the place deco was quite attractive. We wanted to try its Giant Yankee Burger (which is 8-inch wide and 4-inch high), the description printed in the menu but we figured out it'll be kinda HUGE for 2 person. However if we haf piang or nb around, we can order tat of cuz! ;)) But now no Piang & frens here, so cannot order GIANT burger! ;)) ;))

We decided to give it's Hawaii Teriyaki Burger and oso Caesar Chicken Pizza a try. When the burger came, it was really yummy.... nothing like those u get from those fastfood outlets. It's beef patty was fresh and juicy with grilled pineapple on top of the patty. The pizza was okie too, thin crust, but the only setback dining there was Jayden Hii.

Sigh! With him around, u can never eat in peace. He wanted to explore the place, wanted to walk around by himself. I was swallowing and gulping down my food, and in the end i juz feel tat i no longer haf any desire to eat anymore. It was so tiring. He couldn't sit still in the baby chair, and he wanted to climb down. Then he'll turned here and there, smiling and laughing at other customers at the nearby tables, and even wanted to rush over and play wid them! I was so tired, worrying tat he'll fall down if he ventured by himself at a unfamiliar place, as well as worrying tat he'll accidentally damage ppl's property. Sigh! Tis baby... arghhhh.... i feel like i juz wanna lock him up in my room and not bringing him out!

Okie... viewing it from another point of view, he's helping me dieting. Cannot eat in peace, then maybe i'll slim down faster. But really quite torturing lor.... sigh! So next time if wan to eat out, must bring along frens or family tat r wiling to help me babysit, like nb sure no problem. Can be ahDen's godfather liao.... ;))


Foochow MeeSua!!!

Last nite, after my usual aerobics class, i rushed home to take my shower. Tonite we'll be going over to Daniel's house to celebrate his bday. ;)) The day before, Sunday nite, we went to haf seafood dinner at Welcome Seafood Restaurant in Penampang. They mentioned the seafood price there is reasonable and tasty at the same time. At first we thought tat it was juz a usual dinner together wid frens, but in the end Daniel settled the bill. He said it was his treat tat nite, giving the reason tat it was his bday treat. ;)) His bday will be on the coming Thurs, 13th (same date as sister ahMing's bday), but he wouldn't be free tat nite, so he mentioned to treat us earlier. Then we told him but we din buy cake for the bday daddy... we thought of getting a cake then, and going over to his house to cut his bday cake, but it was nearly 8.30pm and baby Japheth(Daniel's son) was getting sleepy. So we planned to go over to his place on Mon nite then.

Luckily both hubby & I didn't have our dinner before we went over to his house. AhPau & wife bought Daniel a cake, and hubby got him a bottle of red wine. He's a wine lover, so we thought of getting a bottle of red wine to add to his collection! Hubby asked the chef downstairs to prepare some spaghetti bolognese and penne carbonara and we brought the pasta over to enjoy together wid frens. Then Daniel & wife oso prepared Foochow MeeSua for us. Wow.... i was so happy to see Foochow MeeSua, wid Foochow red wine somemore! I had quite a big bowl of meesua, and ahDen too... he was slurping the meesua and the chicken soup and keep on asking for more! The meesua/noodles was exactly like Swak's. So nice.... not like those packets one which u can buy over the shelf in supermarkets, but the original Swak meesua is so much nicer. They told us tat we can buy this Foochow meesua from a chinese drug store in Lido. Okie.... an additional useful info.

As for the Foochow red wine, yummy.... Daniel gave me a bottle to bring back home, cox he said they still haf a few bottles leftover from MeiChing's confinement. ;)) Feeling paisei lor, but feeling very happy too.... i owest wonder how to bring red wine over from Swak! So stupid, cox u can actually get it here if u know where to find. Actually there are quite alot of Foochows in KotaKinabalu too. I tried my meesua wid 'Wincarnis', but then i still prefer the taste of traditional red wine.

AhPau & wife offered to babysit ahDen while hubby & I ate. AhDen had finished eating then, and he was busy playing around so both hubby & I can enjoy our meal in peace. ;)) After dinner, we sang bday song and had a few slices of yummy bday cake. Daniel mixed whisky wid ice cream soda for us, hahaha.... but of cuz not for the 2 pregnant mummies. Then we juz laze around in his living room and chatting. When we got home, i slept like pig last nite. Must be the effect of the whisky, but still i was able to wake up to make milk for ahDen in the middle of the nite. Still feeling so contented over my bowl of chicken soup meesua lor....


HEROES s3 is back!

Wow! Yes!!! Heroes Season3 is finally here, back with Sylar on the move again, hunting for his next prey. Thursday nite, 10pm at StarWorld, Heroes, one of the most exciting series i've ever watched. Last nite, i was hoping Jayden would go to bed early, so i can enjoy my movie in peace. But sorry to say, no, he was up awake around tat time, and i tot tat it was going to be a one hour show, so we let him played around first.

When the 1st chapter was over, the 2nd one continued... hmm... meaning to say, it was actually a 2hour show. Okie.... we really got to miss part of the movie now, cox jayden really, really needed to go to bed for it was past 11pm! We switched off the tv and pretended to go to sleep, and finally the naughty 'monkey' reluctantly dozed off to sleep. Then we switched on the tv again, and continued watching.... then asking 'Why?! Why? How? How?! Who did tat?! Why??!!' All the question-marks popping up around our heads. Haha... =)) Perhaps tis is wat makes us really attracted to the movie... with all those questions playing in your mind, u r bound to search for an answer. And the answer awaits u, only if u continue watching. ;))

Tis time in Heroes, Sylar is back! The funny thing was he successfully gotten Claire, the cheerleader's, power without killing her. The reason he gave was tat Claire can never dies for she is different from the others. Then??? Why in the very first season everyone went thru all the trouble to save her??!! Remember... "Save the cheerleader, Save the world!". Then... "~DUH!~" ... she can never die, so why the trouble of having to save her? Hmm.... it can be quite conflicting at times. It really got ur brain working, okie... if Sylar had gotten Claire's power back in season1, then tat mean although Peter Petrelli failed to blow up New York City, Sylar could have done so. Hmmm.... perhaps then, it's more logical if u put it tis way.

Last Sunday, Heroes season2 Marathon was on StarWorld. We managed to catch up some of the chapters we missed in season2. And now, with season3 back, there'll be more to look forward to. I was determined to catch up part of the show i missed last nite. Checking for the time for a rerun, it'll be 12pm later. Okie... i'll be ready to tune in to StarWorld. The questions continues... "Why??! Why??? How???!" :-
- 'Why is Niki still alive after being blown up while trying to save Monica??'
- 'Why Peter from the future seems to be the bad guy? What happened to the future?'
- 'Why Angela Petrelli called Sylar(Gabriel Gray) her 'SON'?!?!?!
- 'How come Linderman is not dead? So all these heroes can never die??'

Wow... lots of question marks floating around me now. I still haf more questions in my mind, but am going to pen off... for my show is waiting. Gotta go!



Wow! Today after church service, we went to a new place for lunch, a very popular place in Kota Kinabalu, n a bit embarassed to say it's our first time there. After church service, we waited awhile for ahPau, Daniel & ahMing to finish their meeting first before we went out for lunch. As usual ahDen was having so much fun at church, trying to venture here & there.

At first Daniel suggested all of us to go and try out a popular fish-head curry at one of the restaurant in Inanam. He was telling us the other day how tasty the fish-head curry was and the type of fish they use to cook tis dish are considered as expensive fish. However, the restaurant was closed today, so then he taught of bringing us to the only revolving restaurant in Borneo, @Mosphere restaurant.

The restaurant is situated at the Yayasan Sabah building on the 18th floor. It is my first time there at the Yayasan Sabah builidng. Once we stepped into the restaurant, immediately u can sensed how different the atmosphere there was. Really classy. No wonder they named it @Mosphere. ;)) It is also one of the famous restaurant for tourists. Then we started to realise tat the floor which we stood on was slightly moving. The view up there was magnificent, looking down at part of the sea with big vessels sailing, white beaches and clear blue sea, and the other side featuring part of KK town and the greeneries. Wow.... immediately we can sensed tat Jayden enjoyed himself there.

Prices of the food was like the place itself, classy... hahaha... meaning expensive. But the set lunch was priced reasonably. So we ordered a set of set lunch and since Daniel said the pasta there is well-known, can be labeled as the best in town, so ordered another plate of salmon penne pesto. For set lunch, we had fruit salad, baked boneless chicken wid potatoes, and finally a plate of yummy dessert together wid a cup of tea. If Piang was there, i'm pretty sure she'll be so satisfied wid the cakes. It is really yummy... not too sweet and a bite of if, makes u desire for a 2nd. ;)) Then the 2nd bite, makes u wanting for a 3rd... and so on.... =)) It was really an enjoyable afternoon, wid frens around dining at a classy and modern place. After lunch it was oledi past 2pm and the 2 babies are damn sleepy. So now, ahDen sleeping like pig in his cradle. Hahaha.... once in awhile, it's worth to enjoy and to pamper urself. Although we spent quite alot on our lunch today, but we all had an wonderful time. And now, time for a nap.

A snapshot of the yummy dessert, specially snapped for Piang to drool!

Photos of ahDen enjoying himself at @mosphere!


Happy Birthday 2 ME!

19th October 2008 - Today is my 28th birthday. A few days ago when i called ngeebang, i still joked with him tat i was only 27yrs old, and amazingly when i think back, i gave birth to ahDen when i'm only 26yrs old and 1mth after tat, i celebrated my 27th bday. Tis year ahDen juz celebrated his 1yr old bday 1mth ago, so now... today it's finally my 28th birthday. Wow... i feel so old now, haha... but yes, i'm still young at heart tho and am thankful with all tat i am! ;))

Few days ago ahDen fell sick. For the past 3 days, hubby and i didn't get enuf rest. Jayden will cry in the middle of the nite when he couldn't breathe bcox of his blocked nose, and he wants to be craddled rather than juz lying flat on our bed. Sigh! So tiring. Last nite, he seemed to be feeling better, and i tot i could get better rest. However, the same old thing happened, around 3.30am, he cried and cried. In the end, we threw him into his cradle net, and i was there cradling him while trying to catch some sleep at the same time. It really pissed me off, for i was so tired and yet ahDen was making a big fuss. I didn't want to disturb hubby bcox he had to get up early tis morning around 5.30am to pick up workers. So i better let him haf more rest.

I couldn't really sleep cox once i stop rocking ahDen's cradle, he'll start to cry. Sigh... i oso haf no idea when both ahDen and I fell deep into slumber. Around 5.30am, hubby went out. I tot i heard him closing the door, and saw tat he glanced back secretly to look at me before he went out, but i was too tired to pay attention to him. Around 6am, i rolled over to my right side, and i noticed a big box sitting beside me on my bed. My first impression in my mind was, wat was hubby looking for in our cupboard til he had to moved the boxes which i packed nicely inside our cupboard and then left it here on the bed without putting it back in place! Still feeling very tired, i fell back into slumber.

I slept for sometime, then opened my eyes again, and looked at the big box. There seemed to be something strange about tis box... hmm... the size of it, doesn't seem to be any of the boxes which i packed up nicely in our cupboard. Wait... there's something written on it. With my terrible short-sightedness, without my specs, everything is blurred. Still scrutinizing and trying to make out the wordings... finally i managed to read some of the words -> "Great MUM", then i saw some red hearts besides it as well... hahaha... ooh... so i finally realised tat it's my birthday gift from hubby. I was trying to figure out wat i could be, but once again, feeling so tired, i fell back into slumber.

I woke up again when hubby came back. I heard him opening the door, so i got up and point to my gift. He laughed and asked me if i tot he had forgotten my bday. I replied saying i know he didn't forget, juz tat i didn't expect to receive any gifts lor... He asked me to guess wat the gift was before i unwrapped it. I held my big present in my hands and it seems to be quite heavy. I guessed a lot of things, and among my lists, i did managed to get the correct answer. =)) But hubby didn't give me any response but juz asked me to continue unwrapping my gift.

Tis was how my bday gift looked like lying beside me on my bed!

Tis was my unwrapped gift! I asked hubby if he had bought me a new laptop, he replied saying he only asked for the box but the content was not a laptop. Hmm.. I was thinking if anyone wil be wiling to gif such a nice box if u don't buy a laptop from them. So i continue to see wat the content of this big box was and after taking out everything in the box, tis is wat i got!

Hmm... "how come no laptop ger??".... tis was wat i asked hubby. There's an optical mouse, a cleaning kit, and a notebook cooling pad but definately no laptop. Hubby answered, "I oledi told u not to be so happy first, cox my gift is actually tis cooling pad bcox u owest used my laptop for long hours and i think my laptop badly needed a cooling pad!" Hahaha... okie, i admit i really used his notebook like it belongs to me.

Then i think again... looking thru the things inside the box, there was a smaller box containing cables and oso a set of user manual. Hmm... doesn't make sense at all if u don't buy a laptop, they'll gif u the user manual, rite? So finally hubby answered, yes, i got u a new laptop, it's in the room somewhere, u try to find lor. Our room is so small so the only place it can be hidden will be inside the cupboard. I even tot of going inside the toilet to look for it, but no, it wasn't in the toilet. Finally i saw 2 laptop bags on the top shelf when i opened our cupboard. 1 belongs to hubby, so the other one must be my new laptop bag. Yippee!!! A new HP Notebook for my birthday. I was so surprised and started to switch it on. But i couldn't spend more time exploring it bcox we all need to get ready to go to church. Altough it's my bday, it's still a Sunday morning so we ought to go for the Sunday service.

I requested to haf dim-sum for breakfast so we went for Foo Phing DimSum. Had a really full and yummy breakfast. The place was oledi packed when we reached there at 8am. Wow! So early oledi so many ppl out for breakfast! After church service, we went for lunch wid a few church frens at KimFah Restaurant Donggongon. We are all a bunch of small families so normally we all haf lunch together once in awhile. After lunch, it was running real late. When we reached home, Jayden had fall asleep. I didn't wake him up to bathe him, but put him inside his cradle to let him continue sleeping. He must had been really tired.

It was around 1pm and i switched on my new laptop, trying to learn how to use the new Window Vista. Hubby then came into the room, bringing this...

and this...

I was deeply touched. Really very touched. The day before i told hubby tat my mummy will cook Foochow MeeSua wid hard-boiled egg for me on my bday. But tis year, i don't haf chance to taste the 'meesua' she cook. Hubby said when i told him tat the day b4, he had oledi bought packet meesua, mushroom, a packet of herbs to boil chicken soup, and oso fresh chicken from the market. He planned to start boiling the chicken soup in our slowcooker tat nite so i can haf chicken soup 'meesua' on my bday. *sob* *sob*... no wonder he went early downstairs around 10.30pm last nite while preparing to send workers back at 11pm.

Although the chicken soup and also the meesua tasted different from our usual Foochow RedWine chicken soup meesua, it tasted really yummy and sweet. There was even a hard-boiled egg for me, so touched. I really didn't expect hubby to do all tis for me. And my cake, i thought it came in a rather akward box. Then hubby said it's an ice cream cake which he purposely ordered from VedaBlu bcox i told him before tat i never tasted an ice cream cake before. The flavour of the cake was Belgium Choc with Yoghurt Forrestberries, i think and no wonder it needed a polystrene box to hold it.

My 1st ice cream bday cake!

Tonite we must really eat in. Hubby had spent too much for my bday, and i didn't want him to bring me out for expensive dinner. So we ordered Fish & Chips and oso Chicken Chop from the restaurant downstairs and oso we still haf a lot of meesua.

Our simple and yummy dinner!

My bday cake wid the candle lit!

Jayden celebrating mummy's bday!

My 1st bday celebration in KotaKinabalu and my sweet hubby did a lot to make me feel at home. Thanks for luving me so much my dearest hubby, and i really feel so loved.

Dearest hubby and me and cute little Jayden. Look at the way ahDen eyes the cake!



Wow! Tis morning when i sign in to Facebook, i found tis photo posted by one of my sis. She took tis during ah Den's bday party, and when i saw tis pic, i felt deeply touched. Seems like it'd been such a long time we took photos together dearest sistersssssss! Previously we owest do tat every CNY because tat's the only time for reunion. It's really so hard to haf everyone back in hometown and to take one decent family photo. Honestly the only decent family photo we took was when i was 8yrs old. Tat was 20years back!
Now wid all my siblings growing up, it's kinda hard too for a reunion, cox everyone is somewhere else; either working or studying or having a family (ahem... tis means me!). Dave is in Johor studying, ah Noi in Penang working, and me living in Kota Kinabalu. Now there's only ah Ming, ah Fang and ah Ni back in Kuching. Hmm... but soon my youngest sis ah Ni will be off to uni too, hopefully and may God bless, next year.

Tis time back to Kuching, ah Noi came back from Penang too. It'd been so long since we all last seen her, and of cuz wid all the sisters back, the camera never rested. I love to look at photos, but at times i am super lazy to bring it out wid me and even lazier to press the shutter down to take photos! Okie... to share our sisters photos 2008 version... TA DA!

6th Sept 2008 at The Banquet during ah Den's 1st Bday celebration.

All in tat order, from left to right - i mean (from the oldest to the youngest but of cuz only sisters cox my brother wasn't back in Kuching then! Moreover, i said SISTER photo... not SIBLING photo... haha) Now ah Ming and I are moms, we'd both expanded so much horizontally... but nevermind dearest ah Ming "che-che", we can owest diet and exercise and stay healthy. Hopefully the next sisters photo we take, we both can be "leng ma ma"! ;))

and this is our sisters photo shud be 2004 version... why i said shud be? It's because i kinda lost track of time when tis photo was actually taken. Kinda funny to look back at this photo now... haha... how much we'd all changed! Okie... hopefully in years to come, we'll owest haf chance to snap more photos together... and of cuz wid our beloved, dearest, 'wei-da' MUMMY and not forgetting our dearest brother too!



Last nite i chatted wid yunnyi thru YM. Tis morning when i recalled back our conversation, it gave me a warmth feeling in my heart. We talked about hiewming, karhooi n seelee; about our old days back in uni and about our lives now. I really miss those gals a lotsss...
We had some laughters thinking back some funny things tat happened back in those old days. Uni days was so far back in our lives, but it will forever leave some precious memories to us. Back in those days, how all of us had owest struggle to get to class on time, not because we couldn't wake up, but because of transportation. I remembered how we owest need to plan ahead how we can get to our 'so far-a-way' faculty, situated on top of a hill. Comp Science faculty in UM really is located at a so faraway n isolated place. Sigh...

I still remembered how karhooi had walked to faculty thru the Intan Gate when she got no transport in the 1st year. I still remembered seeing her walking past my hostel Kolej Kediaman Ke-11 one sunny morning, while listening to music on her discman. It'd owest troubled me a lot when i haf to walk tat far in order to reach my fac to attend my course. Honestly I was deeply impressed with her determination. Tat time, we were still quite new, and i hadn't really known karhooi tat well.

Then there is yunnyi. Although yunnyi oso has no transport, but at least she's slightly better. She can hitchhike her housemate's motorbike whenever the courses were not of our major. But tat was too only for the first year. All the comp science students will attend a few courses together, despite our major. But of cuz when the time didn't match, she too had to think of her own ways to go to class n to get back home. Somemore she was staying outside campus, in Seksyen 17.

Hiewming previously stayed in Kolej Kediaman Ke-4 if not mistaken. And in her first year too, she need to walk to fac by herself... but hiewming, KK4 really is not too faraway from Comp Sc. Fac. Last but not least, the most fortunate among us is Seelee. She stayed in KK-10 which was juz opposite Comp Sc. Fac. Sigh.... those were the days back in our first year, when we had OWEST struggled to get to class. The buses system in UM back then was really terrible.... can never expect to depend on the buses. Tat was why so many UM students had their own transport last time.

As the first years passed, slowly our lives turned out to be better. Ppl say, even the toughest days will be over one day... juz hang on! Slowly karhooi, hiewming & yunnyi had their own transport to class. So eventually, my life turned out to be easier too. When i had to move out of campus and starts to live in Seksyen 17; they'll owest came over to 303 to pick me up to attend class. Oh yes, there was Szehau too who owest offered to pick me up or send me home whenever i had no transport. Of cuz there were certain time when no one could pick me up, i'll catch a bus to the bus stop outside uni, and walked all the way to faculty. It was still bearable bcox it was only once in awhile.

Maybe tat was how our bond as frens became stronger thru the years. Even after we graduated, we still keep in touch and til today, though we are so faraway from one another, we are still close. I miss you all alot... yunnyi made a joke last nite about how hiewming insisted to kill all the ants in her house before coming to pick us. With hiewming, slowly u'll get used to her persistence and 'principles'... and oso u'll get used to her 'punctuality'! =)) But tat is hiewming...
Karhooi, like myself is a mother now. But she's a much more successful carreer woman than i am.... n oso so much thinner and in shape than i am. Karhooi had owest been tall n slender, no matter how many meals i skipped, i'll never be like her... in shape! haha =))
Yunnyi le... my very first fren in UM. How i met her spontaneously during our registration process bek in KK-11. Til today, we still share quite similar thoughts at time, and oso our quite 'xiao jie' (feminine) attitude. Whenever i need a fren to turn to, no doubt she'll listen and provide u helpful advice. *HUGS*
Finally, there is Seelee. She is the least like us, she doesn't like to shop, doesn't like to 'pan leng leng'; if from tis aspect she is really very different. But she likes to sing and eat juz like the rest of us. =)) We'll go karaoke or steamboat together... and wid her, there'll owest be fun and laughter too. Kenix Chiang Yunnyi... do u still rem the time in our cafeteria when u wanted to kill a mosquito resting on seelee's arm n caused her to splash her drink onto her own face??!!??!! Seelee still said luckily it was only plain water n not teh tarik! =)) =)) =)) Even now when i'm typing out this, i couldn't hold back my laughters any longer.

Really miss u gals alot.... I feel so much happier now, although previously i'd have some burdens in my heart. I'm starting to chase back my life, which i felt as if I'd left behind purposely because of certain reason. I know i can be a survivor too... and when i start to find back my passion in things i like to do, I'm slowly coming back.
Gals... i miss u all alot alot alot. When there's a suitable time, I'll go KL n we can all haf a simple reunion okie. Luv u all!


Old Fren's Visits

Last 2 weeks had been quite fruitful to me. ;)) Had some dear old frens coming over to visit me here in KK. On the 16th July (Thurs), Hiewming and SeeLee came from KL. It'd been so long i hadn't seen them. Too bad Yunnyi couldn't make it the last minute. I hadn't seen them since my wedding, and as for Karhooi it'd been even longer tat i din see her. Hiewming & Seelee plan to climb Mt. Kinabalu on the coming Sat, and they'll be up to KK Park the following day. So on the day they arrived, I brought them to 1Borneo. The hypermall wasn't ready the last time they were here in KK, I braced myself and drove them in hubby's Ninja King there. Hmm... i'd been driving his big white 4x4 lately, but still i hadn't mastered his skills of perfect parking. Tat afternoon, hubby volunteered to baby sit ah Den while i take my frens out to shop at the big, big mall.

These dear frens of mine brought some gifts over from KL especially for ah Den. I told ah Yi tat i was looking for a kid's cap for ah Den. It was quite hard to find one, and to most of the baby stores i went, they don't seems to sell cap for kids. At Poppies The Spring, they did sell fisher hats, but no caps. I came to realise tat ah Den look extremely cute when wearing a cap.

Gifts from ah Den's pretty "da jie-jie"!

Back a few weeks ago, my cheeky sis had playfully placed a cap on ah Den's head when we were shopping at ColdStorage, Kuching and he looked really handsome. Haha... =)) So tat gaf me an idea to buy him a cap if i happen to find one. But it was quite hard to hunt for one here... i really couldn't find any at most of the shops i went to. Thanks so much to my bunch of best pals from KL who bought ah Den not only the cap, but some really nice boy-boy shirts and pants. Seelee and Hiewming said not to call them "ah-yee" (aunts in mandarin), but to call them "jie-jie"(sister in mandarin). When i told Yunnyi tat, she exclaimed where got such old "jie-jie" so she prefer to be called as "ah yee" instead by ah Den. =)) I couldn't help but keep on laughing... hmm... okie lar... i'll teach ah Den to call them big "jie-jie" instead. Tat's sounds quite nice to me! So how gals??? "jie-jie" or "da jie-jie" or "ah yee"????

Hiewming and Seelee went off to KK Park on Fri. They'll only be coming back to KK town on Sunday evening. On Saturday noon, it was ngeebang's turn to come n visit me. I was so happy tat he'll be here for the weekend, and i know tat he was very happy too. It'd been quite some time since we last had the opportunity to spend some time together and with ngeebang around, there'll owest be lots of hilarous jokes and plenty of laughters. Since ah Den's "ah Bang chek" (ah chek means uncle in hokkien) will be coming from his so-called "tu tu shua" (223), i'd asked him to help me to get some chocolates.

There are more varieties and oso the price are much cheaper there. I planned to wrap up some small gifts to give to guests on ah Den's 1yr old birthday. So i better start buying all the candies i need. The chocolates 'ah Bang chek' brought from 223 are really so special n so super-nice! Thanks so much to uncle nb for ur help, and ah Den really seems to get closer to nb during his stay here. When it was his nap time, he juz didn't want to sleep but instead keep on playing wid nb. Sigh... my boy is really getting naughtier & naughtier! On Sat nite, we went to 1Borneo again. We ate a lotsss.... we went to Sushi King, bought Big Apple Donuts and for supper, we had satays and chicken wings. Nb commented tat he was like "kebuluran from Labuan"! Haha... On Sunday noon, it was time for him to go bek to 223. Time really seems to fly whenever u r having a good time, and yes... nb seems to be a bit reluctant having to go bek to 223, maybe tat's why he left his Kose skincare & TheFaceShop Hair Coating Essence here so tat he can come bek to get them again SOON! ;))

Sunday nite Hiewming & Seelee came bek from their mount climbing. These gals are really great. I really doubt if i can make it to the top of mt. Kinabalu, and hiewming even more 'keng'! She'll go rafting the very next day! =>D Seelee stayed wid me on Monday while Hiewming went rafting. Tat nite, we went for seafood dinner, and on Tuesday i din really bring them anywhere. We went to have the famous Penampang Fish Noodles for breakfast, then for teatime we brought them to try the famous "Damai Roti Kahwin". The bread although juz very simple 'roti kahwin' were really tasty. U never get tired from eating these soft & fresh bread. Then we drove around town and went to the observatory tower somewhere at town. (It was my first time there... so paiseh... after so long being in KK :p)

For dinner, we ate at Casuarina Hotel and after tat we went to watch sunset at Tanjung Aru beach. But too bad it was very cloudy tat evening and we couldn't see any beautiful sunset but we had a good time at the beach, though really very short time. We snapped some photos together, and after tat I sent them to the airport. Til we meet again next time... and i hope the next time, all of us including Yunnyi and Karhooi, will be able to meet up! *HUGS*!

Chocs and mini wafers uncle ngeebang helped to buy from Labuan. All so so nice lar!

17/07/08: Finally a snapshot of my baby wid his new Poney 92 cap!


goodbye grandma

Today is the 3rd of April. Yesterday, 2nd April 2008, grandma had passed away. I was talking on the fon wid mum around noon time, and she was telling me how serious grandma’s condition was then. It’d happened quite a few times lately when they thought grandma couldn’t make it anymore. At times she’ll be unconscious, or half unconscious and mumbling about the dead ones and how soon she’ll be seeing them. Just 3 months ago, my 3rd uncle or ‘3 jiu-jiu’ had passed away. And now… it’s grandma’s turn. When there was an incoming call while I was talking to mum on the fon, i juz had an unexplainable feeling and I urged my mum to answer the call immediately, and I’ll call her back later. Was it perfect timing, bcoz mum was at the part where she was telling me how bad grandma’s condition was and then there was an incoming call.

Mum actually called to let me ‘face her music’… (her scoldings!). On Mon, I’d carelessly let ah den fell off the bed. I remembered placing him in the middle of the bed at one end, and gave him his water bottle before I went off to prepare his porridge. I admit I had my back to him all the while, which was a really silly thing to do, and I was assuming he wouldn’t be rolling tat fast. The next instance there was a thud on the carpeted floor, and there he was lying on his side and looking shockingly at me. Then he wailed out loudly. Sigh… my mistake… he can really roll over very fast now! So now we are all sleeping on mattresses, and no more bed!

When mum called yesterday, I knew she would most probably nagged me cox I’d told sis about ah den’s 2nd fall and I guessed she’s had let mum know. When mum called me back after our interrupted conversation, she told me tat grandma’s gone. My thought was blank. She’d been suffering for so long, so perhaps it was the best for her. How short life seems to be, and how fragile it is. You never know what’s going to happen tomorrow.

In life, there will always be some things that will forever remind us of the ppl around us, no matter how little or how meaningless it can be for others. Piang was telling me the other day how much she missed the moments when we went to beach together, and ngeebang was saying he wants to go for “wo mei cui” session wid me when I’m back in kuching. =)) Those were some of the moments I missed so much too! I juz want to let them all know tat I always, always miss them very much. Wat are the little things I meant tat’ll owest remind me of someone… it’s like when
(a) u see a sheep/goat/lamb or even when u eat lamb chops, u’ll think of Mek Mek.
(b) u eat Tong Garden Honey Peanuts, u’ll think of Cassandra.
(c) u haf chocolate/cheese cakes or Hello Panda biscuits, u’ll think of Piang.
(d) u drink Brand’s Chicken Essence, u’ll think of Peishan.
(e) u see beer, u’ll think of Kiang.
(f) u come across Coca Cola can, u’ll think of Ngeebang.
(g) u think of oat, u’ll think of Hiewming.
(h) u play cracked pc games, u’ll think of Yunnyi.
and soooo much more…



cookies in a glass jar

It must be a pretty surprising title for my post. It's past 12am, and i'd actually gone to bed but couldn't sleep because too much was playing on my mind. I know i shud be getting some sleep whilst Jayden is asleep, cox he'll most probably wake up in another hour or two for his 'nite supper'!

I was thinking of one of my dream. I guess no one had ever had such a silly dream as me, but i always haf tis cute thought in my mind. If i am ever going to own a place of my own, a home i mean, i would want to haf a glass jar which contains Chipsmore cookies! I'd place this glass jar in my kitchen and whenever anyone wants a cookie or two, they can unscrew it's lid and put their hand into the big glass jar and chomp on a chocolate cookie!

=)) I dunno why i always haf tis picture in my mind, and lately it had became quite addictive. I keep on picturing Chipsmore in a glass jar sitting on a shelf in my kitchen. Sigh!! But i don't haf a kitchen yet.

Another thing i wish to haf if i am ever gonna own a house one day and a kitchen big enuf would be an island in my dry kitchen. I told my sis tat day if my kitchen is spacious enuf, i'd want an island build there, with a black granite top! My sis commented tat an island in the middle of the kitchen is really 'chor teng' (in the way) and why would u ever want to place such a 'white elephant' there? For me, I'd picture myself making salads and sandwiches on top of the island. Once in a while i can roll out some 'maki' there, or even prepare and mix the batter for my cake! I am wide awake now, but yet i'm still dreaming.

I guess i shud be getting into bed now. Ppl owest say think as if you are to leave this world tomorrow, and u would do all the things you hope never to regret tat u hadn't done and even say those words u had been holding back before it's too late. If i am to leave this world the very next day, I'd bring wid me one of my greatest regret in my life... not because i couldn't achieve my dream of having a glass jar full of chocolate cookies in my own kitchen, but of the words tat i haf yet to say!


it's a rainy Friday afternoon. It hardly rain here in Tanjung Aru Kota Kinabalu, probably because it's near to the beach, and normally places nearer to the beach are always scorching. However, it rain most of the afternoon here lately. Maybe it's the rainy season here... ??? i'm not sure. Jayden is asleep in his cradle. He's 6months old today. How fast time seems to zoom by and how much everyone had been thru. Finally my baby had learnt how to roll over. Seeing him trying his best to roll himself over was kinda funny. He was a bit wobbly at first, but juz a few days for him to practice this motor skill and he had mastered it quite fine now.

looking at the rain falling outside my glass window, there's alot playing in my mind. sometimes i wonder if i'm too protective over my baby, or is it juz my nature being over-cautious and hard to trust others. A few days ago we went to a coffeeshop near here and the owner of the coffeeshop had a baby gal who is one month older than Jayden. He asked me if i'm taking care of jayden by myself, and i answered him "yes.. i had been taking care of him since his birth til now." It's kinda funny cox almost everywhere i go tat is among one of the common question ppl would ask me. Well, he said his wife and him had no choice but to send their baby over to a nanny's place, and sometimes they would even leave her there to overnite wid her nanny.

For me, tat totally seems like an absolutely hard thing to do. I have no idea how i'll be able to part wid my baby. I'll miss him like crazy if i dont get to see him even for one hour. I know the problem lies within me, and it's still a hurdle tat i'm yet to jump over. Friends and even strangers often comment tat i'm really capable to be able to look after my baby myself. =) A friend told me tat she couldn't even bear to look after her baby for one whole day, and she'd send her son over to her mum early every morning before she part for work. Before i have jayden, it had never cross my mind tat i'll be able to take care of my own baby. I always pictured tat i'll leave my baby under a nanny's care and i'll still haf time to work or do things i like. How ironic it seems to be tat now i can't even bear to part wid my bb. It's funny how everything eventually turn out to be....
am i really being over-protective?


cny eve

6th Feb 2008 1330hrs - CNY is really just around the corner. Today is the last day of the Golden Pig in the Lunar calendar. This morning we had breakfast together wid my mum, sisters, bro n bro-in-law and my niece Esther. I felt so good being home, around my family. I guess I really miss my mum a lot. She was so happy when she saw Jayden… and oso it’s my 3rd sis first time to see Jayden.

This year is going to be the first CNY I spend over at my in-laws place and oso my first CNY wid Jayden around. When we brought him home to Kuching tat nite (4th Feb), thank goodness he only cried for a short while on the plane cox he was too sleepy and after tat he fell asleep. When he reached our old bedroom, he was all smiling and busy making ‘goo goo- gaa gaa’ sound for more than half an hour… non-stop! I guessed he was too excited being in this familiar room, or maybe he missed his old bedroom as much as I miss home!

Today is 6th Feb, and we will bring Jayden over to Jawa Clinic later for his jab. His injection was scheduled on today, and I really hope he’ll be okie tomorrow, though he might haf fever after the jab. Hopefully the paracetamol syrup wil be able to control his fever. This year CNY holds a different feeling over me. Perhaps it’s the feeling of family reunion tat really matters to me more than any other thing. I really felt I had grown up so much now wid my bb around. When I saw my mum, I really feel tat I miss her soooo much. Being a mummy myself now I finally understand the hardship raising a child and I truly understand the worries my mum owest carry in her heart when she raised all of us.
Looking at my younger sisters also, I can see tat they had all blossomed finely into young ladies. When my youngest sis reminded me tat she was almost 20yrs old tis morning, it kinda made me feel tat I’m even older now. I felt funny bcox she is still forever my little sis in my eyes.

I had so much to talk to mum. I discussed wid her tis morning about wat me and SH wanted to buy for my grandma (my mum’s mother). Grandma’s health had worsen so much in this year, and to make matter worse for her, my 3rd uncle (‘jiu-jiu’) had just passed away last month. It was so tragic for all of us. When my sis sms-ed me, I still couldn’t believe my eyes while I read her msg. Condition had owest been not so well for my mum’s family in Bau. Whenever we visit them every year, we’ll bring food and other goodies for them. They really need money, and with my grandma’s condition, every month they’ll need to spend extra for her medical bills. Now my 3rd ‘jiu-jiu’ had passed away, the burden of the family wil definitely be increased for the rest of my uncles.

Grandma hadn’t seen Jayden since he was born. She’s weak and frail now, and I had wanted to bring Jayden over to meet her for a long time but time is always not right for us. Hopefully this CNY I can bring Jayden over to meet my grandma, and I hope she will cheer up when she sees us. I still remember her crying when we went over to see her last year, and she kept on telling me she dunno if she can still see us again this year.
Being a parent myself now, I truly understand how important it is to be filial to our parents and elders. All the pain a mummy will had to go thru when giving birth and oso when bringing us up. All this is not easy.

Maybe I had really changed a lot, or maybe I had really grown up. The feeling of being home is really great and I feel very fortunate for everything tat I have. Perhaps others will find me haggard from the way I look now, always messy and carrying a bb around, or maybe it’ll be harder for me to be joining old frens for tea or supper out late at nite, but I truly feel myself lucky for everything tat I haf… my family and all the ones I luv. The feeling of love is deep down in our hearts, and maybe I am not good at showing it, or maybe there are those tat feel I’d forgotten about them. I just want to let those special ones know tat I always do care and luv them still. Happy Chinese New Year to all of u…


Jayden's Fall

Part 1 -------------------------------------

It was on 9th October, only 2 days after Jayden’s ‘full month’ ( better known as ‘mua guek’ in Hokkien). On the 7th, we had hold a small party at home, invited relatives and close friends, celebrating bb’s full month. At tat time, I didn’t bring Jayden downstairs to meet all the ppl, though a lot of ppl would like to see him. It was because he keeps on crying and making big fuss every nite. According to old ppl, he’s scared and shudn’t be seeing tat much ppl cox it’ll make him worse. But I know tat my bb was just having colic.

All thru my confinement, I hadn’t really rest well. I couldn’t sleep almost every nite. I would awaken at the slightest sound I heard, assuming it’s my bb crying. Though I feel exhausted, after all tat I’ve been thru, I juz feel tat my responsibilities had increased wid the birth of my bb, and I simply couldn’t allow myself to rest.

I had bad mood swings, sometimes I feel perfectly fine, and sometimes I feel very scared and sad. I cried most of the times; though secretly. I really couldn’t control myself. I’d been over sensitive, and I feared tat no one will attend to the bb when he cries at nite. At the start of my confinement, I was still on medication. (Prednisolone for my rashes; Labetalol for my hypertension; Paracetamol for pain/mild fever) My need to take all tis medicine everyday make me feel even worse. I was afraid to breastfeed, assuming all tis drug wil affect my bb especially the medication for my allergy.

Why I couldn’t sleep at nite, fearing tat no one will attend to my bb when he cries at nite, and why I would wake even at the slightest sound I heard, was all because I did not trust my confinement lady. On the 1st nite she arrived, I’d saw her fallen asleep while feeding Jayden. She was lying down on the mattress and placed bb in her arms, and sticking the feeding bottle rite into his mouth and Jayden was half asleep and half sucking the milk from the bottle. I fear so much tat my bb will choke as he was only 3days old then. I woke her up, telling her not to feed my bb tat way but at tat very moment I know although I placed the care of my bb in the hands of another person, I must be alert enuf to monitor if tat person is doing it the rite way.

I was exhausted bcos of all my deprived sleep. I should be resting but instead I couldn’t. So I tend to sleep more daytime as I’m sure wid my family members around, my confinement lady wil be more hardworking. It is Foochow customs to take 7meals per day during the confinement period. Whenever my food was served to me, I couldn’t eat much bcos I was too tired. My lack of rest and oso lack of appetite made my mum-in-law complained about me. She told my hubby tat I wasn’t eating enuf and I shud be eating more. But most of the time I’d rather sleep, for I know once again when night time falls, I’d had to be my bb’s guardian angel again and to look over him.

I told my mum about my sleep problem and tat I couldn’t rest at nite as I worry too much. I got scolded by her cox she was worry about my health (hypertension) and oso the fear tat I’ll get depression. I know everyone around me was very worried about me. My sis tried to make me understand tat even at times the confinement lady wil be too tired bcox of all the works she’d had to do daytime, and yet look after the bb at nite. Sincerely I didn’t blame her at all for her negligence then, bcox I understand wat my sis told me was true. I told her tat she can cook very simple dishes for me during daytime, and my priority would be to take good care of Jayden. Honestly, I’d rather starve than to have Jayden’s safety harmed. It was then tat they made me to sleep in the next room at nite, so I could be well-rested.

It was useless. Even in the next room, I’d pay even more attention to any noise tat’d sound like my bb crying. Sometimes Jayden would be crying for quite sometime before the confinement lady would attend to him. I told SH about my fears, and I really do not trust the confinement lady to take k of Jayden. During the 1st week, since I couldn’t do much, she seems to be a hardworking lady. Everyone was satisfied. When I started to heal slowly and had learnt how to feed Jayden n change his dirty diapers, the confinement lady starts to be lazier. At times when we are alone, she’d purposely not attend to bb until I do. Since I’m bb’s mother, of cuz I couldn’t bear to not attend to his needs when he started crying. This is my weakness, and the smart lady had learnt how to manipulate me.

Part 2 -------------------------------------

My confinement period was like hell. I started being depressed and cry most of the time and owest complaining to SH. Since I was still in my confinement period, I really couldn’t bend over too much while changing bb’s dirty diapers. It made my backbone ache, and though they told me to rest, they do not understand my difficulties. At times I felt tat my confinement lady just purposely neglect changing bb’s dirty diapers (bb does ‘poo-poo’ n ‘she-she’ a lot during the 1st month), and Jayden owest cry like hell whenever he’s wet n dirty, so I must do it myself. In tat way, how am I suppose to get enuf rest?

It was a relief when the 1month period is almost over. However, I started to worry if I’ll be able to take care of Jayden by myself. I know tat SH wil need to go back to work in KK as he had accompanied me for quite a long time oledi during bb’s 1st month. My hardest task was to bathe Jayden. I’d never bathe such a small bb before, and to me, he seems to be so fragile. No matter what, I told myself tat I must learn.

Everyone said tat after bb’s 1st month, it’ll be easier to manage him. As I think Jayden must be having colic then, he owest cry whenever evening falls. Sometimes he’ll cry for such a long time for no reason at all. It must be there’s ‘wind’ in his tummy. We tried all the methods we heard of, even traditional method.

On the 2nd day after Jayden’s ‘full month’, as usual he was making a lot of fuss again. SH was supposed to go bek to KK tat day, and before he left, he decided to bring Jayden to see chinese physician, to prescribe some medicine for him. We brought him out around 2pm. When we brought him back home, he seems to be uncomfortable again. So hubby told the confinement lady (who’ll be leaving the very next day) to boil an egg and use it to rub from bb’s head to toe. It’s a traditional method which will reduce the ‘wind’ and miraculously, it owest does help to soothe Jayden.

After everything was done, I went downstairs to have my tea. Like I say, I was supposed to have 7meals per day. Since I didn’t want to trouble the confinement lady to cook anything for me, I juz ate some toasts. While I was eating, I heard the confinement lady cooking sth in the kitchen. I tot tat she was preparing dinner for me, but turned out tat she was frying some onions n ginger. Then she rushed upstairs again with the stuff she cooked b4 I had time to ask her wat’s she doing. She was rubbing those stuff all over Jayden, and when she brought Jayden downstairs, he was all oily and smells like he had been covered with ginger and onions. I questioned hubby wat happened, and he said the ‘smart’ lady had once again used her own traditional method to ‘cure’ Jayden without discussing it wid us beforehand. Sigh… well, in my mind, if it’s sth tat’ll help to soothe Jayden, then she’s oso doing it for the sake of bb. Jayden seems to be sleeping soundly then, so she placed him in the baby cot in the living room.

When I saw tat he was sleeping soundly in the cot, I went back into the dining room to clean up. As I was putting away the toaster, I heard a loud thud, and then Jayden started wailing. I rushed out of the dining room into the living room and saw my bb on the floor, beneath the cradle. My heart dropped, and I stood there frozen. For a while, my mind was blank. Wat had happened? I started screaming and crying and asked who put him in the cradle. Wasn’t he asleep soundly in his baby cot when I left him? I rushed over and snatched him away from the confinement lady.

As I looked down at Jayden, he really terrified me. He had stopped crying. His eyes were wide opened, staring ahead blankly. He was looking so pale and white. (Jayden had owest been reddish and a bit dark since he was born) I just held on to him, not knowing wat to do. I was calling out to him hoping tat he’ll start to cry again but he remained silent. My confinement lady then took Jayden away from me and starting calling his name and hitting on the floor where he fell. I was too stunned, I just stood affix there. SH rushed over to his sister’s house and soon my sis-in-law was there. She asked wat happened, and with her sound mind, she insisted to bring bb to hospital immediately.

I carried my bb and rushed into the car. It was 5pm then, and traffic jam had started. SH drove wid the double signal light on and I just hope we get to Kuching Specialist fast. Jayden was then sleeping in my arms. There was a big swelling bump now on his left head. As I looked down on him, I started to weep again in the car. “Oh God! Why had this happened? Why my baby?” He was as white as sheet, and I feared tat he’ll leave me just like tat.

Part 3 -------------------------------------

The cradle!

Why had she placed bb in the cradle when it wasn’t ready yet. The day before SH had assembled the cradle. However, we hadn’t bought a suitable cradle net yet, and my in-law had suggested us to use a ‘kain sarong’ instead. I remembered when we were kids, and there wasn’t anything such as a cradle net yet then, my mum had owest used a ‘kain sarong’ too. So, I hung a piece of my own sarong on the cradle hook, but the sarong wasn’t suitable. It was way too short so the cradle was very high. Even the thought of it worries me now. So SH and I decided to buy a cradle net later tat evening, maybe when he’s on the way to the airport.

In the next living room, there was a piece of new mattress there. SH had brought it down a few days ago, and we had placed bb on the mattress there when we were playing wid him in tat living room. Tat piece of mattress was supposed to be placed under bb’s cradle when we rock him in there. It was a thought I had in mind, and reminded myself to remember to place the mattress beneath the cradle when we had bought the cradle net. But all this were too late…. no one had expected the confinement lady would had placed him in there without checking out on the cradle beforehand, and without any safety measure such as placing the mattress beneath the cradle. All these are regrets……..

My thoughts went back to the moment when I just conceived. I wasn’t prepared then, and the thoughts of me having a bb and all the pain I’ll haf to go through during pregnancy & childbirth, had made me doubted the decision to be a mother. I still went for my modern class back then, and had even practiced hard for an upcoming dance performance. I was prancing and jumping around then, since I hadn’t known tat I was pregnant then, and besides for being nauseatic when I was really tired, I was fine. If he had survived back then, please dear Father in Heaven, please do not take him away from me now, after all that I’d been thru… Is this my punishment? If it is, it shud be taken out on me, not my baby. If anything happen to him, I’ll feel myself snap.

Part 4 -------------------------------------

Finally we reached A&E Unit of Kuching Specialist Hospital. The pediatrician was in the operation theatre at tat time for another caesarian birth. However, the doc n nurses on duty tat time were fast n efficient. They monitored Jayden’s blood pressure n oso his breathing, then checked his body for other bruises and bumps. Then they asked me to carry him while waiting for the doc to arrive. When Dr.Lim K.T (KPJ Pediatrician) arrived, he still remembered me. He asked me wat happened, and inspecting the big swell on Jayden’s head, he said they’ll need to do an x-ray on his head to confirm if there’s any fracture. He mentioned tat it was a very high fall for such a small baby, n they just hope there won’t be any skull fracture.

I carried Jayden in my arms and went into the X-Ray Room. SH and the rest of our relatives had to wait outside. The lady in charged asked me to put on a very heavy robe (looks like the type of bulletproof jacket we see on tv, except tat it’s longer) and to hold Jayden’s head firmly while she took his x-ray. After tat, I was asked to wait as the lady needs to check if the x-ray taken was clear enough. At tat time, I was shivering… not sure if it was because I was feeling cold or too nervous. Jayden starts to wail again. He must be hungry then. SH came into the X-Ray when he heard Jayden wailing. The lady came in again to tell us tat she need to take another x-ray shot as the first ones aren’t clear enough. Jayden must had been moving his head around when the films were taken. This time it was SH’s turn to hold bb’s head. I guess he was worried about my health too.

This time the x-ray films turned out to be okie. Doc forbids us to feed Jayden because they r afraid tat it might make him throw up. They were supposed to monitor if he had any fittings or if he vomits, because these are serious signs to show tat his brain is injured.

Part 5 -------------------------------------

This statement made me think back of the days when I was 9yrs old. Tat time dad had brought my eldest sis and me to a Shell-organized Telematch. Dad wasn’t supposed to join in the race bcox he wasn’t feeling well, but when his name was announced over the speakers for him to be one of the participants, my outgoing dad had decided to participate. As mum had told him not to join in any sports when we went out tat day, I tugged on daddy’s hand and told him about wat mum had said earlier on. Dad turned around and told me tat it was alrite, assuring me tat he’ll be back soon. He gave me his car keys and ran out towards the race tracks. In tat game, they were all running backwards.

When the piston was fired, everyone ran real fast. Daddy was ahead of others, and suddenly when he almost reached the finishing line, he fell down. I thought it wasn’t serious at all, and soon he’ll get up again to continue running. But everyone started to gather around daddy. More and more ppl started to come. Sis and I ran towards daddy to see wat all the great big fuss was about. When I saw my dad lying on the ground, I still remember seeing all the foams coming out from his mouth n nose. Back then I really do not know wat was happening.

Only today did I realized tat dad was having a fit back then. On tat very day, tat very incident changed my whole life. Daddy had injured his brain badly from the fall. He was in a coma for more than a month, and everyone tot he would not have survived. When he finally woke up one day after lying on the bed in the hospital for weeks, he never recovered completely again. He didn’t recognize us anymore; not his wife nor his children, and he was bedridden for the rest of his life. 13yrs… tat was how long daddy had been bedridden. Everything tat a 3year old could do, dad couldn’t. Why hadn’t I held on to daddy’s hand and not let him join in the race back then?

Part 6 -------------------------------------

From that day onwards, I realized how serious brain injury can be. Now this had happened to my bb, I really don’t know wat to expect. I sat down on the nearby bench as the doctors were inspecting Jayden’s x-ray film. Please Lord, I prayed… please let all this be over soon, and we could all go home. By the look on their faces (the doctors, hubby and sis-in-laws), I knew things wasn’t going on fine. I braced myself and went over to listen to wat the doctors were saying. When I saw the x-ray film placed on the lighted panel, I saw an opening on Jayden’s skull. His skull had cracked from the fall, and the opening was quite big for a little bb. The next step was to do a CT scan, to see if his brain is injured. If his brain isn’t injured, then doc say we need not worry but juz to let the fractured skull heal by itself thru time. I was blank and I didn’t know wat to think. I held on to bb, and still he was looking so pale. Many thoughts ran thru my head, I juz gazed down at bb blankly.

This time SH said he’ll bring bb in for the CT scan. All this radioactive rays on a 32day-old bb – I was really reluctant. But all I could think of was to follow doc’s advice. Everyone was worried tat I’ll collapse. Since I shud still be in my confinement period (44 days to be exact), I still wasn’t strong enuf physically. Doc said Jayden was being a good boy when the CT scan was performed. He didn’t cry but instead had fallen into slumber. He must have been too tired from all his crying. Moreover, he must be starving. When the films from the scan were inspected, doc confirmed tat there was blood clot in Jayden’s brain. He needs to be hospitalized, and his condition monitored for 24hrs.If he doesn’t show any symptoms such as vomiting, fever, or fitting; then they can presume tat he’ll be fine.

Tat nite, SH and I accompanied bb Jayden in the hospital. I daren’t call to tell my mum wat had happened. I know tis will terrify her. So I called sis, told her wat had happened; and asked her to let mum know calmly. I was afraid I might burst into tears over the fon when talking to my mum, or I might sound too worried to let her think otherwise. All nite long, Jayden keeps on crying. His head must had hurt badly, and when he’s too tired after crying, he’ll fall asleep. His voice sounded sore from all his crying, and it really broke my heart. We cradled him in our arms when he was crying, soothed him and sang lullaby to him. We keep on singing the song ‘Jesus Loves Me’ to him and it seems to help to soothe him once in awhile.

Part 7 -------------------------------------

In my heart, I greatly regretted all that had happened. I felt tat I owed so much to my little baby and had put his life in great danger. The loud thud I heard when he fell was still ringing in my ears. It had owest been a mother’s responsibility to protect their babies. I had failed to do so. Deep in my heart, I questioned my own negligence. Had I bothered to place the mattress, which lies just a few feet away from the place Jayden fell, he wouldn’t be lying there on the bed in the hospital with a big swell on his head. At tat moment, I truly feel tat it’s so hard to trust others with the safety of my own child.

Now Jayden is fine, growing bigger and stronger everyday. After his fall, we’d consulted all the best neurosurgeons we could find in Kuching. Their concern were the same, tat was to let him heal by himself. The blood clot will disappear thru time and the fracture will heal too. All tat we hope is tat he’ll grow up fine like every other babies. Too much x-rays and CT scans will not be good for his health as well, cox it will destroy his growing brain cells. No one can ever predict wat will happen tomorrow. Through God’s grace, Jayden had survived tis mishap. For the days to come, may my bb grow up fine and healthy.

May God bless owest…….