
cookies in a glass jar

It must be a pretty surprising title for my post. It's past 12am, and i'd actually gone to bed but couldn't sleep because too much was playing on my mind. I know i shud be getting some sleep whilst Jayden is asleep, cox he'll most probably wake up in another hour or two for his 'nite supper'!

I was thinking of one of my dream. I guess no one had ever had such a silly dream as me, but i always haf tis cute thought in my mind. If i am ever going to own a place of my own, a home i mean, i would want to haf a glass jar which contains Chipsmore cookies! I'd place this glass jar in my kitchen and whenever anyone wants a cookie or two, they can unscrew it's lid and put their hand into the big glass jar and chomp on a chocolate cookie!

=)) I dunno why i always haf tis picture in my mind, and lately it had became quite addictive. I keep on picturing Chipsmore in a glass jar sitting on a shelf in my kitchen. Sigh!! But i don't haf a kitchen yet.

Another thing i wish to haf if i am ever gonna own a house one day and a kitchen big enuf would be an island in my dry kitchen. I told my sis tat day if my kitchen is spacious enuf, i'd want an island build there, with a black granite top! My sis commented tat an island in the middle of the kitchen is really 'chor teng' (in the way) and why would u ever want to place such a 'white elephant' there? For me, I'd picture myself making salads and sandwiches on top of the island. Once in a while i can roll out some 'maki' there, or even prepare and mix the batter for my cake! I am wide awake now, but yet i'm still dreaming.

I guess i shud be getting into bed now. Ppl owest say think as if you are to leave this world tomorrow, and u would do all the things you hope never to regret tat u hadn't done and even say those words u had been holding back before it's too late. If i am to leave this world the very next day, I'd bring wid me one of my greatest regret in my life... not because i couldn't achieve my dream of having a glass jar full of chocolate cookies in my own kitchen, but of the words tat i haf yet to say!


Anonymous said...

ying! i ask my mum 2 teach u how 2 make chocolate cookies? my mum makes really nice ones

Anonymous said...

sure piang! then i don haf to keep on buying Chipsmore cookies liao!

shan said...

;)) tot ur den den curi makan cookies in glass jar =)) the title is cool!

Anonymous said...

i was thinking too if i really haf cookies in a glass jar, scared later he opened n take one bite at a cookie, then throw the cookie back inside and take another new one to bite, then throw in again... i'll pengsan!