

Last nite i chatted wid yunnyi thru YM. Tis morning when i recalled back our conversation, it gave me a warmth feeling in my heart. We talked about hiewming, karhooi n seelee; about our old days back in uni and about our lives now. I really miss those gals a lotsss...
We had some laughters thinking back some funny things tat happened back in those old days. Uni days was so far back in our lives, but it will forever leave some precious memories to us. Back in those days, how all of us had owest struggle to get to class on time, not because we couldn't wake up, but because of transportation. I remembered how we owest need to plan ahead how we can get to our 'so far-a-way' faculty, situated on top of a hill. Comp Science faculty in UM really is located at a so faraway n isolated place. Sigh...

I still remembered how karhooi had walked to faculty thru the Intan Gate when she got no transport in the 1st year. I still remembered seeing her walking past my hostel Kolej Kediaman Ke-11 one sunny morning, while listening to music on her discman. It'd owest troubled me a lot when i haf to walk tat far in order to reach my fac to attend my course. Honestly I was deeply impressed with her determination. Tat time, we were still quite new, and i hadn't really known karhooi tat well.

Then there is yunnyi. Although yunnyi oso has no transport, but at least she's slightly better. She can hitchhike her housemate's motorbike whenever the courses were not of our major. But tat was too only for the first year. All the comp science students will attend a few courses together, despite our major. But of cuz when the time didn't match, she too had to think of her own ways to go to class n to get back home. Somemore she was staying outside campus, in Seksyen 17.

Hiewming previously stayed in Kolej Kediaman Ke-4 if not mistaken. And in her first year too, she need to walk to fac by herself... but hiewming, KK4 really is not too faraway from Comp Sc. Fac. Last but not least, the most fortunate among us is Seelee. She stayed in KK-10 which was juz opposite Comp Sc. Fac. Sigh.... those were the days back in our first year, when we had OWEST struggled to get to class. The buses system in UM back then was really terrible.... can never expect to depend on the buses. Tat was why so many UM students had their own transport last time.

As the first years passed, slowly our lives turned out to be better. Ppl say, even the toughest days will be over one day... juz hang on! Slowly karhooi, hiewming & yunnyi had their own transport to class. So eventually, my life turned out to be easier too. When i had to move out of campus and starts to live in Seksyen 17; they'll owest came over to 303 to pick me up to attend class. Oh yes, there was Szehau too who owest offered to pick me up or send me home whenever i had no transport. Of cuz there were certain time when no one could pick me up, i'll catch a bus to the bus stop outside uni, and walked all the way to faculty. It was still bearable bcox it was only once in awhile.

Maybe tat was how our bond as frens became stronger thru the years. Even after we graduated, we still keep in touch and til today, though we are so faraway from one another, we are still close. I miss you all alot... yunnyi made a joke last nite about how hiewming insisted to kill all the ants in her house before coming to pick us. With hiewming, slowly u'll get used to her persistence and 'principles'... and oso u'll get used to her 'punctuality'! =)) But tat is hiewming...
Karhooi, like myself is a mother now. But she's a much more successful carreer woman than i am.... n oso so much thinner and in shape than i am. Karhooi had owest been tall n slender, no matter how many meals i skipped, i'll never be like her... in shape! haha =))
Yunnyi le... my very first fren in UM. How i met her spontaneously during our registration process bek in KK-11. Til today, we still share quite similar thoughts at time, and oso our quite 'xiao jie' (feminine) attitude. Whenever i need a fren to turn to, no doubt she'll listen and provide u helpful advice. *HUGS*
Finally, there is Seelee. She is the least like us, she doesn't like to shop, doesn't like to 'pan leng leng'; if from tis aspect she is really very different. But she likes to sing and eat juz like the rest of us. =)) We'll go karaoke or steamboat together... and wid her, there'll owest be fun and laughter too. Kenix Chiang Yunnyi... do u still rem the time in our cafeteria when u wanted to kill a mosquito resting on seelee's arm n caused her to splash her drink onto her own face??!!??!! Seelee still said luckily it was only plain water n not teh tarik! =)) =)) =)) Even now when i'm typing out this, i couldn't hold back my laughters any longer.

Really miss u gals alot.... I feel so much happier now, although previously i'd have some burdens in my heart. I'm starting to chase back my life, which i felt as if I'd left behind purposely because of certain reason. I know i can be a survivor too... and when i start to find back my passion in things i like to do, I'm slowly coming back.
Gals... i miss u all alot alot alot. When there's a suitable time, I'll go KL n we can all haf a simple reunion okie. Luv u all!


Anonymous said...

well really touching piece.. i really could not remember that i insist to kill ants before i come out.. hahah. only remember that i always boil water last minute.. so its always 10 mins late gua..
anyway thanks for remembering me in a funny way.. you already made my day today and for the whole weekend...
well i really hope we can sit down and discuss this one day... i really want to remember those old funny stuff i did....

Anonymous said...

Very touching...nearly cried in the office...