
Foochow MeeSua!!!

Last nite, after my usual aerobics class, i rushed home to take my shower. Tonite we'll be going over to Daniel's house to celebrate his bday. ;)) The day before, Sunday nite, we went to haf seafood dinner at Welcome Seafood Restaurant in Penampang. They mentioned the seafood price there is reasonable and tasty at the same time. At first we thought tat it was juz a usual dinner together wid frens, but in the end Daniel settled the bill. He said it was his treat tat nite, giving the reason tat it was his bday treat. ;)) His bday will be on the coming Thurs, 13th (same date as sister ahMing's bday), but he wouldn't be free tat nite, so he mentioned to treat us earlier. Then we told him but we din buy cake for the bday daddy... we thought of getting a cake then, and going over to his house to cut his bday cake, but it was nearly 8.30pm and baby Japheth(Daniel's son) was getting sleepy. So we planned to go over to his place on Mon nite then.

Luckily both hubby & I didn't have our dinner before we went over to his house. AhPau & wife bought Daniel a cake, and hubby got him a bottle of red wine. He's a wine lover, so we thought of getting a bottle of red wine to add to his collection! Hubby asked the chef downstairs to prepare some spaghetti bolognese and penne carbonara and we brought the pasta over to enjoy together wid frens. Then Daniel & wife oso prepared Foochow MeeSua for us. Wow.... i was so happy to see Foochow MeeSua, wid Foochow red wine somemore! I had quite a big bowl of meesua, and ahDen too... he was slurping the meesua and the chicken soup and keep on asking for more! The meesua/noodles was exactly like Swak's. So nice.... not like those packets one which u can buy over the shelf in supermarkets, but the original Swak meesua is so much nicer. They told us tat we can buy this Foochow meesua from a chinese drug store in Lido. Okie.... an additional useful info.

As for the Foochow red wine, yummy.... Daniel gave me a bottle to bring back home, cox he said they still haf a few bottles leftover from MeiChing's confinement. ;)) Feeling paisei lor, but feeling very happy too.... i owest wonder how to bring red wine over from Swak! So stupid, cox u can actually get it here if u know where to find. Actually there are quite alot of Foochows in KotaKinabalu too. I tried my meesua wid 'Wincarnis', but then i still prefer the taste of traditional red wine.

AhPau & wife offered to babysit ahDen while hubby & I ate. AhDen had finished eating then, and he was busy playing around so both hubby & I can enjoy our meal in peace. ;)) After dinner, we sang bday song and had a few slices of yummy bday cake. Daniel mixed whisky wid ice cream soda for us, hahaha.... but of cuz not for the 2 pregnant mummies. Then we juz laze around in his living room and chatting. When we got home, i slept like pig last nite. Must be the effect of the whisky, but still i was able to wake up to make milk for ahDen in the middle of the nite. Still feeling so contented over my bowl of chicken soup meesua lor....


shan said...

ying i oso got eat meesua lo..i bought at chinatown then cook with miso soup hehe ^^

sophia tie said...

wah... meesua wid miso soup! Creative lor, i oso wan to try le... when u'll cook for me to try??? sounds yummy wor... i luv miso soup wor.... *slurp*