
Happy Birthday 2 ME!

19th October 2008 - Today is my 28th birthday. A few days ago when i called ngeebang, i still joked with him tat i was only 27yrs old, and amazingly when i think back, i gave birth to ahDen when i'm only 26yrs old and 1mth after tat, i celebrated my 27th bday. Tis year ahDen juz celebrated his 1yr old bday 1mth ago, so now... today it's finally my 28th birthday. Wow... i feel so old now, haha... but yes, i'm still young at heart tho and am thankful with all tat i am! ;))

Few days ago ahDen fell sick. For the past 3 days, hubby and i didn't get enuf rest. Jayden will cry in the middle of the nite when he couldn't breathe bcox of his blocked nose, and he wants to be craddled rather than juz lying flat on our bed. Sigh! So tiring. Last nite, he seemed to be feeling better, and i tot i could get better rest. However, the same old thing happened, around 3.30am, he cried and cried. In the end, we threw him into his cradle net, and i was there cradling him while trying to catch some sleep at the same time. It really pissed me off, for i was so tired and yet ahDen was making a big fuss. I didn't want to disturb hubby bcox he had to get up early tis morning around 5.30am to pick up workers. So i better let him haf more rest.

I couldn't really sleep cox once i stop rocking ahDen's cradle, he'll start to cry. Sigh... i oso haf no idea when both ahDen and I fell deep into slumber. Around 5.30am, hubby went out. I tot i heard him closing the door, and saw tat he glanced back secretly to look at me before he went out, but i was too tired to pay attention to him. Around 6am, i rolled over to my right side, and i noticed a big box sitting beside me on my bed. My first impression in my mind was, wat was hubby looking for in our cupboard til he had to moved the boxes which i packed nicely inside our cupboard and then left it here on the bed without putting it back in place! Still feeling very tired, i fell back into slumber.

I slept for sometime, then opened my eyes again, and looked at the big box. There seemed to be something strange about tis box... hmm... the size of it, doesn't seem to be any of the boxes which i packed up nicely in our cupboard. Wait... there's something written on it. With my terrible short-sightedness, without my specs, everything is blurred. Still scrutinizing and trying to make out the wordings... finally i managed to read some of the words -> "Great MUM", then i saw some red hearts besides it as well... hahaha... ooh... so i finally realised tat it's my birthday gift from hubby. I was trying to figure out wat i could be, but once again, feeling so tired, i fell back into slumber.

I woke up again when hubby came back. I heard him opening the door, so i got up and point to my gift. He laughed and asked me if i tot he had forgotten my bday. I replied saying i know he didn't forget, juz tat i didn't expect to receive any gifts lor... He asked me to guess wat the gift was before i unwrapped it. I held my big present in my hands and it seems to be quite heavy. I guessed a lot of things, and among my lists, i did managed to get the correct answer. =)) But hubby didn't give me any response but juz asked me to continue unwrapping my gift.

Tis was how my bday gift looked like lying beside me on my bed!

Tis was my unwrapped gift! I asked hubby if he had bought me a new laptop, he replied saying he only asked for the box but the content was not a laptop. Hmm.. I was thinking if anyone wil be wiling to gif such a nice box if u don't buy a laptop from them. So i continue to see wat the content of this big box was and after taking out everything in the box, tis is wat i got!

Hmm... "how come no laptop ger??".... tis was wat i asked hubby. There's an optical mouse, a cleaning kit, and a notebook cooling pad but definately no laptop. Hubby answered, "I oledi told u not to be so happy first, cox my gift is actually tis cooling pad bcox u owest used my laptop for long hours and i think my laptop badly needed a cooling pad!" Hahaha... okie, i admit i really used his notebook like it belongs to me.

Then i think again... looking thru the things inside the box, there was a smaller box containing cables and oso a set of user manual. Hmm... doesn't make sense at all if u don't buy a laptop, they'll gif u the user manual, rite? So finally hubby answered, yes, i got u a new laptop, it's in the room somewhere, u try to find lor. Our room is so small so the only place it can be hidden will be inside the cupboard. I even tot of going inside the toilet to look for it, but no, it wasn't in the toilet. Finally i saw 2 laptop bags on the top shelf when i opened our cupboard. 1 belongs to hubby, so the other one must be my new laptop bag. Yippee!!! A new HP Notebook for my birthday. I was so surprised and started to switch it on. But i couldn't spend more time exploring it bcox we all need to get ready to go to church. Altough it's my bday, it's still a Sunday morning so we ought to go for the Sunday service.

I requested to haf dim-sum for breakfast so we went for Foo Phing DimSum. Had a really full and yummy breakfast. The place was oledi packed when we reached there at 8am. Wow! So early oledi so many ppl out for breakfast! After church service, we went for lunch wid a few church frens at KimFah Restaurant Donggongon. We are all a bunch of small families so normally we all haf lunch together once in awhile. After lunch, it was running real late. When we reached home, Jayden had fall asleep. I didn't wake him up to bathe him, but put him inside his cradle to let him continue sleeping. He must had been really tired.

It was around 1pm and i switched on my new laptop, trying to learn how to use the new Window Vista. Hubby then came into the room, bringing this...

and this...

I was deeply touched. Really very touched. The day before i told hubby tat my mummy will cook Foochow MeeSua wid hard-boiled egg for me on my bday. But tis year, i don't haf chance to taste the 'meesua' she cook. Hubby said when i told him tat the day b4, he had oledi bought packet meesua, mushroom, a packet of herbs to boil chicken soup, and oso fresh chicken from the market. He planned to start boiling the chicken soup in our slowcooker tat nite so i can haf chicken soup 'meesua' on my bday. *sob* *sob*... no wonder he went early downstairs around 10.30pm last nite while preparing to send workers back at 11pm.

Although the chicken soup and also the meesua tasted different from our usual Foochow RedWine chicken soup meesua, it tasted really yummy and sweet. There was even a hard-boiled egg for me, so touched. I really didn't expect hubby to do all tis for me. And my cake, i thought it came in a rather akward box. Then hubby said it's an ice cream cake which he purposely ordered from VedaBlu bcox i told him before tat i never tasted an ice cream cake before. The flavour of the cake was Belgium Choc with Yoghurt Forrestberries, i think and no wonder it needed a polystrene box to hold it.

My 1st ice cream bday cake!

Tonite we must really eat in. Hubby had spent too much for my bday, and i didn't want him to bring me out for expensive dinner. So we ordered Fish & Chips and oso Chicken Chop from the restaurant downstairs and oso we still haf a lot of meesua.

Our simple and yummy dinner!

My bday cake wid the candle lit!

Jayden celebrating mummy's bday!

My 1st bday celebration in KotaKinabalu and my sweet hubby did a lot to make me feel at home. Thanks for luving me so much my dearest hubby, and i really feel so loved.

Dearest hubby and me and cute little Jayden. Look at the way ahDen eyes the cake!

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