Wow! Tis morning when i sign in to Facebook, i found tis photo posted by one of my sis. She took tis during ah Den's bday party, and when i saw tis pic, i felt deeply touched. Seems like it'd been such a long time we took photos together dearest sistersssssss! Previously we owest do tat every CNY because tat's the only time for reunion. It's really so hard to haf everyone back in hometown and to take one decent family photo. Honestly the only decent family photo we took was when i was 8yrs old. Tat was 20years back!
Now wid all my siblings growing up, it's kinda hard too for a reunion, cox everyone is somewhere else; either working or studying or having a family (ahem... tis means me!). Dave is in Johor studying, ah Noi in Penang working, and me living in Kota Kinabalu. Now there's only ah Ming, ah Fang and ah Ni back in Kuching. Hmm... but soon my youngest sis ah Ni will be off to uni too, hopefully and may God bless, next year.
Tis time back to Kuching, ah Noi came back from Penang too. It'd been so long since we all last seen her, and of cuz wid all the sisters back, the camera never rested. I love to look at photos, but at times i am super lazy to bring it out wid me and even lazier to press the shutter down to take photos! Okie... to share our sisters photos 2008 version... TA DA!

6th Sept 2008 at The Banquet during ah Den's 1st Bday celebration.
All in tat order, from left to right - i mean (from the oldest to the youngest but of cuz only sisters cox my brother wasn't back in Kuching then! Moreover, i said SISTER photo... not SIBLING photo... haha) Now ah Ming and I are moms, we'd both expanded so much horizontally... but nevermind dearest ah Ming "che-che", we can owest diet and exercise and stay healthy. Hopefully the next sisters photo we take, we both can be "leng ma ma"! ;))

and this is our sisters photo shud be 2004 version... why i said shud be? It's because i kinda lost track of time when tis photo was actually taken. Kinda funny to look back at this photo now... haha... how much we'd all changed! Okie... hopefully in years to come, we'll owest haf chance to snap more photos together... and of cuz wid our beloved, dearest, 'wei-da' MUMMY and not forgetting our dearest brother too!
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