
'new york new york'

Last nite, Saturday nite, we ate out at "New York New York". I was kinda thinking taking our dinner at home, but hubby suggested tat we haf a try at tis new restaurant at 1Borneo. Knowing tat it was weekend nite, and hubby as usual will bring us dine out. I remembered seeing tis shop quite a few times before always on our way out from the carpark, but we never tried dining there. We reached 1Borneo Hypermall around 7+pm, and the place was so big tat we had to look for a directory in order to locate where "New York New York" actually is.

Okie.... looking at the directory on the Gr Floor, past the Centre Atrium and 2 shops down from Starbucks Coffee. There were quite a number of ppl dining there, and the place deco was quite attractive. We wanted to try its Giant Yankee Burger (which is 8-inch wide and 4-inch high), the description printed in the menu but we figured out it'll be kinda HUGE for 2 person. However if we haf piang or nb around, we can order tat of cuz! ;)) But now no Piang & frens here, so cannot order GIANT burger! ;)) ;))

We decided to give it's Hawaii Teriyaki Burger and oso Caesar Chicken Pizza a try. When the burger came, it was really yummy.... nothing like those u get from those fastfood outlets. It's beef patty was fresh and juicy with grilled pineapple on top of the patty. The pizza was okie too, thin crust, but the only setback dining there was Jayden Hii.

Sigh! With him around, u can never eat in peace. He wanted to explore the place, wanted to walk around by himself. I was swallowing and gulping down my food, and in the end i juz feel tat i no longer haf any desire to eat anymore. It was so tiring. He couldn't sit still in the baby chair, and he wanted to climb down. Then he'll turned here and there, smiling and laughing at other customers at the nearby tables, and even wanted to rush over and play wid them! I was so tired, worrying tat he'll fall down if he ventured by himself at a unfamiliar place, as well as worrying tat he'll accidentally damage ppl's property. Sigh! Tis baby... arghhhh.... i feel like i juz wanna lock him up in my room and not bringing him out!

Okie... viewing it from another point of view, he's helping me dieting. Cannot eat in peace, then maybe i'll slim down faster. But really quite torturing lor.... sigh! So next time if wan to eat out, must bring along frens or family tat r wiling to help me babysit, like nb sure no problem. Can be ahDen's godfather liao.... ;))

1 comment:

emmyjemmy said...

another mummy story featuring the ever famous jayden hii! lol but seriously, i can just imagine what it'll be like...i better start enjoying the peace before any little mr or ms kueks come into the picture. hahahaha