At first Daniel suggested all of us to go and try out a popular fish-head curry at one of the restaurant in Inanam. He was telling us the other day how tasty the fish-head curry was and the type of fish they use to cook tis dish are considered as expensive fish. However, the restaurant was closed today, so then he taught of bringing us to the only revolving restaurant in Borneo, @Mosphere restaurant.
The restaurant is situated at the Yayasan Sabah building on the 18th floor. It is my first time there at the Yayasan Sabah builidng. Once we stepped into the restaurant, immediately u can sensed how different the atmosphere there was. Really classy. No wonder they named it @Mosphere. ;)) It is also one of the famous restaurant for tourists. Then we started to realise tat the floor which we stood on was slightly moving. The view up there was magnificent, looking down at part of the sea with big vessels sailing, white beaches and clear blue sea, and the other side featuring part of KK town and the greeneries. Wow.... immediately we can sensed tat Jayden enjoyed himself there.
Prices of the food was like the place itself, classy... hahaha... meaning expensive. But the set lunch was priced reasonably. So we ordered a set of set lunch and since Daniel said the pasta there is well-known, can be labeled as the best in town, so ordered another plate of salmon penne pesto. For set lunch, we had fruit salad, baked boneless chicken wid potatoes, and finally a plate of yummy dessert together wid a cup of tea. If Piang was there, i'm pretty sure she'll be so satisfied wid the cakes. It is really yummy... not too sweet and a bite of if, makes u desire for a 2nd. ;)) Then the 2nd bite, makes u wanting for a 3rd... and so on.... =)) It was really an enjoyable afternoon, wid frens around dining at a classy and modern place. After lunch it was oledi past 2pm and the 2 babies are damn sleepy. So now, ahDen sleeping like pig in his cradle. Hahaha.... once in awhile, it's worth to enjoy and to pamper urself. Although we spent quite alot on our lunch today, but we all had an wonderful time. And now, time for a nap.

so jealous la..i wish i can have "shao nai nai" life like u too ^^
peishan! My life is like nothing to look fwd to lor... urs is different.
New encounter, new experience, new surrounding, new food, new ppl, new life! I oso wan to go Japan lor... i oso wan to learn Japanese... ;))
But how?!
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