Finally Chinese New Year is here, and now it's almost the end of the 15th-day of New Year. This New Year really juz seemed to be so unlike all the previous CNYs. Partly in Kuching it had been raining almost everyday, kinda felt gloomy and sunshine-less. So many friends i wished to meet but ended up i failed to meet up wid some of them. There's Shirley and her new baby which i really wished to visit, then ChiKeng and her new baby too, and not forgetting dearest PingSoo whom i hadn't seen in 2years time. Sigh!!! So sorry frens for not being able to make a reunion wid u guys.
On 22nd-24th Jan, we were back in Sibu town. We drove a long 5hrs ride there, stayed 2nites and drove another 5hrs long ride back. Really feel quite worn out, but it's worth the ride there. The main reason back there was to visit both hubby's grandmas. Hubby's 'nye-ma' (mother-side grandma) hadn't seen Jayden before, and hubby himself hadn't seen her for more than 5yrs! She wasn't in her best state of health, and we really can't expect her to come out to Kuching n pay us a visit instead. So it's only right for us as youngsters to take the initiative to pay her a visit.
As for hubby's 'ah ma' (father-side grandma), she was delighted to see Jayden. She told us tat she had wanted to see how much ahDen had grown. 'ah ma' forever loves hubby so much, tat she purposely cooked 'pek tin (8-chen) mee sua' for us. She'd been busy in the kitchen on the day we arrived. It was really quite heartache to see 'ah ma' going thru all the trouble preparing a nice meal for us. It had been raining and raining too back in Sibu then. But it was really worth the trip, seeing the elders so happy and delighted to see their great grandson. At least this is part of our responsibilities as parents, and hopefully we can plan another trip back to Marudi soon to visit my grandma. She hadn't seen Jayden before as well and hopefully we'll be able to find time to visit her soon.
On Chinese New Year eve, ahDen had fever. It must had been pretty tiring for him, flying back from KK to Kuching and then followed by a long car ride back to Sibu. He hadn't had enuf rest, and tat's part of the reason he fell sick. Luckily his fever resided after i gaf him his Dhamol syrup and he had a nite of good rest. All the loud noises of firecrackers & fireworks at 12am didn't make him stir even once! However around 1am on the 1stDay of NewYear, hubby rushed out to settled something and only coming back to rest around 3+am. So practically on the 1st Day of CNY, after going to my mum's house & my sis's house, we went back home around 2pm and let both the father and son nap. Tat nite we stayed in, better let ahDen take as much rest as he can. Moreover, mum & my youngest sis had departed for Penang. Sigh!!
On the 2nd Day of CNY, again it was drizzling. Piang called asking we will be able to join their visiting. Hmm... really wish i could, but then we had to go out to search for a bday cake for Amanda (hubby's niece). We'll be celebrating her bday tat nite, and most of the shops in town are still closed so hubby & I tot we better start hunting early. Thank God we managed to buy her a cake from Secret Recipe.... Chocolate Mud Cake. After tat we went over to hubby's 2nd sis's house, and had a wonderful meal there. There were so many nice food to eat and ahDen had a wonderful time there playing wid all his cousin sisters & brothers.
Around 4pm, I went out by myself to yeechee (ah ma)'s house to meet up wid all my PowerMoves' frens. Too bad PingSoo and ahKeng couldn't be there, but i met most of the others. Felt really happy seeing all of them, and although ah ma was super busy and we didn't had any time to chat at all, instead i was partly there helping her to serve her guests... haha... but i had a good time wid SiawTing, ahBian, and the rest. Wow... it had been so long since i meet up wid them, and i juz haf tis feeling of really missing those old times deep down in my heart. Around 5+pm, I really had to leave. Remembering we'll be celebrating Amanda's bday tat nite, so i really haf to excuse myself. Too bad didn't haf the opportunity to chat wid ah ma lor... she even wanted to gif me angpow, =))... but i felt 'pai sei' receiving it from her. She said we r all her 'sons & daughters' ... so touching... ;)) If i'd brought jayden there, then for sure i won't feel embarassed to get it from her. ;))
When i reached home, hubby & I, together wid ahDen rushed out to 'tapau' all the food for tat nite's bday party. It was already almost 6pm, and we rushed to Boulevard and 'tapau' sushi party pack n temaki's' from Sushi King & then pizzas from Pizza Hut. Then we rushed to Central Park McD and 'tapau' 10sets of Happy Meal and another set of McValue Meal especially for my brother. After making way to send the delivery meal to my brother, we rushed home wid all the children already eagerly waiting at the car porch. :))
On the 3rd Day of CNY, we had agreed to visit Seng's new house. I'd promised him before tat i'll try my best to visit his new house. We made plans wid ngeebang, piang, KC, yinpei & aiwei to go to 17th Mile. Around 2pm i called Piang and found out tat they were all still waiting for KC at Piang's house, so i told her we'll go to Seng's house first. When we reached 7th Mile, there was a terrible jam. Shud be a bad accident in front we presumed, and we used the old road avoiding the jam. When we reached 17th Mile, we juz went on hunting for Seng's house. Uncle Seng didn't answered my call, so we juz drove straight in and luckily we saw his car parked at one of the house. We went in and only to realised tat it was actually his dad's new house. ;)) We had a simple and nice meal of curry chicken and 'lo' duck and after tat we went over to Seng's new house.
Seng's new house is very nice and i must say his taste for the interior deco was quite similar to mine & SH. The colour matching was modern looking and though it wasn't really spacious but wid the bright lighting and the glossy floor tiles, it made the place looked bigger than it really was. The sofa set was uniquely green&white in colour, matching the dark green painted wall in front. And Seng sorry for ahDen's naughtiness of mixing ur cuttlefish wid the peanuts! Hahaha =)) so funny... ended up a new type of tidbits to serve ur guests.
Tat nite, we had a gathering wid our F5 Stampin friends at MJC Courtyard Sanctuary. We purposely left ahDen at hubby's eldest sis's house, and the 2 of us went to join our old frens. They organised a BBQ at CheeYong's house, and we had figured out wid ahDen around, for sure the both of us wont be able to eat in peace, so we decided not to bring him along. At the gathering, we met up wid some really old frens which we hadn't seen in ages. The funny part was there's tis moment of running thru all ur previous memories trying to search for a name when u see a familiar face. =)) It had been 10 long years since we last seen some of them! Really wid so much changes in everyone.... another heave of big sigh! This is a sigh of gratitude and happiness though... thank God for this opportunity and the still existing friendship between all of us.
On the 4th Day of CNY, it was a rainy day. It seemed so sad and gloomy, draining out all the NY mood in us. As usual ahDen was sound asleep past noon time, and though PingSoo tried to meet up wid me, really so sorry cox ahDen wasn't feeling so well again. He really played too much wid all his cousins and he ate too much mandarin oranges. So when he wanted to rest, i juz let him rest as much as he can. Around 4pm, some frens visited us - Colin, Wilson, CheeYong & his YingYing, & Gary. These guys although so grown up can sometime be so childish. Cheeyong's yingying gave ahDen an angpow... her first year giving out angpows, and can see she really loves kids. Better work hard now CheeYong! =)) Oh... okie, the childish part, this Colin & Wilson keep on playing wid each other's car wipers! When they were about to leave, Colin purposely lifted Wilson's car wiper, then Wilson playing even, came out of his car in the rain and lifted Colin's car wiper as well. Apalah... so big still wan to play like tat.... even ahDen amazed at wat all the UNCLEs r doing! Then Wilson's car alarm went "cuckoo", kept on ringing and ended up CheeYong had to get down from his car and helped him! =))
When the guys left, we waited for Piang and the rest to arrive. Piang came first, then ah yao, ngeebang and sockhui. Then we went over to Aiwei's house. No KC tat day cox he was stranded at his house, wid the roads around his house being flooded. After Aiwei's house, hubby, ahDen & me, went over to pick up my bro to haf dinner at SugarBun The Spring. Initially it was ngeebang or ahYao's idea of dining at SugarBun. Piang had to leave cox her mum prepared dinner for her. In the end ngeebang & ahYao couldn't make it to The Spring, so after dinner we sent my bro home. After tat, we headed for mek's house. Then we waited for quite awhile there for ngeebang & ahYao to arrive. I think by the time we left, it was almost 10pm. As usual ahDen was so busy at mek's house, and i was busy too helping her to childproof her house temporarily for the period ahDen was there. Any longer i think i'm going to faint!
On the 5th Day, everything seemed to be back to normal. Totally no more CNY mood liao, and we were out early morning to pay our car's road tax. The post office was so packed, partly oledi overflowing wid humans! Wat to do... tat's our last day in Kuching, and we had to settle all these stuff b4 going back to KK. Mum still not back from Penang yet, and ahMing sis only departed from Sibu tat afternoon. We left for KK tat nite, and tat's the end of CNY in Kuching. Really tis year's CNY was kinda dull, partly i guessed bcox of the weather, and partly bcox we had different priority this year, and partly oso bcox mum wasn't in Kch.
Missed out the opportunity to meet up wid some old frens. Hopefully we can arrange for other meetings somehow n somewhere if possible. No matter wat, still wish all of u Happy Chinese New Year!
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