Last nite, Saturday nite, we ate out at "New York New York". I was kinda thinking taking our dinner at home, but hubby suggested tat we haf a try at tis new restaurant at 1Borneo. Knowing tat it was weekend nite, and hubby as usual will bring us dine out. I remembered seeing tis shop quite a few times before always on our way out from the carpark, but we never tried dining there. We reached 1Borneo Hypermall around 7+pm, and the place was so big tat we had to look for a directory in order to locate where "New York New York" actually is.
Okie.... looking at the directory on the Gr Floor, past the Centre Atrium and 2 shops down from Starbucks Coffee. There were quite a number of ppl dining there, and the place deco was quite attractive. We wanted to try its Giant Yankee Burger (which is 8-inch wide and 4-inch high), the description printed in the menu but we figured out it'll be kinda HUGE for 2 person. However if we haf piang or nb around, we can order tat of cuz! ;)) But now no Piang & frens here, so cannot order GIANT burger! ;)) ;))
We decided to give it's Hawaii Teriyaki Burger and oso Caesar Chicken Pizza a try. When the burger came, it was really yummy.... nothing like those u get from those fastfood outlets. It's beef patty was fresh and juicy with grilled pineapple on top of the patty. The pizza was okie too, thin crust, but the only setback dining there was Jayden Hii.
Sigh! With him around, u can never eat in peace. He wanted to explore the place, wanted to walk around by himself. I was swallowing and gulping down my food, and in the end i juz feel tat i no longer haf any desire to eat anymore. It was so tiring. He couldn't sit still in the baby chair, and he wanted to climb down. Then he'll turned here and there, smiling and laughing at other customers at the nearby tables, and even wanted to rush over and play wid them! I was so tired, worrying tat he'll fall down if he ventured by himself at a unfamiliar place, as well as worrying tat he'll accidentally damage ppl's property. Sigh! Tis baby... arghhhh.... i feel like i juz wanna lock him up in my room and not bringing him out!
Okie... viewing it from another point of view, he's helping me dieting. Cannot eat in peace, then maybe i'll slim down faster. But really quite torturing lor.... sigh! So next time if wan to eat out, must bring along frens or family tat r wiling to help me babysit, like nb sure no problem. Can be ahDen's godfather liao.... ;))
Foochow MeeSua!!!
Last nite, after my usual aerobics class, i rushed home to take my shower. Tonite we'll be going over to Daniel's house to celebrate his bday. ;)) The day before, Sunday nite, we went to haf seafood dinner at Welcome Seafood Restaurant in Penampang. They mentioned the seafood price there is reasonable and tasty at the same time. At first we thought tat it was juz a usual dinner together wid frens, but in the end Daniel settled the bill. He said it was his treat tat nite, giving the reason tat it was his bday treat. ;)) His bday will be on the coming Thurs, 13th (same date as sister ahMing's bday), but he wouldn't be free tat nite, so he mentioned to treat us earlier. Then we told him but we din buy cake for the bday daddy... we thought of getting a cake then, and going over to his house to cut his bday cake, but it was nearly 8.30pm and baby Japheth(Daniel's son) was getting sleepy. So we planned to go over to his place on Mon nite then.
Luckily both hubby & I didn't have our dinner before we went over to his house. AhPau & wife bought Daniel a cake, and hubby got him a bottle of red wine. He's a wine lover, so we thought of getting a bottle of red wine to add to his collection! Hubby asked the chef downstairs to prepare some spaghetti bolognese and penne carbonara and we brought the pasta over to enjoy together wid frens. Then Daniel & wife oso prepared Foochow MeeSua for us. Wow.... i was so happy to see Foochow MeeSua, wid Foochow red wine somemore! I had quite a big bowl of meesua, and ahDen too... he was slurping the meesua and the chicken soup and keep on asking for more! The meesua/noodles was exactly like Swak's. So nice.... not like those packets one which u can buy over the shelf in supermarkets, but the original Swak meesua is so much nicer. They told us tat we can buy this Foochow meesua from a chinese drug store in Lido. Okie.... an additional useful info.
As for the Foochow red wine, yummy.... Daniel gave me a bottle to bring back home, cox he said they still haf a few bottles leftover from MeiChing's confinement. ;)) Feeling paisei lor, but feeling very happy too.... i owest wonder how to bring red wine over from Swak! So stupid, cox u can actually get it here if u know where to find. Actually there are quite alot of Foochows in KotaKinabalu too. I tried my meesua wid 'Wincarnis', but then i still prefer the taste of traditional red wine.
AhPau & wife offered to babysit ahDen while hubby & I ate. AhDen had finished eating then, and he was busy playing around so both hubby & I can enjoy our meal in peace. ;)) After dinner, we sang bday song and had a few slices of yummy bday cake. Daniel mixed whisky wid ice cream soda for us, hahaha.... but of cuz not for the 2 pregnant mummies. Then we juz laze around in his living room and chatting. When we got home, i slept like pig last nite. Must be the effect of the whisky, but still i was able to wake up to make milk for ahDen in the middle of the nite. Still feeling so contented over my bowl of chicken soup meesua lor....
Luckily both hubby & I didn't have our dinner before we went over to his house. AhPau & wife bought Daniel a cake, and hubby got him a bottle of red wine. He's a wine lover, so we thought of getting a bottle of red wine to add to his collection! Hubby asked the chef downstairs to prepare some spaghetti bolognese and penne carbonara and we brought the pasta over to enjoy together wid frens. Then Daniel & wife oso prepared Foochow MeeSua for us. Wow.... i was so happy to see Foochow MeeSua, wid Foochow red wine somemore! I had quite a big bowl of meesua, and ahDen too... he was slurping the meesua and the chicken soup and keep on asking for more! The meesua/noodles was exactly like Swak's. So nice.... not like those packets one which u can buy over the shelf in supermarkets, but the original Swak meesua is so much nicer. They told us tat we can buy this Foochow meesua from a chinese drug store in Lido. Okie.... an additional useful info.
As for the Foochow red wine, yummy.... Daniel gave me a bottle to bring back home, cox he said they still haf a few bottles leftover from MeiChing's confinement. ;)) Feeling paisei lor, but feeling very happy too.... i owest wonder how to bring red wine over from Swak! So stupid, cox u can actually get it here if u know where to find. Actually there are quite alot of Foochows in KotaKinabalu too. I tried my meesua wid 'Wincarnis', but then i still prefer the taste of traditional red wine.
AhPau & wife offered to babysit ahDen while hubby & I ate. AhDen had finished eating then, and he was busy playing around so both hubby & I can enjoy our meal in peace. ;)) After dinner, we sang bday song and had a few slices of yummy bday cake. Daniel mixed whisky wid ice cream soda for us, hahaha.... but of cuz not for the 2 pregnant mummies. Then we juz laze around in his living room and chatting. When we got home, i slept like pig last nite. Must be the effect of the whisky, but still i was able to wake up to make milk for ahDen in the middle of the nite. Still feeling so contented over my bowl of chicken soup meesua lor....
HEROES s3 is back!
Wow! Yes!!! Heroes Season3 is finally here, back with Sylar on the move again, hunting for his next prey. Thursday nite, 10pm at StarWorld, Heroes, one of the most exciting series i've ever watched. Last nite, i was hoping Jayden would go to bed early, so i can enjoy my movie in peace. But sorry to say, no, he was up awake around tat time, and i tot tat it was going to be a one hour show, so we let him played around first.
When the 1st chapter was over, the 2nd one continued... hmm... meaning to say, it was actually a 2hour show. Okie.... we really got to miss part of the movie now, cox jayden really, really needed to go to bed for it was past 11pm! We switched off the tv and pretended to go to sleep, and finally the naughty 'monkey' reluctantly dozed off to sleep. Then we switched on the tv again, and continued watching.... then asking 'Why?! Why? How? How?! Who did tat?! Why??!!' All the question-marks popping up around our heads. Haha... =)) Perhaps tis is wat makes us really attracted to the movie... with all those questions playing in your mind, u r bound to search for an answer. And the answer awaits u, only if u continue watching. ;))
Tis time in Heroes, Sylar is back! The funny thing was he successfully gotten Claire, the cheerleader's, power without killing her. The reason he gave was tat Claire can never dies for she is different from the others. Then??? Why in the very first season everyone went thru all the trouble to save her??!! Remember... "Save the cheerleader, Save the world!". Then... "~DUH!~" ... she can never die, so why the trouble of having to save her? Hmm.... it can be quite conflicting at times. It really got ur brain working, okie... if Sylar had gotten Claire's power back in season1, then tat mean although Peter Petrelli failed to blow up New York City, Sylar could have done so. Hmmm.... perhaps then, it's more logical if u put it tis way.
Last Sunday, Heroes season2 Marathon was on StarWorld. We managed to catch up some of the chapters we missed in season2. And now, with season3 back, there'll be more to look forward to. I was determined to catch up part of the show i missed last nite. Checking for the time for a rerun, it'll be 12pm later. Okie... i'll be ready to tune in to StarWorld. The questions continues... "Why??! Why??? How???!" :-
- 'Why is Niki still alive after being blown up while trying to save Monica??'
- 'Why Peter from the future seems to be the bad guy? What happened to the future?'
- 'Why Angela Petrelli called Sylar(Gabriel Gray) her 'SON'?!?!?!
- 'How come Linderman is not dead? So all these heroes can never die??'
Wow... lots of question marks floating around me now. I still haf more questions in my mind, but am going to pen off... for my show is waiting. Gotta go!
When the 1st chapter was over, the 2nd one continued... hmm... meaning to say, it was actually a 2hour show. Okie.... we really got to miss part of the movie now, cox jayden really, really needed to go to bed for it was past 11pm! We switched off the tv and pretended to go to sleep, and finally the naughty 'monkey' reluctantly dozed off to sleep. Then we switched on the tv again, and continued watching.... then asking 'Why?! Why? How? How?! Who did tat?! Why??!!' All the question-marks popping up around our heads. Haha... =)) Perhaps tis is wat makes us really attracted to the movie... with all those questions playing in your mind, u r bound to search for an answer. And the answer awaits u, only if u continue watching. ;))
Tis time in Heroes, Sylar is back! The funny thing was he successfully gotten Claire, the cheerleader's, power without killing her. The reason he gave was tat Claire can never dies for she is different from the others. Then??? Why in the very first season everyone went thru all the trouble to save her??!! Remember... "Save the cheerleader, Save the world!". Then... "~DUH!~" ... she can never die, so why the trouble of having to save her? Hmm.... it can be quite conflicting at times. It really got ur brain working, okie... if Sylar had gotten Claire's power back in season1, then tat mean although Peter Petrelli failed to blow up New York City, Sylar could have done so. Hmmm.... perhaps then, it's more logical if u put it tis way.
Last Sunday, Heroes season2 Marathon was on StarWorld. We managed to catch up some of the chapters we missed in season2. And now, with season3 back, there'll be more to look forward to. I was determined to catch up part of the show i missed last nite. Checking for the time for a rerun, it'll be 12pm later. Okie... i'll be ready to tune in to StarWorld. The questions continues... "Why??! Why??? How???!" :-
- 'Why is Niki still alive after being blown up while trying to save Monica??'
- 'Why Peter from the future seems to be the bad guy? What happened to the future?'
- 'Why Angela Petrelli called Sylar(Gabriel Gray) her 'SON'?!?!?!
- 'How come Linderman is not dead? So all these heroes can never die??'
Wow... lots of question marks floating around me now. I still haf more questions in my mind, but am going to pen off... for my show is waiting. Gotta go!
Wow! Today after church service, we went to a new place for lunch, a very popular place in Kota Kinabalu, n a bit embarassed to say it's our first time there. After church service, we waited awhile for ahPau, Daniel & ahMing to finish their meeting first before we went out for lunch. As usual ahDen was having so much fun at church, trying to venture here & there.
At first Daniel suggested all of us to go and try out a popular fish-head curry at one of the restaurant in Inanam. He was telling us the other day how tasty the fish-head curry was and the type of fish they use to cook tis dish are considered as expensive fish. However, the restaurant was closed today, so then he taught of bringing us to the only revolving restaurant in Borneo, @Mosphere restaurant.
The restaurant is situated at the Yayasan Sabah building on the 18th floor. It is my first time there at the Yayasan Sabah builidng. Once we stepped into the restaurant, immediately u can sensed how different the atmosphere there was. Really classy. No wonder they named it @Mosphere. ;)) It is also one of the famous restaurant for tourists. Then we started to realise tat the floor which we stood on was slightly moving. The view up there was magnificent, looking down at part of the sea with big vessels sailing, white beaches and clear blue sea, and the other side featuring part of KK town and the greeneries. Wow.... immediately we can sensed tat Jayden enjoyed himself there.
Prices of the food was like the place itself, classy... hahaha... meaning expensive. But the set lunch was priced reasonably. So we ordered a set of set lunch and since Daniel said the pasta there is well-known, can be labeled as the best in town, so ordered another plate of salmon penne pesto. For set lunch, we had fruit salad, baked boneless chicken wid potatoes, and finally a plate of yummy dessert together wid a cup of tea. If Piang was there, i'm pretty sure she'll be so satisfied wid the cakes. It is really yummy... not too sweet and a bite of if, makes u desire for a 2nd. ;)) Then the 2nd bite, makes u wanting for a 3rd... and so on.... =)) It was really an enjoyable afternoon, wid frens around dining at a classy and modern place. After lunch it was oledi past 2pm and the 2 babies are damn sleepy. So now, ahDen sleeping like pig in his cradle. Hahaha.... once in awhile, it's worth to enjoy and to pamper urself. Although we spent quite alot on our lunch today, but we all had an wonderful time. And now, time for a nap.
A snapshot of the yummy dessert, specially snapped for Piang to drool!

Photos of ahDen enjoying himself at @mosphere!
At first Daniel suggested all of us to go and try out a popular fish-head curry at one of the restaurant in Inanam. He was telling us the other day how tasty the fish-head curry was and the type of fish they use to cook tis dish are considered as expensive fish. However, the restaurant was closed today, so then he taught of bringing us to the only revolving restaurant in Borneo, @Mosphere restaurant.
The restaurant is situated at the Yayasan Sabah building on the 18th floor. It is my first time there at the Yayasan Sabah builidng. Once we stepped into the restaurant, immediately u can sensed how different the atmosphere there was. Really classy. No wonder they named it @Mosphere. ;)) It is also one of the famous restaurant for tourists. Then we started to realise tat the floor which we stood on was slightly moving. The view up there was magnificent, looking down at part of the sea with big vessels sailing, white beaches and clear blue sea, and the other side featuring part of KK town and the greeneries. Wow.... immediately we can sensed tat Jayden enjoyed himself there.
Prices of the food was like the place itself, classy... hahaha... meaning expensive. But the set lunch was priced reasonably. So we ordered a set of set lunch and since Daniel said the pasta there is well-known, can be labeled as the best in town, so ordered another plate of salmon penne pesto. For set lunch, we had fruit salad, baked boneless chicken wid potatoes, and finally a plate of yummy dessert together wid a cup of tea. If Piang was there, i'm pretty sure she'll be so satisfied wid the cakes. It is really yummy... not too sweet and a bite of if, makes u desire for a 2nd. ;)) Then the 2nd bite, makes u wanting for a 3rd... and so on.... =)) It was really an enjoyable afternoon, wid frens around dining at a classy and modern place. After lunch it was oledi past 2pm and the 2 babies are damn sleepy. So now, ahDen sleeping like pig in his cradle. Hahaha.... once in awhile, it's worth to enjoy and to pamper urself. Although we spent quite alot on our lunch today, but we all had an wonderful time. And now, time for a nap.

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