

Past weekend can be considered as quite loaded for me, basing on my current personal schedule. We had planned to make Sat as our "sushi day" since we are all longing for some different type of activities.

Went out wid nb around 1115 to shop for the ingredients tat we'll need to make our california maki. We went to Choice Daily and got quite a lot of stuff... nori sheets, aust carrots, cucumbers, sausages, eggs, mayo tuna, mayonnaise, crabsticks, some potato chips.... namely 'Oregon Fresh' & 'Cottage Fries', and also a can of cocktail fruits & a bottle of Sprite which we later bought from Upwell, cox Choice seems to run out of Sprite.
While waiting for tan ah piang to finish her training, nb & i went to Kaya&Toast for light lunch. Well, i had kaya toast while nb ordered 'cai kuih'. Finally we decided not to wait til piang finish her training, cox there's so much we can actually start preparing while waiting for her. So we went to her office to get her house key from her.

Whole afternoon we were there, making california rolls. nb mixed the cocktail fruits & Sprite for our drinks. We had a great time... though it was only me, piang & nb. When the maki were ready, we invited piang's neighbour, jonathan, over to enjoy the maki together wid us, while watching Aeon Flux.

Piang asked me to accompany her Sat nite since she was alone at home. So i decided to overnite at her place, and oso bring her out shopping so tat she can get some food to bring the next day when she go hiking. I brought some of my stuffs over to her place, and i oso brought 'Jack' along. We went shopping and i kept on feeling very cold tat nite. Had a sudden craving for hot mushroom soup since the weather tat nite was chilly.

We cooked mushroom soup & added golden needles mushroom in it. Piang made me hot sandwich which was superb, with tuna & oso sausages. Din took dinner actually, after eating all those maki, so was feeling kind of hungry around tat time, so supper was great. After tat we watched 'Click' and the movie was good... full of laughters as well as touching moments.

I had a good rest over at piang's place tat nite. Perhaps the weather was chilly & i felt really comfy snuggling underneath the warm blanket, while hugging 'Jack'. Luckily i brought him along... normally i'll need sth to hug when i go to bed. Enjoy all the photos of our hand-made food here. Tho i really do wish tat more ppl could have joined us, but anyway... since we dont really haf much ppl around nowadays, sigh!... i guess we'll juz haf to bear wid it. However, i'm really grateful tat i still haf nb & piang around. I love u guys so much... thanx for accompanying me. HUGS!


thanks 4 loving me

Lately i feel very lonesome, and i feel very empty. For the whole of this week, actually i was very free. There wasn't any practice scheduled for sketch tis week, and i only went for chinese dance class on Tues nite. Kind of miss modern dance a lot, cox we have not been having modern dance practice since we started practicing for de National Day programs - de chinese dance & oso de sketch. But 'ah ma' juz told me tat we'll haf modern dance practice tis sun noon, cox everyone miss the class a lot besides me! She was asking if my foot is okie now, n if i rest somemore... but i replied her immediately saying i'll be there this sun to dance wid the rest. Guess i've kind of starting to feel comfy dancing in the midst of my dancer frens now... when i juz started, i remembered i'd felt so akward.

I was feeling so down... even feel too demotivated to 'jot' down my ongoings here. The truth is i am very blessed. In fact, i tend to realise i actually have a lot of people around me who loves me a lot. Lately, i started to realise how much my mummy loves me. Last Sun, she knew i was bored & frustrated. I juz don seems to really wan to talk to anyone, and i feel like indulging in junk food. When we went out to get lunch, i told her i wanted to go buy coke & snack... and immediately mummy say to stop by at a department store so she can buy some stuffs, and oso get me coke & keropok. So after lunch, i juz sat in front of the tv to catch my fave series CSIs from 1200 til 1500, while indulging in my junk food.
Actually i do know mum care for me, maybe even more now... n she even buy me cup noodles for me to bring to office, juz in case when she doesn't haf time to prepare lunch for me to bring to office, i can haf some alternatives if i don't feel like eating out. In fact, i feel it's hard for me to be eating out wid others now... i juz dont feel like going out wid people most of the time.
Juz now when i follow her to supermarket, she oso tends to load her shoppings wid more of my fave stuffs... icecream, keropok, vitagen... yummy...

Tat day when i told mum tat my colleague commented about my health, & tat i need to take more veges, mum was so worried. They say i owest eat meat and seldom eat veges... actually i do like veges. Juz tat most of the time the food i bring to office for lunch are leftovers, and normally we don leave cooked veges overnite. So ended up, i seems to be lacking of veges for lunch everyday. When i told mum wat my colleagues say about me having the risk of low oxygen supply to my brain, mum immediately insisted i bring veges to work everyday and no more meat. She'll cooked the veges every morn for my lunch, and the very next day she really cooked greenies for me to 'tapau' to office. Actually i juz don wan to trouble her, but i know i'm not categorised in the healthy group, and mum really juz don wan someone dear to her being sick again.

Juz now i told mum, i wanted to eat durian a lot. Had been craving for it since i'm back from KK, and though he promised to buy me durians, he never did. :( When i tot tat durian season might be over oledi, i felt kind of sad. But tis afternoon, i saw ppl selling durians by the roadside... so i was trying to brainwash mummy to go buy durians tmr. Then amazingly sis & bro-in-law came around 2130 and they bought durians for me! Wow.... seems like they heard my cravings.

i owest feel i did not do enuf for my family, especially my mum. i was owest busy wid my own stuffs & more occupied wid frens. now i feel quite guilty as i know tat the ppl who love me most are still my family. today, my pet rabbit died... mum was sad tat de rabbit is gone. since esther came to our family, none of us actually have any free time for him. everyday we juz fed him all the same. I guess the rabbit died of old age, but mum was sad all the same. I saw her shed a few tears while we were watching de 1900 movie, and she told me no wonder she felt uncomfortable for the whole day like sth wasn't rite. She kept on sighing and shaking her head.
I din not cry for the rabbit. I was never a person made to keep pets. In my mind, it'd died because of old age. Moreover, it's lonely n lack of attention. Maybe, death is still de best for him. I'll miss him tho... but i assume i hadn't done enuf for him when he's around, if it'd left to find a better world for himself, i'll have to let him go. Farewell black rabbit...



12th Aug - it's Saturday again! Tis morn i woke up quite early. I had a date wid mek tis morn, so i need to wake up at 0730 to get ready. Mek promised to accompany me to find treatment for my foot. Actually i had been limping around for more than one week now... and after each and every practice last week, my foot owest hurts. After the rehearsal on 3rd, i think i had accidentally sprained my ankle in someway or another, without me realising it, or maybe cox i'd skipped warming out tat day. And after every practice last week, i came home n urut my foot myself using ubat urut. And finally the swell became worse, and i really wan my foot to heal soon. Hadn't been able to dance properly for more than a week now, and whenever i went for practice, i need to wear my ankle guard so tat the pain can still be bearable.
I do know i shud let my foot rest, in order for it to heal completely. But i do not want to be absent for any practice, because it's going to affect the reputation of our dance centre, and since chinese in the practice are already the minority, i do not want to put the rest in a difficult situation. Somemore, no one can accompany me to go to 'tukang urut' and i felt so pathetic! :(

Yesterday i finally asked mek to go wid me. Since it's Sat, and i think i can rest over the weekend, so i made up my mind to go. Luckily mek had promised to go wid me, cox if not, i would not have been able to find the place cox i'm really not familiar wid Chawan Road. A colleague recommended me to go there, so i went. But we were too early tis morn and we reach around 0900... and the apek wasn't at his fruit stall yet. So off we went to King Centre to share a bowl of laksa and drank teh tarik peng and teh c peng! Both me n mek had oledi had breakfast actually, but being the 'tham chiak' me, i asked her to share laksa wid me again! Hee....
After laksa, we went back to Chawan Rd. and finally the stall had opened for business. The apek say per treatment he charges RM20, and i say okie. i'd oledi tot of giving him RM20 n had prepared RM20 in an ang pow packet earlier on...

so the torturing moment began... i guess mek must feel funny looking at all my weird expression of pain then. I was gripping the chair i was sitting on, when the apek tried to pull my 'urat' back to the actual place. wah lau... wah piang does it hurt! Luckily the chair din break under my grip... but i din pull my hair la! Imagine trying to pull my own hair out! hahaha.... tat would haf been lots funnier! After apek finish, which is only a few minutes... and he say urat back to normal place liao.. i was like "huh??? so fast 'kau tim liao' "... then i tell him the other leg oso hurt a bit but not as bad, so apek 'torture' my other foot again! But really better after the urut lo.... and i can even walked faster when i tried to cross the road to get my car. Mek was so worried cox i was the one driving, but i drove mum's auto-gear car... and if i couldn't drive back after the treatment, she'll haf to learn how to use auto-gear car under my supervision today! but luckily, i still can drive!
Then i went over to mek's place, and look at her photos which she took wid her parents n bf in Macau, and HongKong. Wah.... vacation.... i oso wan!!!

Later in the afternoon around 1430, piang 'sms'ed me to go pc fair n McD. Told her i wanna go McD, but not pc fair. So she came over, pick me up and we went to McD. before tat we went to pharmacy to get flu medicine for tnb. Then we went to McD and bought 2 set of McValue meal "L"arge takeaway and one choc sundae! One set of Grilled Chicken Foldover, and another set of Big Mac. Had been longing for fries n coke for quite some time n finally wah... i can satisfy my cravings! Then we went over to tnb's place, and watch tv while enjoying our McD. nb said he was very full, and he don wan to eat, but me n piang say the McD were for us, not him. We only buy him the medicine, so don worry... he doesn't need to eat. As usual in the end, it was him tat ate the most. I only managed to finish half of my Big Mac, and Piang half of her Chic Foldover, and the rest tnb sapu! so who ate the most???

Tonite actually i'd planned to bring mum to Kuching Fest. She wanted to go very much, and i know she was very happy when i offered to bring her there tonite. Sigh! However, in the end we had to cancel the plan cox the haze was quite bad in the evening. When we left from tnb's place, the haze was everywhere. Piang mentioned tat it wasn't safe to bring baby out, and she was right. I hadn't tot of tat had she not mentioned it to me. since if i am to go kuching fest wid mum, sis will sure wan to go along and then of cuz baby esther. So because of esther, we all decided not to go. Maybe some other day when the weather is better. Really scared of the haze, and oso HFM disease lately. since babies and young children have weaker antibodies compared to us, we really need to be aware of their safety and health.

So in the end, i ended up typing out all these in my blog tonite. i'm bored!


more WoOF or MeW??

Dear friends,
So are you More Cat or Dog???

Piang gave me this link, http://www.blogthings.com/areyoumorecatordogquiz and i tried it out... and the results TA-DA... she was correct! Would you like to find out if you are a cat-person or a dog-person?? Do try this out and post your results in my comment link if you don't mind to share!

This is the result i got:-

I am: 20% Dog, 80% Cat

You are are almost exactly like a cat.
You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.
And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!

Well, yes... i definately won't fetch the paper for anyone unless for my mum or for any other ppl who are not capable of doing it! So remember not to try pointing ur fingers around me, asking me to do any chores! I will only do it if i feel like doing it! Hee...


...at kch fest!

last sat morn, i asked the rest to go out for breakfast. Feel bad cox i hadn't had any time to meet up wid emmy yet since she's back frm KL n she'll be leaving on sun. even when i'd already promised them to go to Kuching Fest together wid them on fri nite, i had to aeroplane them last minute because of practice. Mi, i haven't even met up wid the rest since i was back from KK.. so really sorry tat we hadn't had much time to catch up.

We went to bormill, and the rest had managed to turn up too for breakfast tat morn. Other than Mi, we had piang, sockhui, leeching, nb n mek!
Wow... seems to be quite some time tat we gathered together... oops... i mean seems to be quite some time tat i gathered together wid u all! We had kueh chap, laksa n oso popiah! After breakfast, we went home... except for piang, sockhui n leeching who went out to hiaw, and nb went off to work. Well, after sending emmy home, i went back home to sleep til 1330. Din feel like going anywhere cox i was lazy to drive, and somemore i miss esther a lot. Hadn't really have any time to play wid her lately, so i was hoping tat she'd be at my home on sat morn. Yes, esther was home when i got back. She was sitting in her baby pram beside sis, while sis was playing the piano for her. She seems to like music n melody a lot, cox she was being a good baby and enjoying the music without making any fuss! Normally she'd be climbing all over the place oledi!!!

I woke up at 1330 to have my lunch. Mum n sis 'ta-pau' noodles for lunch. After lunch, i juz sat in front of the pc and continue wid my 'Diner Dash2' game. Met peishan n tnb online, and we chatted. Nb asked if i'd like to follow him to Kch fest tat nite, and help at his stall. Piang had earlier mentioned to ask seng & daphne to drive us there if those 2 wan to go paktor at kch fest. since i have nothing to do at home, i don mind going earlier wid nb so piang n I decided to follow tnb there at 1730 instead. It's kind of early, but since he needs to bring those frozen prawns over for his customer, so we need to be early.
Talking about the frozen prawns, they were so damn heavy! He brought 2 boxes there, and he carried one, and left the other box for me n piang. Both me n piang carried the box but we never managed to reach his stall! All along the way, we placed tat heavy box down n rest, wiping sweat, then re-continue wid our journey, then stopped n rest again and finally we GAVE UP! Piang called nb to come back to carry that heavy box for us! Wat a torture! haha...

I found out tat nite i really wasn't made to be a salesperson. I find it really hard to approach other people, and even when any other salesmen trying to approach me while i was looking at the cars exhibited or those other salesmen who was trying to sell their product, be it credit cards, insurance, some cool gadgets n bla... i'd have purposely avoid any contact wid them and drift away as far as i could! Piang explained tat i was a 'cat person' more than a 'dog person'. Hmm... wondering wat she meant n she explained tat 'cat person' are more reserved. 'Reserved'... hmm... tat word seems to suits me a lot. She added tat normally 'sad' and uncontented people are more reserved. oopss... :(

Sigh! Guess you all can never imagine how embarass i felt when i really couldn't help nb much at his stall. While he n piang were busily shouting for 'tauke' and 'tau-ke-nio' to buy the food they sell, i was hiding inside the stall. Somemore being so in the way because the stall wasn't very big, and the workers had to carry stuffs around. WHAM! Felt so 'pai-seh'... and nb even joked and said tat he brought a 'flower vase' there tat nite! (flower vase because they are only meant to be displayed as ornaments, but not of any other use!)
How i hope Seng & Daphne will arrive sooner. hee....

Well, piang did offer to accompany me to go around, but i said no, cox she was doing a really good job, helping nb and i want business to be good for them too. When seng & daphne arrived, the search for seats & table began. Seng complained why hadn't me & piang reserved any seats for them since we were there tat early. Ahem... actually i had never tot of it! But it was really so packed tat nite, and almost impossible to get any seats had it not been for piang's thick-face! We tot tat since we need to wait so long for table, why dont we juz get a table near nb's stall n while we r enjoying our dinner, we can feed him once in awhile while he works. Okie... so we scanned for available seats outside his stalls, and finally we targeted at a table where a group of apeks where dining. piang purposely go and smile at the apeks' and i think it made them feel uncomfortable sitting there too long with us waiting around, and wid piang keep on smiling at them!!!

haha... finally we got a table. We had a lot of food tat nite.... we had 1/2 of a roasted duck, taiwan sausage, fried ice-cream, chic drumsticks, pastries, ice-cream & fruits. Did i miss out anything?? We fed tnb once in a while, and he was happy cox there were so much food for him. His mouth never rested tat nite, if he wasn't shouting to attract customers, he was busy chewing or drinking! About 2200+, nb finally sat down to rest n chatted wid us. Well, we drank 'liang-teh' and it does help because weather was so hot and a can of carlsberg was great!
After tat we went to Petanak to look for emmy. It was oledi 2300+. Actually we all were very tired then, so we only stayed a while and chatted wid emmy before we need to send 'cinderella' back home before 12 midnight!


fortunate luvbirds!

i'm halfway eating my lunch while blogging at this very moment.

lately the microwave in the office pantry is in high demand. Lots of colleagues seem to start bringing their own food for lunch. Even when u need to reheat food, will also need to wait a few minutes before it's ur turn. well, wat has tat to do with lovebirds???

actually there are a lot of couples in my office. recently maybe there's a popular trend which is to eat together cum dating in the office during lunch hour. haha... why fortunate??? well, all the galfrens will prepare dishes for 2 at home in the morning, packed into containers, and then reheat during lunch hour, and lunch together with their boyfrens in the office. Sigh!!! how fortunate their boyfrens are!

actually i'm fortunate too... cox mum purposely cooked baby sweet corn, wid french beans, plus carrots and meat; and prepared rice for me to bring to office for lunch today. Juz tat i have to eat alone...
cant even finish my rice though i oledi reduce the quantity i brought today. maybe lack of appetite. sigh!

if i haf a bf who is oso my colleague, i doubt if i too would wake up early in the morn to prepare lunch for him. maybe i'll be eager to do tat for 1-2 weeks... and after tat, i guess my bed seems to be more comfortable than the kitchen. Even when i went to KK tat time, he purposely haf to rush back to hotel and 'ta-pau' KFC for my lunch while i was still lazing around in bed! Other ppl's boyfren are way more fortunate than mine. I seldom put in any effort like them in trying to make him feel fortunate. I remembered i once used to do that back in schooldays, where i'll bring him food during recess time if i could, and hid it in his drawer juz in case other classmates spotted it. Those were the days when everything was still so sweet... or maybe when i know myself very well back then.

Where had those days gone to???

I juz dont have the heart to do anything now. Even when someone called me last nite to ask me for lunch today, or tmr, or on any day tat i'll be free; i'd rejected the offer as i know i have no heart to meet anyone for the time being. I'm afraid the words i phrased out will hurt others unintentionally. so i rather be alone, and lunch wid my monitor!