
sunday = restday???

it's 1155pm now... and sunday is nearly over. Wow! today's sunday sure ain't any rest day for me... i'm so damn tired now, and i cant seem to be able to feel my lower limbs... starting from my knees downwards!

wat had i been up to??? tis afternoon i had chinese dance practice from 2pm til 6pm... but it dragged on til 7pm! It's okie if it wasn't the tiring type, but unlucky me din get to join the fan group, but i am in the lantern group. I wonder if any of u had ever seen any chinese lantern dance or not. Well, the moves are all pretty easy but the worst thing is it is VERY ENERGY CONSUMING! Wuwuwuwu... all thru the dance we get to jump jump jump non stop... sigh... actually we were rushing thru the dance today cox the choreograher wanted us to complete the whole dance by today. We'll have a rehearsal on this coming Thurs, 3rd Aug, and we need to perform in front of Deputy CM. sigh... since we wont be having anymore chinese dance practice, so we haf to finish today! If not, we'll haf nothing to show to him on the 3rd. Oh... this chinese dance is part of the Merdeka Day performance, and we'll be performing on 30th Aug. Wonder if we'll go on tv!

After the dance, we rushed to nearby kopitiam and had our dinner. All 10 of us, including tau-ke-nio who 'chia' us all. Actually by 7pm we need to reach Civic Centre for our sketch practice. But if we all go without eating sth first, i think we wouldn't be able to stand til 10pm. So we had a quick dinner, and off we went to Civic Centre. Actually i oledi feel my legs were very, very tired... and i even wondered if i can drive there. But i did managed to drive to Civic centre... and the weather tonite was cold cox it there was a heavy downpour, somewhere in the evening.

Once i stepped into the hall, one of my leg cramped! I knew i wasn't feeling tat fine, when i find it hard to move my legs even while driving. Sigh.... and when i walked up the stairs wid my frens, i told them i feel my legs were very stiff. And when i had my cramps, it hurts so badly. I can only hold on to my calf, and not being able to move while the stinging pain creeps all thru my lower limb! I was lucky today cox one of my fren helped me using the method which i did learn before in first aid. Last time it used to be me helping others. I'd wondered all the while if it does help, and now i can say it does! When he helped to pushed my foot, the pain does seems to go, but when i put down my foot once again, the cramps came back straightaway! In the end, my fren need to pull off my shoes and held on to my smelly socks to help me push my foot! Thanks ahLoy! It hurts... hurts and hurts! After tat, they brought another chair for me to rest my foot on it, and all my frens around saying i must put my leg straight! The stiff feeling was still there, and i wondered if i can go on wid the sketch.

In the end i did make it thru the sketch. All the while, making sure i won't be straining my calves too much. Phew! luckily no more cramps... and the sketch practice ended at 1030pm. So damn tired, and i really couldn't even walked down the steps properly. so i drove home real slow.... scared i might get another cramp.

tomorrow, my limbs will sure to ache terribly. i wan to cry! hopefully 3rd will be over soon. But i'm sure after 3rd, we'll need to change some steps and learn or add in new steps! 1st and 2nd we'll be having rehearsal as well! so long for my weekend... it's gone, and i've had a busy one. But at least i dont feel bored!


i'm back!

Good morning everyone!

i'm finally back. Came back on Sunday nite, from Kota Kinabalu, and had been quite busy n tired so can only manage to update my blog now. Last weekend was spent in Kota Kinabalu, and i did encountered some new experiences over there.

Thurs afternoon i went around KK town, actually visiting to DBKK. Well, first impression i got was there seems to be lesser chinese there, compared to Kuching. And another is they have quite a number of mosques. We went to some of the shopping malls over there, City Parade, Centre Point, and some i dunno the name. It was raining tat time, and well... we bought an umbrella and went here and there by foot and under the shelter of the 'very big' umbrella. Oh... yes... we had Burger King! Ordered a set of Whopper meal and wow! the burger was fantastic. So big, and juicy n full of fresh veges! For dinner, we walked to Tanjung Aru beach and went to the malay stalls for food. I wanted to order nasi paprik, which i miss sooooo much... but the lady say they don have paprik anymore. Sigh... so i decided on nasi pattaya then, and we had bbq chicken wings. The wings were so cheap, RM1 for one whole bbq wing, and they tasted juz as tasty. Then we bought steamed 'jagung'... RM2 for 3! Wat else did i ate... oh.. and the fruit juice... the 'big big mug' (tai tai pui) only cost RM3! Wow.... really cheap.

Fri morn I'd slept til 10am and stayed in the hotel. Only went out around 3pm to get sth done. Rushed here n there and i did realised tat actually KK has very bad traffic problems, almost like KL. I don't like it... need to waste a lot of time in the car in order to get to one place. Dinner on Fri nite was superb! We had seafood. Sabah is so famous of it's seafood and i saw and tasted quite a number of seafood which can hardly be found elsewhere. For me, de fresh oysters were the best... they were so fresh and icy cold... a fren bought us there to have dinner, and i had tot tat the oysters must be quite expensive, but i found out tat they actually only costed RM18 per kg! The prawns were very fresh too and the flesh tasted sweet and juicy. The clams, they actually have so many kinds.. elephant trunk clams, white clams, 'tung fung' clams, japanese clams n bla bla n bla!

At Sabah, all the fish and other seafood at the restaurant, are being rear in aquariums, and when the customers had chosen wat they would like to have, these seafood are then being fished out from the aquarium. This explains the freshness of all the seafood tat we had enjoyed.

On Sat, i went to Manukan island for snorkelling. It was really a heaven view, and the corals and all the fishes were so beautiful. This is my first time snorkelling and i am very scared actually. I don't even know how to use all the apparatus. The sun was very hot tat day, and I'm tan now. I had fun snorkelling, though i couldn't stand the sea water tat long, and maybe i had been bobbing here n there in the sea, and before long, i started to feel dizzy. Hopefully if i get a second chance to do this again, I can do it better next time. At nite we went to Ocean Seafood for dinner, and this is one of the restaurant tat is normally visited by the tourists. So the food there was so expensive. We had quite a simple meal and it had costed us RM120. The oysters sold there were priced at RM40 per kg! such a big difference!

On Sun, we went around to some of the places tat was kind of far off. I had fish head beehoon for breakfast, and tried fish meat popia , and prawn meat 'kiaw'. Very nice but the food there are quite expensive. Juz for a bowl of noodles, it had costed us about RM6. And the drinks were not cheap as well... I guess it depends on where you actually go for food. The living costs there are way more expensive compared to kuching... and other then fresh seafood and different activities like water sports n mount climbing, i still prefer kuching so much more.

Maybe because I feel so much more at home in Kuching than elsewhere. I like the kopitiam style tat we have here, and whenever we wan to have food, we juz need to go to one place and you can get all the different types of food tat u wish to have!


great luv & great success...

...involves GREAT RISKS!
This is wat piang posted in the yahoo! groups today. She told everyone tat "GREAT LOVE & GREAT SUCCESS involves GREAT RISKS."

Make me wondered a lot when i came across this statement. Sigh... who doesn't hope for a great love and most certainly, great success??? but how many would eventually be wiling to face great risks???
Many times along the path of our life, we'll face risks and major decisions that will affect the rest of our life. That is why we fear... fear of making a mistake, and lose wat we currently haf. Basically everyone has this kind of fear.

Will be leaving for Kota Kinabalu tmr. Well, this isn't sort of a vacation trip but wid sth tat i'll need to help out wid over there... but i'm feeling relief from the break that i can get. Last weekend had been quite exhausting for me. On last Sun's dance classes, I'd tried chinese dance. Actually we were sort of auditioning in order to be chosen as dancers to perform for an event during National Day. Well, chinese dance are so difficult... certainly not my type.

Hmm... am not sure yet whether i'll be chosen as one of the dances since there still are 3 more dancers who'll be auditioning this coming week. If they are better, than i'll sure to be eliminated. Tmr nite i actually got a rehearsal for a sketch which oso will be performed during 30th Aug. But since i can't make it, i'll haf to skip rehearsal tis time. The sketch is a short one - 10mins - to portray the history of Msia b4 we fight our way to be 'Merdeka'! Wonder how can they squeeze so much n so many ppl into a 10mins sketch... juz wait n see!



it's 4pm now and i had juz returned to office. I went out juz now to go to the clinic. Hmm... actually i'm not sick but i'm juz not feeling well. Since last Thurs i keep on having this funny heartbeats problem inside of me. At times i'll feel as if my heartbeats are racing and at times i feel as if i had a very strong throbbing feeling inside of my throat, between my collarbone. Then when my heart beats pounded too strong, i feel as if lack of breath and a little chest pain. Well, i really dunno how to explain to the doc wat was wrong wid me, so tat was why i hadn't gone to see any docs over the weekend. I was thinking the doc might be assuming tat i made all this up... so how am i going to explain to him???

finally i went to see a chinese physician juz now and came back and gulped down some nasty medicine. Yucks... so yucky yucks! And i still have 11packets of this nasty powdery stuffs to go. Well, i drank a cup of tea tis afternoon during my lunch hour... and after that i really regretted it, for my heart start to race and pounded so fast as if it's gonna jump right out from my throat. Sigh... i guess i really need to get sth done about this funny beatings from my heart.

The medicine and consultation fees was so expensive ~ RM54!!! and i couldn't claim from my company because we are only allowed to consult a GP and no specialist or chinese physician... and since tis kind of weird illness mostly only be able to be explained by a 'tabib'... wat can i do?? Need to spend on sth unnecessary again... humpphhhh....... and need to swallow some bitter, nasty, yucky powder.... uekkkkkkkk!!!!

So wat was wrong wid me? The doc say 2 reasons for all this funny and racey pulse of mine... gastric problem or stress. So his advice to me was temporary no sour food, no spicy food, no cold drinks, no tea, no coffee, no fried, no too oily, no hard to digest food which includes noodles, 'nasi pulut', bread, cakes, buns... sigh... i wanted to ask him, then wat m i supposed to eat?? he said to monitor my food intake for a few days and oso not to be hungry or too full; and see if i feel any better. hmm... yes, lately the weather is very hot, and the doc say cannot be tat because the weather is hot so keep on gulping down ice coke! ooopppsssss......... hee... but too hot will oso die! Then i need to try relax and free myself from stress, as being too stress up oso will cause the symptoms i told him. Well, i do know... but at times things are uncontrollable... wat can i do? I just hope my money wont go down the drain!


baby is sick!

It'd been a quite a hot day today, so hot in the morn n noon but in the evening, it finally rain. I woke up feeling moodless... feel worn out and sad. I was thinking too much, and a lot of things made me unhappy. Why am i unhappy??? I'm feeling as if i'm very old now, but yet i have no achievement in my life. What do i mean by achievement?? Satisfaction from the major aspect of life.... a well-paid job, a cosy home, and a family... but it seems like i'm so far away from all these. It made my heart sob everytime i think about it. I also want to fight for my own dream... and my own life. I wan to strive too... I don wan to waste anymore time. I won't be young always... who knows how many years i still haf for myself.

Baby Esther is sick today. So pitiful to see her sick... sigh! Her beautiful eyes were swollen and keep on shedding the 'yellowish stuff'. And when i held her juz now, she felt so warm as she's having fever too. Pity pity... she kept on whining pitifully and cry once in a while. She must be feeling very uncomfortable cox she make all kind of whines n moans.
Mum made her swallow her medicine... and she keep on crying. Poor baby! Then sis wanted to rub a hard-boiled egg over her body cox can help to reduce body heat but she dislike it so much. Keep on crying so pitifully. When sis rubbed the egg over her face, i tried to make her laugh n distract her attention. When i shook one of her toys, it made a jingling sound n tat finally attracted her. Then i tried squeaking one of her toys, n she laughed. At least my attempts to be a temporary clown are not wasted.. she finally laughed and stopped crying. Seems like she's better after tat... maybe the medi had start to take effect on her. Hopefully she'll be fine real soon. Poor baby.... get well soon, okie.. then i can start to bully u again!



Last week i celebrated a lot of pplzzzz bdayzzzz! On last wed 28/06, we celebrated ngeebang's bday. We decided to go for dinner 8+pm since piang n tnb got ballroom dance class. So i went to pick peishan, and we all agreed to meet at Chef@Home. Mek bought de cakes (all de small cakes...) from Wilson's bakery and seng brought daphne along. We ordered quite a number of foods but not big quantity and all of us juz share the food (more like fighting for the food... hehe)we had 'soup in bun', grilled chicken, caesar salad, fruit salad, fish n chips, and oso breaded fish fingers! the food was yummy... nice nice... and finally the cakes!
Guess all my description of the food ain't going to be tempting enuf, so i'd decided to post the pics i took for the food! As for de bday boy, hmm... i think de food's more photogenic! but he sure did amused us all wid his act as a jap-porn-star... yikes!....

on Fri nite, we celebrated piang's bday. It was de best! We planned a surprise for her. We know u r unhappy piang! But please don't be anymore.... we all love u a lot, lot, lot! I hope u LOVE our surprise! Mek planned so much... n she's really so good in all this surprises thing! What we did was I asked Piang out on Fri nite, telling her we'll juz go for a drink to celebrate her bday... but we can only get aiwei, peishan n seng to join along cox tnb got japanese class n mek got dinner. Told piang tat we wont be buying her a cake but we'll go to Tom's for cakes on Sat 01/07 noon for lunch. Tom's cakes are the best!

Before tat, mek n tnb went to piang's house on Thurs morn when piang was at work, and they told piang's mum of our plan and to 'borrow' her house. So on Fri nite, I went out at 0930pm to fetch piang and it was raining cats n dogs at tat time. But we went out all the same, and later i drove to pick peishan n aiwei. Then we met up wid seng at 'Tao' and we had our drinks. I had Mochacino... hot hot mochacino on a cold cold nite.... such a pleasure! hmmmm........... while we are enjoying our drinks, mek n tnb had went over to piang's place to create her 'surprise'! They made a big number '26' wid twinkling light bulbs on piang's floor and decorated the '26' wid balloons, and place her bday cake, n gift and oso mek's red eggs in the no. 26 they created. It was really lovely!
Then i pretended tat i have some thing on and piang suggested me to go home if i'm not free so we left Tao around 1115 and i secretly miss-called mek n tnb to tell them we r on our way home. While in the car, i made an excuse tat i needed to use piang's washroom... and when we reached her house, we all gave an excuse since tat i'll need to use her washroom, why not everyone juz go inside her house for a moment. When we reached the front door, and when the bday gal opened the door, we shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we sang her bday song to her, surrounded by the twinkling no. '26'.

After tat, we had a small party... of choc cake, chicken wings, noodles, red eggs and grapes plus sparkling juice while watching the football match between Germany and Argentina on astro. Piang was so surprised... actually i really tot you'd cry... but why didn't u cry??!!! I told them all tat u'll definately cry... but u din even shed a tear! seems like u r not touched enuf lo.... but am really very glad tat everything turned out fine. Thanks to ur mum, ur bro, ur sis and ur bro-in-law! peishan was very happy tat ur dad was not around... (actually me too)... hee

on sat afternoon, we went to Tom's for cakes all the same, on piang's treat. on sun, it was the twins bday. Since both of them are back from uni, and i hadn't gotten any gift for them, so i bought a cheese cake for them. At first i tot of getting sth smaller, but then since they are twins, i guess i can increase my budget and get them a bigger cake so there will be enuf to go around for everyone. The cake was beautiful.. and they love it.
happy birthday my dearest sisters!

Though Fang only stayed at home on her bday, mum cooked her and Feng mee-sua for lunch, plus egg and when she saw the cake i got for them, she was very happy. she straightaway sms-ed her twin to ask if she had any bday cake, and if not, she'll wait for her to cut their cake together. Actually it had been quite some time tat we cut a bday cake together in our family. But this time, bro is not here... since he went for his orientation at UTM on sat. When we were younger, it seems tat we do it more often compared to now. A little get together, though we only have the bday cake to share together but no other food. Happy Bday Gals... hope u both love the cake. Juz a little gift from me, since ur sis am quite broke... so juz bear wid it. MUAH...