Xmas 2006 i was in Kota Kinabalu. i had a nice holiday there, had plenty of good food to eat and plenty of rest. Went on shopping spree, and my 'tauke' paid for everything. He said this year he wont be able to accompany me to get my new year clothes, so i better buy it first when he's around. I really feel like i din shop for such a long time, and everything seems to be just wat i wanted to get for myself! Siewhung said sth tat made me feel so touched, if i say tis in front of nb, for sure he'll say i try to 'tipu' siewhung again. ;))
The truth is i really feel bad if he spend too much on me. I know how it's owest so difficult to buy stuffs for urself and when it comes to the things u wanted, u'll really think it over whether it's worth ur money. But then when u r getting it for others, u just spend without thinking. His reply was if he knows i'll look good if i get to dress up n if he was to think of not wasting his money in buying me clothes n accessories, he'll feel bad.

On top of the tree was 2 golden bells. If it's really my tree, i'll put an angel on top of the tree. It made me think of the story i used to read when i was young, where the toys or decos on the tree will owest fight in order to be on top of the tree. ;)) At nite when everyone is asleep, the toys will come to life. It'll be their world then, and they will depend on themselves to climb to a better position on the tree. Is tat how the decos on trees owest seems to be in different places one day or another?
Such a fairytale....
Here are some photos tat i'll like to share. We went to Kundasang.
It's the farm for all the Desa milking cows. The cows are really black & white in colour, juz like the ones we used to read in storybooks or watched in cartoons. They are so cute, and they are real! It felt as if u r really in NewZealand.

hiewming, i hope u'll find wat i had to share here interesting. i miss all of u lo.... n i wanna see how big is karhooi's tummy now! take k!
Finally a snapshot of me in Kundasang! Looks like i'm in NZ!
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