The money tat i'd got from Ah Ma was enough to pay for my air tickets to KL and Bangkok. =) Not only was i proud of myself, but i am oso feeling contented for being able to settle the airtickets without using my savings. Hooray! The money was sort of 'hard-earned' money, tat's why when i got it, i felt really happy! =)
Last nite we did another performance for KFC Annual Dinner. The theme was 'The Last Samurai' and everyone dressed up in their japanese attire. The dinner was held at Riverside Sarawak Chamber, and for the first time in my life i actually saw a dinner held in Swak Chamber wid all the guests sitting down on the floor, on floor mat, wid the dining table positioned juz a little above the ground. It was supposed to be japanese style, so the hall had been decorated to make everyone feel as if they are in Japan. =) Another exciting experience for myself. However i really pitied the waiters & waitresses for having to kneel down when they need to refill guest's drinks and when they carried out the dishes. I tot of taking some snapshots of the hall before the event started but wasn't able to find the time to. Hopefully i can get some exciting snapshots to be shared here in my blogs from the others soon!

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