
wat IS tis??

Hey folks!
I got an interesting pic here, and i wanna share wid u all!

Now, what in the world is this??? At the first sight of it, it seems like some sort of a filter from a car, or a car's dirty old parts! But... no.... it's the carbon filter from my house's Amway Water Treatment System and it is shockingly, disgustingly dirty! Can you imagine how dirty our drinking water is? I shud haf taken a pic of the new, clean filter so tat we can make a comparison but too bad, i forgot to. Perhaps the sight of this used filter shocked me... and it really terrifies me. Well, water is supposed to be one of the most important thing for our body, but imagine drinking water as dirty as this! Yucks!

Lately, I'd been slacking behind a lot. The other day i tried to 'on' my Palm PDA, which i hadn't done for quite a number of weeks, and found tat it's battery was flat. So i charged it and finally i can turn it on, but all my data inside my Palm is lost! I rem ppl telling me tat if u didn't use ur handheld for quite sometime, it'll automatically be resetted and all ur info gone! Sigh.... wat had i done???

Then yesterday morn, i finally had the initiative to listen to the songs in my iPod Shuffle, and again amazingly, all my previous stored songs were gone! Kind of rotten luck for me, but again i think perhaps de files inside had been corrupted for quite some time, and i hadn't checked it out for so long. Wat is happening to me??? Even when i wanna synchronize my PDA wid this office PC, i'd fail to do so. I think the settings had gone cuckoo... somemore my combo drive [CD Reader & Burner only, no DVD burner... how sad =( ] at home was spoilt. So i couldn't install de Palm Desktop (for Palm handheld) & iTunes (for iPod shuffle) to my pc back at home, and i only got this office pc here to do everything, but i'm kind of packed with works now... so where got time to re-organise everything???

Sigh... rotten, rotten luck! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..............



Today sucks!
Arghhh... so pissed off! Well, the day started not so fine. I knew i had to send the car over to get the air-cond fix today, n i m wondering how much i will need to spend on fixing it. Woke up quite early, and feel really tired. Sigh... needed RM450 to get the air-cond fix. My heart cried out... cried out in pain. *sob* *sob* so much i need to spend on it, although mum offered to sponsor 50%, i still feel it's very expensive.

Then i went to the Advanced Presentation English class at 1030am. Listening to andrea speaks always delights me. I love to listen to her speak english in such a fluent way. She's a New Zealander and today she taught us grammar. I admit my grammar sucks... and i'd forgotten a lot about grammar once i left secondary school. However, i kind of felt pissed off when i had to do the presentation AGAIN today. We were divided into groups, and somehow i was in the same previous group. Last week, i'd taken the initiative to present when i saw that no one had wanted to make the move. I was hoping after my turn, it'd be someoneelse today but again... no one wanted to do it. And i had to present again. I really feel very unsatisfied, i really, really do!

Stayed at home whole afternoon and read Sidney Sheldon - Windmills of the God or sth like tat, but i haven't finish the book yet. Then i fell asleep til almost 1800. When i woke up, mum told me that the car's lubricating oil almost finish. I MUST refill it today la.. if not mum say the whole engine will get spoilt. Actually i really haf no idea tat u need to refill the lubricating oil. so stupid of me rite... but to me, it's money again. Sigh! Somemore this afternoon received my credit card bill for this month, and i need to pay a lot cox i helped my bro & sis to buy their air tickets last month. Well, i can only ask the money from my sis when she's back in Nov. Looks like this month is going to be even worse for me. As for my bro's, i can deduct it from the sum i gave to mum monthly.

I'd wanted to put aside some money for myself and to get something for myself next month. It's my birthday month next month, and there are some things i really wanted to do for myself. I feel like straightening my hair so much... which costs RM280, and i'd told piang tat day tat i'll try my best to do it before bday. But seems like i'd have to cancel my plan. I need to use tat money to help to pay for sis's airticket first. =(

Piang called to ask me out for dinner tonite. I was napping tat time, and i turned her down. In my mind, it's going to be spending money again, and i rather eat at home. But i'm so bored at home now.... sigh.... met seelee & hiewming on msn. Hiewming said they went to karaoke tis afternoon, together wid yunnyi, then dine at Seksyen17, and will go to watch midnite show 'The Banquet' later. How i envy them.... i'm so damn bored here and i wanted very much to join the gals, but they are so far away. I miss them a lot too, n part of me wish i'm over there working in KL now.... wuwuwuwuwuuuuuuuuuu.............

Seelee juz told me tat her housemate went for LASIK. It costs her RM6k... tat's a lot. That means i will haf to save even more if i really wanna do LASIK. Each and every dream of mine seems to be so far, far away.....


$$ M-O-N-E-Y $$

How come everything need to be so expensive? Jess juz came to office juz now, cox she's on half day leave today. Now I'd juz received their invitation card. Yes, i am very happy for them. Their wedding photos are so nice, and their invitation card is nice too... and most important of all, they both are very happy!

When i asked how much did her wedding album costs, it almost reach RM5k. I nearly fainted.... it is so expensive. Well, Jacky Studio is so well known of its quality photo, as well as the photographer's 'temper'. People say that wedding is one of the happiest event that can happen in one's life. But all this costly arrangements juz in order to get married, can as well pull one's mood down.
Everyone around started discussing how good the photos are, how much they had spent to get all this done, why Jess had informed us so late, and how some ppl feel negative about her being secretive concerning her wedding.. and in the end, when am i getting married. I got a warning from my colleagues though, never to hide any wedding arrangements like what Jess did.
Well, actually i kind of know she is getting married this year, but it's just tat i hadn't tot it'd be so near! That day when i kind of tricked her into telling me if she's getting married this year (being the usual 'monkey-minded' me...), I felt a mixture of feeling deep inside.

As a fren of cuz i'm very happy for her & Jong, but in the end it made me think of myself. At time, i feel tat i'm aging & i shud get married soon. Sylvia told me juz now tat for my case it's like 'she heard footsteps walking down the stairs, but the person never came down'! Hard to interpret eh.... why, yes, i'm the unusual one.... i do feel tat i hadn't much time left, but it's the feeling of whether i really feel like tying the knot tat matters.

I do dream of a perfect wedding, and of cuz tat does not exclude all the stuffs tat u'll need to haf like wedding photos, dinner, honeymoon.... the list goes on, and at the end of the day, it juz total up to one thing... MONEY!

How nice if one can be happy and contented without having to worry ever about money. It seems to be hard for everyone to be threading on such a path these days. Sigh!


pig-ing out!

Over the weekend, we had been pigging out. Once Dr. KC Lee is back in town, we always get to eat non-stop. I was amazed too at the state we pigged out.... we had a lot of food, and a lot of different food. Practically, it was only food, food, and more food if you have KC around.

Sat morn we went out for breakfast at 7th mile. KC came pick me, Piang and Yiengyin wid his mum's new Myvi. Off we went to 7th mile, and i finally got to drink the 'teh C peng' Special which i missed so much. I ordered pan mee, and the rest had 'chao chai beehoon'. After tat, i went to attend my Advanced Presentation Skill class, and the class ended at 1330. Was so damn sleepy....
Promised Piang & KC to go shopping wid them tat afternoon. So we went to town and the 2 of them accompanied me for my lunch at KFC. Well, though it was oledi 1500, but it was still considered lunch for me cox i haven't eaten anything since breakfast. After KFC, we went around shopping and tat hiaw hiaw piang bought a new pair of heels. At around 1730, we went to Kenyalang n had ice cream. Actually we wanted to hunt for durians, and ended up sitting outside the shop selling Frosty Boy icecream. So i called mek and asked her where can we buy durians in Kenyalang since our dearest doc was craving for durians for so so so long! Mek mek said she can ask her dad to help us to buy, so we juz need to go to her house later tat nite to haf durians feast. Wow! mek mek... "ni shi zhui hao de, ni zhi dao ma". KC asked us to accompany him out for dinner tat nite, so we choose to dine at one of the stall at RH Plaza Siang Siang where we can order dishes. Tat nite we had peishan, tnb, aiwei, KC and me. Food we ordered -> butter squid, clams, steamed 'tapah' fish, sea cucumber soup, midin wid red wine, & BBQ chicken wings. After our dinner, off we went to mek's house to enjoy our durians. Her dad is really an expert in picking durians... the durians tasted so nice. I wonder too if it was because we had so many ppl around to fight for the durians. Hee... but poor mek was sick, so practically only some of us, few of the piggies, were feasting on the durians. I was so so so full tat nite.... i tot i could haf exploded!

(S***! -17/09/06- it's practically one week after i wrote the 1st part of this blog. Stupid streamyx connection n i couldn't had continued wid tis after the connection had gone back to normal! Juz hope i still rem the pigging out session wid KC!)

On Sun, i only went out wid KC after dinner tat nite as his mum cooked his dinner at home. Well, we tot of going pubbing, but wid piang n peishan along... hmm... seems like there need to be sort of change of plans! Those 2 r angels lo.... so cannot bring them to devil's nest! So we went to Parkson n help KC pick a shirt. Tis guy having the privilege to shop in Spore but still ended up shopping in Parkson Kch, he really does not fit living in Spore!
After tat we went for supper at Jln Song Peach Gdn. I accompanied KC to drink Heineken lo, since we cant get hold of any hard liquor which would had been his 1st choice. We ordered rojak, 'BBQ sotong wid sambal' & satay. Beer tat nite was great for me. I'd an enjoyable time drinking wid him, tho i wish shan & piang would've join in too.

On Mon noon, KC came to pick me out for lunch. We went to look for piang & went for Bak Kut Teh at 'Grandma's Place'. Wow... after the bak kut teh, i kind of felt sick. Too much heaty food wid KC & i think my body was starting to get sick. It rained really heavily tat afternoon. Tat nite we planned to go eat crabs wid KC. He was craving for crabs... n we MUST teman him to eat. If not, later he go back to Spore, but still think of crabs n cannot concentrate on his exam. So i called Hai Pa Wang tat afternoon n told them to reserve 2kg crabs for me. No matter wat, 'wind or rain', me MUST HAVE CRABS tat nite. Tat nite we ordered baked crabs, fried crabs wid eggs, drunken prawns, 'ma li chai', black pepper ostrich & salted vege wid taufu soup. I couldn't eat tat much tat nite. My throat was starting to get uncomfortable. Mek was sick too. Then if only depend on pei shan & piang to eat, i think the food was way too much for them n KC's aim was to go for the crabs, hmm.... but i guessed KC enjoyed the baked crabs a lot. After tat we went to Room 205 for a drink. Well, we were really very full but that's how pigs are lo... they never stop eating or drinking. We had Ice Blended Chocolate, Choc Milkshake, Mango Smoothies & hot Hazelnut Latte. Sigh.... wid KC back in town, no diet plan will work out for me.
Let me share the photos of the crabs here!


post performance

wow! it'd been a very packed week for me. Merdeka Day is finally over, and so had our performance on 30th Aug nite as well as tonite's dance. Hadn't had anytime at all to blog here... well, tonite's dance is finally over... phew.....

On the eve of merdeka, we performed at Kuching Waterfront and were on the stage when the countdown began. After our 'sketsa tari' everyone was drenched in sweat, even the ministers gave us disgusting looks, disbelieving tat we were tat hot! Well, try putting them in thick clothings and asked them to jump here n there on the stage wid those blazing spotlights right in their faces!

I got to dress up as an Arabian lady, and oso as an IPT (Institut Pengajian Tinggi) student. As for the lantern dance, needless to say, i'd to dress up in bright yellow, cute chinese costume.

We had thick make up on tat nite, and luckily we were there early and we got each other to help to 'paint' our faces.... if not, i think my face would haf ended up being painted wid messy colours!

Tonite was fun! We dressed up as ghosts for our performance tonite. I was wondering why do we need to dress up as ghosts for the Maybank dinner, and i finally understood when i saw that the theme for their event tonite was 'Horror Nite'! I was so impressed cox everyone really put a lot of effort dressing up themselves as ghosts n ghouls n monsters n spooky creatures.... even the waiters dressed up as ghosts!
I saw vampires (all different races of vampires - dracula, 'pontianak', 'kiong xi'), witches, mummies, zombies... oh ya, i din managed to see if anyone dressed up as werewolf. I think no one tot of tat! hehe...
I dressed up too, more like a zombie + beggar as my clothes were torn n smeared all over.... well, if i can get hold of any photos, i'll post it here right away. It was fun when we dressed up, we couldn't even recognise each other.

Let's juz hope i can get hold of my photos fast... i wanna share it wid all of u!