

Long time since the last time i sign in to my blog. We had moved in to GraceVille officially on 31st March 2010. It's like finally after 3yrs of marriage tat we have a place to call our own. Honestly, i don't mind staying in a small room just tat it wasn't the right environment for our son to grow up in. Every kid will wish to have a bigger place to call home i guess, rather than feeling being locked up in a small room everyday. Hehe...

Well, finally i get to be a real housewife... meaning i start to cook, wash & clean. In everything tat i do, as long as i have the heart to do it, i believe i can be quite good. ;)) and i believe the same goes for everyone else. Juggling housework plus taking care of kids and preparing 3meals or more for your family everyday, can be quite tough. So far, i'm still juggling it pretty well. Just tat it's fewer and fewer of ME time now.... i miss yoga n aerobics so much, and i miss working out so much. I think i still prefer being able to exercise at least 3times a week, so tat's why i tell myself to assume cleaning up the house as an exercise for myself.

Hmm... i purposely picked up this folder of my editted folders from my recycle bin so tat i can share wid cassandra. Wahai cassandra, pls do feel honoured bcox of my effort. This is my current unit in GraceVille, hope u get to visit it one day.


Cass said...

wahai sophia (did u change it cos i always thot it's sophie),

thanks for yr effort. but how come no gambar of the AFTER? all BEFORE only? sila jelaskan.

but i've seen yr FB photos, so it's oklah.

sophia tie said...

after lazy to take photo lor... everyday need to clean & wash & cook!
My name memang sophia but if u wanna call me sophie oso can, my dearest adinda!