
durian feast #2

23rd Nov 2006 ~ Thurs nite, and we had a small gathering at mek's place for a promised durian feast no.2 . Tonite was fun.... earlier on i had went to piang's house to pick her and we went shopping at Choice Daily for sushi ingredient. We had planned to haf a sushi making session at her house the coming Sat, so we need to shop for the ingredients first.

After tat at around 9pm, nb came to pick me & piang to go over to mek's place. Her daddy had purposely went to HuiSing to buy durians for kiang. Tho it's juz the start of durians season, n the durians r more expensive, mek's daddy still insist on buying the durians for kiang, since he's back in town. ;))
kiang, u must be very very touched by our sincerity lo. As for nb, tho he doesn't eat durians, he purposely go 'tapau' KFC for himself. hee.... he said we got durians to eat, so he eat KFC. But mek mek oso ask her bf to go ta pau 'sio-bee' and 'ang tau peng' for nb lo.... mek mek is forever so sweet!

The durians tat nite were nice. Look at the size of the durians! So big! The size of a palm.... i din get to eat tat. I wonder who did? Was it nice???? If really tat big, n taste nice n wid tiny durian seed, ONE will be enuf for me! WAH!!! yummy....
^^ too bad peishan wasn't around tat nite. peishan, we miss u lo! tat nite piang miss u like crazy, n she sez she feel like wanna hug u tightly if she sees u lo!


dance Fiesta 2006

18th Nov 2006 ~ Last Saturday nite we had another performance. It was for an event called Dance Fiesta 2006, held at Merdeka Palace, Kuching. The song we used was 'NSync - Dirty Pop'. The event was very grand, with a lot of different groups performing their dance which includes belly dancing, hip hop, and etc. All the gals really dressed up themselves, and everyone looked so elegant...

Everything went fine during our performance... well, not really tat fine. Somewhere thru the ending part of the song, the CD suddenly skipped, and a part of the song was totally lost. Luckily for some real fast reflex from the rest, we managed to response to the unexpected and unavoidable mistake, and still performed til the end. Phew! Though we din managed to stage out wat we had initially practiced for, at least the whole performance wasn't being ruined because of either the faulty CD or PA system.

What we wore tat nite!

We had a lot of fun after tat snapping group photos in one of the rooms tat had been rented out for us to change and to wait for our turn on stage. We posed lotsssssss of silly poses, and laughed so much.... i hope the room was sound-proofed, cox we definately were VERY noisy! haha :)~



It's Friday again, and this week is nearly over. Weekend is coming again... yippee! How time flies! Lately i owest look forward to weekend, because then it's time again to hiaw wid piang. hahaha...

Last weekend was quite a packed one. I had fun, and my weekend was fully used. Wat did I do last weekend???

Sat ~ 4th Nov 2006
Went wid frens to Saberkas Ground Flr. to watch performance by de 2 kuchingites who had previously emerged as stars from de program 'Project Superstar (Msia) 2005'. There were quite a number of celebrities there tat nite; there's Gary from 8TV, Ray from the "Ho Chiak" tv show, and of cuz not forgeting Superstar Ah John, as well as runner-up Vincent. Project Superstar 2006 will start the very next day, and they were hoping more will go for the audition at Harbour View the next day...
8pm ~ We planned for BBQ tat nite at Ah Ma's house. It's oledi 8pm, and most of us are fainting wid hunger and yet we cant start eating first, cox we need to wait for VIPsssssss..... =(
since it's a potluck dinner cum BBQ, we did prepared some food tat nite. Some brought satays, curry, 'popia', sushi, pizza, 'agar-agar',... wat a feast! i made konnyaku!!!
Chatting around, "gossiping", with the kepos from PowerMoves... hahahaaa... oops... It was an after meal chat, since we were too free, nothing much we can do. We were playing around, joking, practice our singing & vocal, practice our acting skills or practicing 'exaggerated' facial expressions, as well as practicing our sense of humours!  ;>
These are the "super-hiaw" frens, tat are experts in posing. Once there is a camera shutter pointing at us, "~POOF~" there will be an automatic pose from everyone. "TA-DA!!"
Sun ~ 5th Nov 2006
Came back home late the nite before, and after my bath it was oledi almost 0230am. Tot i could catch a few more hours of sleep on Sun morn, but nb called early morning, asking me to join the rest for breakfast. I was blur when i answered the fon, not quite understand wat he wanted... haha... i guess nb was too happy coming back from KL, and i know he misses us terribly.
I tot of not joining them for breakfast at first, but since he had successfully disturbed my sleep, i couldn't get back to sleep. So i called back and told him to come n pick me for breakfast too. Went wid the rest to 4th Mile Expert, and i guess everyone can see how lack of sleep i was!
Tat afternoon we went to Star Cineplex for movie. We planned to watch de cartoon "Flushed Away". After we bought the tickets, there were still a few minutes left before the movie. So we walked around Star. Tot of singing a few songs first at the K-Box but it was terribly packed. =(
we saw a really cute hat, and tat hiaw nb tried it on, right in front of the salesgirl. Actually i wanted to try it on too, but don't haf as much guts as he does.
Say MIAW!!!

So "KAWAII!"... miaw miaw.. piang, u wan to adopt tis cute kitten or not??? FOC!
Another exciting scene tat i managed to snap. Atok at the gaming arcade... she was good! nb tried to play too.. but it only took him a few seconds before he ended up losing. Atok was so aggresive.... haha.... but must admit she's really good!