
i've got new pillow!

kc, nb & piang came back from Kota Kinabalu last nite. They are really great! they managed to reach the peak of Mt.KK.... something tat will definately be so tough for me. But i'm really proud of ah Piang... wid her condition, she still can reach the peak. She must haf very strong determination in herself! Well done, Piang! Hooray!!!

nb came over to my place after midnite last nite to pass me my new pillow. Knowing tat he had brought the wrong pillow back the last time, siewhung purposely went to buy another Akemi Gingko pillow for me. This time is the correct one... wid the gingko leaves smell on the new pillow. nb said he actually planned to give it to me today, so tat he can use the pillow last nite.... arghh... i don wan my pillow to haf 'tuko' smell boh.... hee....

He really wanted me to have tat pillow, hoping tat it can help to cure my frequent migraines & headaches. So sweet of him, but need to trouble the others to bring such a big gift back for me. KC, nb told me u got 'curi-curi' hug my pillow ar.....
anyway, thanks to all my piggies frens for the trouble, and i'm glad that u all had a wonderful time! How i wished i could had been there!


my birthday 2006

Today is my birthday... how old am i??? 18 forever... wahahaha
Well, though my birthday is today, I'd oledi been celebrating it for the past 2 days. Feel very grateful and really thanks to all my frens around me who luv me so much, as well as those frens who are faraway who tot of me. I really feel special, getting so much attention from everyone. Even when i went to bed last nite, past midnite, i was beaming to myself on my bed. Hee.... so silly!

Birthday Celebration Part 1

17th Oct, Tues ~ As usual i went for my dancing class at PowerMoves tonite. Wah... it was extremely tired, since i think we had been lagging behind, and not really put tat much effort in dancing lately. But tonite was different... everyone was so serious, and the class seems to be packed & lively since we haf 2 newcomers to join us tonite. Though i was really tired, I was glad tat i really exercised cox seldom sweat lately. renhao mentioned tat chikeng is really a good dance choreographer, cox she really pinpoint all the mistakes tat we made, and intend to 'catch' either our extra or lack of movements. Yes, I really admit tat she's good. After class, we had a little bday celebration... my bday celebration, to be more precise... hee.... and they sang me the bday songsssss, i cut the cake & we enjoyed our yummy cheese cake!

I think it shud be New York cheese cake... thank you dearest AH MA for ur effort and oso to all my dearest frens from PowerMoves, and thank you Ah Hian for ur bday wish tat sez "kuai gao zhang da"... haha... if really still can grow, well... i can grow a little taller lo, but i don wan to "zhang da" anymore lo.... i'm oledi very big-sized liao wor... heee... still "zhang da" somemore will be 'giant' lo among u guys!!!

18th Oct, Wed ~ Tonite mum & sis to bring me out for dinner. They wanna treat me for my bday. Actually they wanted to bring me out on 19th nite, but i told them i wont be free. So we all agreed on 18th nite. They asked me to pick a place for dinner, and i suggested the 'chao chu' (fry & cook) at RH Plaza, Old Siang Siang. Went there quite a few times wid frens b4, and it the price of the food was very reasonably priced. Didn't want to make a hole out of mum & sis's pockets, so i really juz wanted sth cheap for dinner as well as a get together wid my family. Actually eating out hadn't been a common practice in my family since young, and only lately when there are lesser family members at home, it'd been easier to find a suitable time for everyone to gather together and to eat outside. =)

Dinner was great, very reasonably priced and wid very satisfactory portion. We had 5 persons at the dinner table, and though we ordered meal portion for 4 persons, it was still quite a lot.

KC is back in Kuching tonite.... and we had all made plans of meeting up cum to celebrate my bday. Piang keep on saying tat she'll buy the 'mickey heads' (sounded like mice heads), and we went to the Taiwan Fried Chicken shop at Green Road for supper. Hee... they bought all the tartlets for me.. which are all so cute, and they sang me bday songs. Had a fun time hanging out wid the normal gang. Mek, nb, piang & KC... thanks for all ur effort, and HUGS... luv u all so much!

I got quite a few 'sms'es from those far from kuching, but still carry me in their hearts. Thanks for remembering & for minding to call. HUGZ.... it really made me feel special, and luv. Thanks emmy for ur wishes. Ur sms owest haf tat kind of 'magic' over my spirit!!!

19th Oct, Thurs ~ BIRTHDAY MORN!!! Woke up smelling some really nice aroma from the kitchen... wat can tat be??? Went downstairs to check it out, and found mum purposely cooking Foochow Mee Sua wid Red Wine for me! She even made hard-boiled eggs for me. Wah... i'm really happy! Thanks so much dearest mummy! Mum said she cooked the mee sua & eggs for breakfast, because i wont be having dinner at home tonite. Mummy is the best! =))
She reminded me to better not 'snail' tis morn, n to get dressed up earlier so i can enjoy my mee sua slowly. Haha.... i did! I rushed to take my bath, dressed up and am ready at 7.20am. I din know i can be tat fast if i really wanted to! Hehe...

Then at work, i received yunnyi's call. I was wondering in bed last nite why hadn't the gals called me. They owest do when it's my bday, and wid them having the heart to call me all the way from peninsular, it really mean a lot. Chatted quite a while on the fon wid yunnyi, and she said hiewming said she'll call me last nite to wish me happy birthday if she had managed to stay awake til midnite. Then tat mean hiewming had fallen asleep... haha... n i asked yi, how about urself le? u oso din call me at midnite, n she replied she too had fallen asleep. haha...
u know wat, i think all of us are getting a bit old liao lo... i don mean age. It's like we intend to get tired so easily, then be forgetful. szehau was even funnier, he was de first to greet me happy bday on 18th... n i replied saying thanks but my bday is on 19th. Wahahaha... n he said he tot tat nite was 19th. Cant blame him, he was on mc but still remember my bday is nearing... hee...

n i went out to pick up sth juz now, sth real sweet & thanks so much for ur effort. Though the journey is far, it hadn't felt tat far knowing ur intention. Thanks... HUGZ...

19th Oct, 1230pm - 2nd part of the day to be continued later...

Birthday Celebration Part 2

19th Oct, Thurs ~ Somewhere around 1645, i got a big surprise. Sylvia called me to go downstairs to pick up sth. What can tat be??? So i went downstairs n found out tat someone had sent me a big bouquet of red roses! Hee... so paisei but feeling very happy too. I never had ppl sending me flowers to my office before and, it was kind of embarassing. I remembered some of the gals in the office did received bouquets of flowers on Valentine's day b4... n it had made me wonder how would the feeling of receiving flowers in office be like? It was sweet, and when i carried my bouquet of flowers upstairs, everyone was commenting wat a nice bouquet it was. =) It was really beautiful, but i did feel tat it must cost a lot as well. I wondered too who can the sender be... but definately, of cuz, the person tat came across my mind was Siewhung. Haha... only he would do such a thing for me. He had juz reached Kuching around 1500pm, and had told me tat he'll be bringing me out for dinner at 7pm tonite.

He brought me to Carvery tonite. He had wanted to bring me there a few times oledi to try out the buffet. I had never tried the buffet at Carvery, and Siewhung had told me before tat it was nice when he went there wid his colleagues last time, and after tat he owest say he'll bring me there to try it's buffet, but for a few times tat we had went there, Carvery was owest close. Tonite, everything was beautiful. The environment at Carvery was fine, and it's food was superb. All the steaks & chops were heavenly. I love the salads as well. Perhaps i had too much meat lately, and i seems to be craving for salads n fresh veges, and the choices at the salad bar kind of satisfied my cravings for veges.

When we sat at our table, i find tat Siewhung was moving uncomfortably. I asked if he'd like to keep his wallet n handphone in my handbag, because i think wid all those bulky things in his pockets, he was unable to sit comfortably. He said it was okie so we enjoyed our dinner. Then halfway thru our dinner, he grabbed 3 small boxes out from his pockets, and place them on the table in front of me, and ask me to pick one. Hee.... there were 2 small black box and a bigger baby blue colour box. No wonder it was so hard for him to sit properly. I picked the middle box, and opened it up. It was a pair of diamond earrings... studs actually. I asked him if i can see wat's in the other 2 boxes as well, so he told me that they were all for me. In the other black box was a platinum chain with an extremely elegant longular-shaped pendant. The last blue box contained a bracelet... he said the lady from 'Lazo' gave him the bracelet for free when he purchased the necklace & earrings, and told him tat beads is in trend now. I took a closer look at the bracelet n found out tat the beads were of uneven sizes and shapes. I told him tat these r real pearls. He said it was Japanese pearls to be more precise. They were beautiful... and very sweet. He helped me to wear the chain around my neck, as i wasn't wearing any necklace tat nite. I had tot of putting on my other platinum necklace, but i changed my mind. =)

See lee 'sms'ed me somewhere during my dinner time, and Seng & Chaiyaw & Hiewming called. The last call was from hiewming, and i had known it was her even before i look at my fon. I knew she'd call, and i kind of sensed tat it was her. haha...
We drove around town, and sightseeing... seems like it had been quite long not touring around town wid siewhung. We used to do tat almost everynite last time, cox it was the only possible thing to do after he is done wid his job. We stopped by to buy some langsat, then stopped by at mek's house. After tat, we went straight home as it was oledi 2300pm and i hadn't cut my cake yet.

Siewhung bought me a blueberry cheese cake from Southern. Blueberry cheese is my favourite cake, but Southern's cake seems to be getting worse. There were actually more cream than cake. My youngest sis & mum & siewhung sang me bday song, and i cut the cake. Then we enjoyed our cakes. I was very, very full then so i juz took a small slice. After tat, we cleaned up and siewhung & i had a long talk tat nite. Hadn't really know how things were going on for him now. He also bought me a new Akemi pillow. It's very hard for me to find a right pillow, because i couldn't sleep wid pillow tat's too high. If the pillow is too high for me, i rather sleep without pillow. The other time i tried the goosefeather pillow at his hotel, and it was really so comfy tat i had such a nice sleep. So he promised to buy me a goosefeather pillow. The one he bought for me was a goosefeather pillow, with ginkgo leaves for therapeutic purpose, as i always have migraine & headaches. But when siewhung took out the pillow, he found out tat the pillow is juz ordinary goosefeather pillow and he was very angry. haha.... he carried the pillow all the way from KK to Kuching, and found out tat he had paid for a wrong pillow... but i told him tat it was alright. The goosefeather pillow was still comfy all the same... so although the price differ quite a lot, i understand his effort.

We looked thru a lot of our old photos, back in our schooldays. It was funny to see how much things had changed and also the ppl around us had changed. I knew the most funny part was when siewhung commented about peishan... saying "huh?? so tis is how peishan looks like previously? so different!!!" I was laughing so loud though it was past midnite then. if peishan read this, she'll put her favourite 'angry-faced' icon here.

I had a wonderful birthday. Feel as if a lot of magic had gone from our relationship due to a lot of factors. But tonite, everything had seemed to be back to how it had once been like for us... bringing back sweet memories. I know how much he is wiling to do for me, and i felt contented n oso feeling sorry at the same time, for all tat i had deprived him of. Hopefully my birthday wish this year will be fulfilled! Last year's bday wish hadn't came true... maybe i was asking for sth hard to be accomplished, but tis year, i hadn't been greedy n i juz made a simple wish. =) Hopefully it will be fulfilled this year!

Memories of my b'day 2006!


burp :">

I'd juz took one&half piece of KFC Hot & Spicy Chicken. Hee... paisei.... actually i shudn't be taking heaty food anymore since i hadn't really recover yet. But i really feel like eating it, and sis oso feel so tempted when i asked her if she's thinking of KFC. so i decided to give her a treat, as well as myself. Hee...

Last Thurs was like hell for me. Haze in Kuching was pretty bad lately, and the weather really cause a lot of ppl to be sick. On Thurs nite i had to ask mum to help me 'gua-sha'... my world seems to be spinning around & around. Having to stare at the monitor at work, really makes me feel even more sick! Well, Mooncake Fest tis year is pretty ordinary... juz like another normal day, juz tat we'd more dishes to eat than usual. Seems like most kids staying indoors, avoiding de haze i guess.

Sat was my final English Advanced Presentation Class.... glad tat i'd scored pretty well for my presentation. =) Proud of myself... if andrea hadn't deducted 5 marks for not informing her beforehand about my topic, i'd haf scored 94%. I had never tot i'd do so well.... haha... for few seconds up in front of the class, i kinda lost my words!

Tis morn I had a SURPRISE! haha.... Early morn i went down to Holiday Inn to get a CD which contain my Cambodia trip's photo from yunnyi's fren, who happened to be in Kch. Then i passed the birdnest tat karhooi wanted to yi's fren, so tat ah yi can pass to karhooi later. After tat piang & me had promised mek to haf breakfast at Kenyalang. Mek said got a place in Kenyalang the kolo mee not bad... so we went to have our breakfast there. After breakfast, we went back to mek's place... then the gals handed me a gift, saying it's my bday gift. I was like "Huh... why so early????"
and mek say... because we r afraid u might wanna use it before ur bday. okie... then i was figuring out wat in the world can tat be???

When i opened my gift, i saw tat it was a photo frame... n it was designed very beautifully wid my fave 'forever-friends' bear bear pic all over, n oso the pic of our geng of frens. I was so touched. Mek is so good at doing all these stuff, nice decorated hand made stuffs, n oso surprises... then i looked carefully again, i saw tat there were money rolled neatly into tiny rolls and oso a voucher. It was a hair-do voucher, and valid only until my bday. So i was thinking maybe this is the reason why they had given me the voucher earlier, so tat i can use it while it's still valid. Then i asked them, so where is the saloon??? How come no address of the saloon???

Mek was giggling while she tell me.... did u see the voucher clearly?? If it's a real voucher, then why r we still giving u the RM280??? Hmm... actually i was thinking the voucher is real, but only a registration voucher, then u still need to pay when u go to 'tat' saloon. How funny my thinking was, but i really tot tat way. Somemore i was thinking too RM280, the exactly same price as the saloon i asked for before.... how come they can get a saloon which offers exactly the same price??? ??? ???

I admit I was real slow TODAY... n blur... n finally when i get the joke cum surprise, i really couldn't stop laughing n beaming all over. I felt so touched by their sincerity... so paisei la, they must be thinking this ah ying, as long as watever we can give her to 'beautify' herself, she'll be sure damn happy! Hahaha...
Luv u guys a lot! Thanks so much for all the effort n the sincerity. U all are the best! but honestly, i really feel paisei lo... maybe i keep on complaining about money lately, and seems like i'm initiating u all wat i wanted for bday!
But really, thanks so much.... luv u all a lot lot lot!!! MUAH MUAH MUAH.... HUGZ HUGZ HUGZZZZZZ............