
kuching-ites' Fate???

Will the wave of revolution sweep across this land of Hornbill???
After the election on last Sat, many had yet to overcome the shock of the result as the state had manage to send "5 rockets" shooting into the sky! Can it be considered as a call for celebration or a time to start fearing for the worse???

"Some had described that the chinese commnunity had made a choice out of sentiments. External factors that could have contributed to the SUPP's poor showing in predominantly-Chinese constituencies included land matters, the fuel price rise and even the wrong choice of candidates..." as quoted from The Star, dated 24th May 2006.

City South Mayor Chan Seng Kai had also announced his resignation. All this while the post of city south mayor had been appointed to chinese leaders. Who will step forward now to accept this challenge? Will it still be a representative from the chinese community???

Many had questioned the revolution that is bound to take place. Had the people made a correct choice and will it really benefit the poor??? These are the people's choice, for the people themselves. Hopefully in the 5 years to come, Kuching can still remain as how it is now if it's not in the tracks of prospering.

No matter what, the choice had been made. All the Sarawakians, or more specifically Kuchingites, can look forward to now is something which we had hoped SUPP could have done for the chinese community before this. Hopefully all the newly selected representatives will be able to serve the community as how we expect them to.

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