
a new week!

today is the start of a new week. So sien... monday is here again n weekend is a long way to go. But luckily for this week we only need to work 3 days, since Gawai hols will be here on Thurs and Fri! Yippee!

Last weekend, on Sat, i went to fix my hair. I spent almost 6 hours there! I went at 9am in the morning... once the saloon opened, i barged in! Wanted to be the first customer as weekend owest a lot customer at de saloon. Who knows... colour, n hilight... oso finish at 230pm le.. 'geng' le... i sat til my backbone almost snapped! I spent RM250 last Sat... since oledi quite broke, really quite a big sum to be spent lo! but 'bo pian' lo, my hair like grass wor.....

Then on Sun, as usual i go for my dance class. We are practicing a new dance to perform on one of my fren's wedding. din finished practicing yet... wonder if we'll haf enuf time to finish it before her wedding lo. hopefully so...
new dance again... hee.... something to look forward to for myself!



Today i'll introduce a very special character in my blog. He's not a patchwork-bear, not a forever-friend bear, but a ...........

Isn't he cute??? Indulging in his cup of coffee.......
How i wish i can have a cup now. I'm damn sleepy... *yawn* *yawn*...
Be careful Taz... don't you dare to harm any of my bears! >:D<


kuching-ites' Fate???

Will the wave of revolution sweep across this land of Hornbill???
After the election on last Sat, many had yet to overcome the shock of the result as the state had manage to send "5 rockets" shooting into the sky! Can it be considered as a call for celebration or a time to start fearing for the worse???

"Some had described that the chinese commnunity had made a choice out of sentiments. External factors that could have contributed to the SUPP's poor showing in predominantly-Chinese constituencies included land matters, the fuel price rise and even the wrong choice of candidates..." as quoted from The Star, dated 24th May 2006.

City South Mayor Chan Seng Kai had also announced his resignation. All this while the post of city south mayor had been appointed to chinese leaders. Who will step forward now to accept this challenge? Will it still be a representative from the chinese community???

Many had questioned the revolution that is bound to take place. Had the people made a correct choice and will it really benefit the poor??? These are the people's choice, for the people themselves. Hopefully in the 5 years to come, Kuching can still remain as how it is now if it's not in the tracks of prospering.

No matter what, the choice had been made. All the Sarawakians, or more specifically Kuchingites, can look forward to now is something which we had hoped SUPP could have done for the chinese community before this. Hopefully all the newly selected representatives will be able to serve the community as how we expect them to.


boring Tuesday!

It'll be half an hour more before it's lunch time for me. Hmm... on a working day, lunch time will be at 1pm. As usual I'd brought some food from home. Saves me the trouble of having to drive out and thinking what to eat, and most important of all it helps me to save some money!

This month i'm quite tight. Perhaps i'd been over spending and seems like i keep on being in debt. But luckily the end of the month is coming, so that mean my pay will be out soon. Hmm... i'm thinking of putting aside some money for myself to get a haircut, and fix my terrible looking hair now! I'm so pathetic looking now... i really need to fix my hair.

am being quite sleepy and tired whole morning. Sigh... it's only tuesday today and the weekend is still a long way to go. But for me, weekend is oso almost the same. Nothing special to do except juz lazing around at home and sleep and eat and sleep some more and eat some more. Humphh..... so meaningless!

I'd juz added the AdSense advert from Googles but i really don't know how to use it. Seems like if i need to remove it from my site, i still need to wonder how to do it. I'm still so blur about it's function. Wonder if it'll really benefits someone...

Since my blog is still quite empty, I've decided to upload some of my fave things here before i can get my hands on any other more meaningful photos concerning my daily encounters. This bouquet of 'bears' is something which i find to be very, very sweet.

But such a bouquet would definately cost quite a sum of money. Anyway, at least i can share the picture here in my blog! Hee..........


ShocKinG Saturday for SUPP!

Sarawak's State election was scheduled on last Saturday, May 20th. On this morning, I'd went to work as an polling agent at one of the spot destined to serve as a polling station. Everything had seemed to be within control, being totally new to the 'political voting world', i'd managed to gather some useful information concerning our duty as a citizen. Many had come forward to cast their vote, and even the crippled and those having other movement difficulties, had come forward. For once I'd felt myself to be such an irresponsible citizen as i'd never bothered to register myself for any coming election. Seeing such a scenario, I realised youngsters nowadays had not bothered to make a change concerning any dissatisfaction they hold against the society, but instead only stood aside to complain. Hadn't they realised that action is still stronger than words????

Perhaps this is wat had really happened in the Swak State election this time. SUPP had lost most of its seats in the capital of Sarawak. They had lost 4 seats out of 5 contested chinese-majority seats in Kuching area. The result was shocking to almost every Chinese in Swak. It'd been an unexpected loss for the SUPP. The news had labeled the scenario as a 'Chinese revolt' against SUPP, and many had commented that they had sensed tat something was amiss even before the election in Swak. SUPP had always been a strong party in BN, supporting the welfare of the Chinese society of Swak. It's not right to refer to this situation as a chinese revolt against the SUPP. No matter what, citizens has the right to fend for their own welfare... the issue hilighted from The Star dated 22ndMay saying... " Party leaders appeared to have lost the courage to stand up against the state Barisan's top leadership on various issues, like the extension of leases for residential and commercial land, and high lease renewal premiums that affected urban Chinese "... could not have been any clearer of how most of the citizens of Swak are feeling.

Citizens of normal wages had not much to hope for, other than a promising future for their children and of course a shelther for ourselves, which is best described as 'a roof over our heads'. This isn't sth too much to ask for, as its only human's nature to want to have the best assurance for ourselves. Life is getting harder and harder day by day. Hopefully the government will understand the pressure it's citizens are facing, and will come to realise that there is clearly unhappiness over issues of governance. The impact of the election this time should be clear enough to once again remind our leaders of the people's welfare!