
'lao huang kua' ~ Old Cucumber Soup

Last nite as we were shopping at Likas Servay, i went to get a pack of Sayur Manis or better known as 'su zai chai'. Tat'll be one of the dish for our dinner tonite. Then i saw this old cucumber and it reminded me of my mum. When i called back a few days ago, she said she couldn't find any old cucumber or 'lao huang kua' in Kuching. So the next time i go back Kuching, she reminded me to get her 2cucumbers. Mummy is so cute... tis really made me giggled on the phone. Tat time when we went to KL, she tasted the 'lao huang kua' soup when we ordered for Jayden's dinner and instantly my mum love the soup. She said tat it's very refreshing and can help to reduce body heat. ;)) So til today, she wanted very much to try to boil the soup on her own. Don worry mummy, i'll get u those old cucumbers when i go back Kuching early Sept!

I never tried boiling this soup before, although i think i might know the simple process of it. Tat's to dump all the ingredients inside the slow cooker and let it boil. I tot of searching for the recipe on the net first, but when we get home after following hubby to do his chores tis morning it was already running late. So i wash n cut the cucumber and dumped all the ingredients inside.... the chicken and red dates. I always think tat it's nicer to use bony pork or 'bak kut' to boil soup cox pork juz gif u tat stronger taste in soup. But i'll haf to do with chicken here cox we hardly buy any pork here in KK. So my soup....

And to share the recipe which i got from the net... Old Cucumber Soup from Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food Next time i'll try to add some dried scallops. My boy boy juz love to drink soup as much as i do... for although i'm a 'banana', i'm still a very pure Chinese. ;))

Oh... another additional items.... pineapples! Can u believe tat tis is one whole pineapple??? I think it shud be lar. I kept on pestering my hubby to buy me pineapples and finally he bought me one. I do love pineapples, sweet ones of cuz. So finally, pineapples as my afternoon snack. I think pineapple is one of the greatest fruit there ever was, cox it goes extremely well with a lot of drink especially cocktail. I know for sure Mek hated this fruit... and even if she sees tis pic, she'll start to shiver with fear! =))


wat is wrong?!?!

Is there something wrong wid young couples nowadays??? Last Sat, i received a shocking news which really troubled me very much. I juz knew tat darling Mek was finally conceived and i was so happy for her tat i blurted out a happy congrats to her in msn, only to find out minutes later tat she had had a miscarriage a few days ago! It was shocking for none of us expected it to happen. Sigh! Miscarriages again.....

After my own experience; whenever friends asked me about a 2nd child, i'd came out clear with them about what happened. From there i have had lots of frens sharing wid me their own experience, and honestly u won't haf friends sharing these types of news with you unless if they are wiling to let u know. Surprisingly, the number of friends tat experienced miscarriages before are abundant. This really got me asking about why and why more. Sigh!

What is wrong wid humans nowadays? Is it really so hard to conceive healthily?? It is really very sad for anyone to haf to go through such an experience. It is cruel and hurting, and sometimes you wonder what have u done wrong to deserve all this. Like what Emmy told me before in her comment, we can plan but still God is the one who order our steps.

"I recognize my lost child is in His caring hands for all eternity..." This is a verse i got from a special prayer for special needs, and i'd like to share wid my fellow sisters who experienced similar experience, no matter wat religion you might be. Darling Mek, you must be strong again. Like i said, it's alright to cry and it's alright to mourn. Give yourself some time but after the mourning period, we must once again get up and be strong. The most wonderful thing about this world is there is still HOPE. Often it takes a misfortune to remind us of how fortunate we are. It wouldn't always be rainy days... and i have FAITH!