Today is the 3rd of April. Yesterday, 2nd April 2008, grandma had passed away. I was talking on the fon wid mum around noon time, and she was telling me how serious grandma’s condition was then. It’d happened quite a few times lately when they thought grandma couldn’t make it anymore. At times she’ll be unconscious, or half unconscious and mumbling about the dead ones and how soon she’ll be seeing them. Just 3 months ago, my 3rd uncle or ‘3 jiu-jiu’ had passed away. And now… it’s grandma’s turn. When there was an incoming call while I was talking to mum on the fon, i juz had an unexplainable feeling and I urged my mum to answer the call immediately, and I’ll call her back later. Was it perfect timing, bcoz mum was at the part where she was telling me how bad grandma’s condition was and then there was an incoming call.
Mum actually called to let me ‘face her music’… (her scoldings!). On Mon, I’d carelessly let ah den fell off the bed. I remembered placing him in the middle of the bed at one end, and gave him his water bottle before I went off to prepare his porridge. I admit I had my back to him all the while, which was a really silly thing to do, and I was assuming he wouldn’t be rolling tat fast. The next instance there was a thud on the carpeted floor, and there he was lying on his side and looking shockingly at me. Then he wailed out loudly. Sigh… my mistake… he can really roll over very fast now! So now we are all sleeping on mattresses, and no more bed!
When mum called yesterday, I knew she would most probably nagged me cox I’d told sis about ah den’s 2nd fall and I guessed she’s had let mum know. When mum called me back after our interrupted conversation, she told me tat grandma’s gone. My thought was blank. She’d been suffering for so long, so perhaps it was the best for her. How short life seems to be, and how fragile it is. You never know what’s going to happen tomorrow.
In life, there will always be some things that will forever remind us of the ppl around us, no matter how little or how meaningless it can be for others. Piang was telling me the other day how much she missed the moments when we went to beach together, and ngeebang was saying he wants to go for “wo mei cui” session wid me when I’m back in kuching. =)) Those were some of the moments I missed so much too! I juz want to let them all know tat I always, always miss them very much. Wat are the little things I meant tat’ll owest remind me of someone… it’s like when
(a) u see a sheep/goat/lamb or even when u eat lamb chops, u’ll think of Mek Mek.
(b) u eat Tong Garden Honey Peanuts, u’ll think of Cassandra.
(c) u haf chocolate/cheese cakes or Hello Panda biscuits, u’ll think of Piang.
(d) u drink Brand’s Chicken Essence, u’ll think of Peishan.
(e) u see beer, u’ll think of Kiang.
(f) u come across Coca Cola can, u’ll think of Ngeebang.
(g) u think of oat, u’ll think of Hiewming.
(h) u play cracked pc games, u’ll think of Yunnyi.
and soooo much more…